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I know I'm just a girl, and obviously not that bright... because I don't get it.

1. Why must you get more power? More speed in order to max out your i-net connection? Christ, most people computers can't LOAD fast enough to use it.

2. What is the obsession with overclocking a computer that is already further advanced than most everything on the market, when the rest of technology can't meet those specs either?

it's like ... HD tv in the 80's. NO-ONE broadcasted at that range, but damn, we had one... WHY, WHY WHY WHY!???

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I know I'm just a girl, and obviously not that bright... because I don't get it.

Never underestimate yourself - women are superior to men in everything but physical strength - and after all you are hanging out here right?

1. Why must you get more power? More speed in order to max out your i-net connection? Christ, most people computers can't LOAD fast enough to use it.

I wonder about this myself - I am using a 6 yr old 300mhz laptop and pages load instantly.

2. What is the obsession with overclocking a computer that is already further advanced than most everything on the market, when the rest of technology can't meet those specs either?

it's like ... HD tv in the 80's. NO-ONE broadcasted at that range, but damn, we had one... WHY, WHY WHY WHY!???

Because it can be done


If you only do word processing, web browsing and emailing, your actual sistem will do the job, computing power is for graphic intensive applications, multi tasking and especially gaming, for this last one you will need power.


If you only do word processing, web browsing and emailing, your actual sistem will do the job, computing power is for graphic intensive applications, multi tasking and especially gaming, for this last one you will need power.


I run an online radio station with 4 live streaming chats, and I listen as well, therefore I am constanly uploading, downloading, streaming and have 27 open active YIM, AIM, and internet wondows open...

Why would I mess with that? It all works!

But I can game on it, Doom is loaded as well as Castle Wolfenstein and The Matrix, all 3 online games that I have played and so has my husband WHILE we stream.

oh yeah - 3ds max and cool edit as well

I know I'm just a girl, and obviously not that bright... because I don't get it.

1. Why must you get more power? More speed in order to max out your i-net connection? Christ, most people computers can't LOAD fast enough to use it.

2. What is the obsession with overclocking a computer that is already further advanced than most everything on the market, when the rest of technology can't meet those specs either?

it's like ... HD tv in the 80's. NO-ONE broadcasted at that range, but damn, we had one... WHY, WHY WHY WHY!???

a lot of people overclock just to get the most bang for their buck.


2.  a lot of people overclock for economical reasons.  why buy a 3.0GHz processor for $300 when you can get a 2.4GHz for $190 and overclock it to 3.0GHz

I guess cuz people do not want to spend that $110 dollars on new cooling systems or if they don't buy one, they would consider that $110 kind of like an insurance towards system stability and protection against unexpected home fires :D

I guess cuz people do not want to spend that $110 dollars on new cooling systems or if they don't buy one, they would consider that $110 kind of like an insurance towards system stability and protection against unexpected home fires :D

an extra fan is 10 bucks

i for one never got the purse thing

i cary the whole world in my pockets

digital camera, Wallet(by the way my wallet is an altoids box), my mp3 player tons of pens and pencils,my cologne and deroderant, a book or magazine for when i get bored and a game boy some plastic utensials( why i dont know im peranoid), tons of mints (2 altoids boxes without the one i made into a wallet and icebrackers), gum oh and a multi screwdriver plus my thumb drive

See i can carry all that in my pockets

so y do you guys need purses for?

I know I'm just a girl, and obviously not that bright... because I don't get it.

1. Why must you get more power? More speed in order to max out your i-net connection? Christ, most people computers can't LOAD fast enough to use it.

2. What is the obsession with overclocking a computer that is already further advanced than most everything on the market, when the rest of technology can't meet those specs either?

it's like ... HD tv in the 80's. NO-ONE broadcasted at that range, but damn, we had one... WHY, WHY WHY WHY!???

various reasons...most people want more power/speed in their computers just to say that they have more power/speed lOL - even if it's way over the limit of useable ;)

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