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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2013 in all areas

  1. nanobot

    Windows 8 Craptop

    This is why I use Unix. Kthxbai. In all seriousness, I have Windows 8 on my Laptop and have had NO issues whatsoever. The problems you had must have been unique to the manufacturer, or device. My laptop came with Windows 7 and I upgraded to Windows 8, so it's even more sketchy. I also use Ubuntu on the same laptop, but it's time to upgrade that as well. Thanks, EBrown
    1 point
  2. SlowFreddy

    Windows 8 Craptop

    Why do PC's rule the business world and the personal computer world..? My Dell laptops have done a great job, even the 2002 still works great, of course it's obsolete by today's standards. I like changing hardware and software on my desktops ^several PC brands) just for the experimentation kick, and I'm just your averaged user, not a geek (no pun intended). Seems some Apple users have a 'one track' mindset, or they are so technically inclined they disregard the PC as solid and functional. The PC made the computer World (Microsoft and Intel) and brought Apple along with it. I may own an Apple someday, but my first choice is the 'top' of the line Alienware machine..Apple doesn't excite me, like a PC does.. if you want a Cadillac work-horse,,get an Apple, you pay the price, ..if you want a work-horse, get a PC, and have some fun. PS. this is a friendly chat, and by any means is not to diminish any computer owners preference.. have a good day!....
    1 point
  3. Pgoodwin1

    Windows 8 Craptop

    IMHO nobody makes better computers/OS than Apple. I've used them since 1988. And every one I've ever had was a fantastic machine that lasted for years problem free. And like you said, it just works. It hurts going to the office once a week (I'm retired now) and using the PC. And my wife's work Dell laptop she uses is only a year old, and it's just a so so laptop. Her 2006 MacBook Pro is still tooling along great. When you amortize the real costs of a Mac over a PC including OS updates, and security software costs for the PCs, the Macs are are a bargain when you price them with equivalent hardware.
    1 point
  4. mudmanc4

    Windows 8 Craptop

    Well it's true. I'm not sure what MS business plan is looking like, but I feel it's much more than pleasing their end users. And much closer to closing off and cornering a future market that most are not yet aware of.
    1 point
  5. CA3LE

    FIOS 75/35

    I wonder why you're getting that error. I've never seen or heard of that. Does anyone else see that? --- it's the same address you end up at when you do a download test... it's obviously not really missing. The multithreading currently only works with the download test... I know, the upload results while you have that turned on say otherwise... I just haven't had a chance to fix that. I'll be looking at rebuilding the upload test to allow multithreading soon. Seems like bandwidth shaping is becoming common practice. Using the two testing methods can help users discover this about their connections. I still believe that your true download speed is the speed rated by TMN's default, classic method... multithread is nice to know the capabilities of the connection but the linear load (as I guess I'm calling it) is a better judge of the real download speed you could expect to see in a normal transfer. Many issues that slow users down are often masked by multithreading, so I plan on leaving the linear method as default. ... 85.5 Mbps down... very nice. Here's what I just got with the same test. And dude, my results with the upload test suck too. But unfortunately it's the truth. I look at the activity monitor and see that I peaked twice as high as that number during the test. But if you look at the entire transfer from start to finish... the number output by TMN is totally on the money. It sucks, but you have to take the entire result into consideration. I started at 200 kB/s, 600 kB/s, 800 kB/s, 1 MB/s, 2.2 MB/s .... that's just the numbers I saw come in on a 2 second polling... average them... I arrive at 960 kB/s. Trust me, TestMy.net's calculation is much more precise that averaging the 2 second polling off my network controller. ... I don't like the numbers it tells me sometimes either, but they're always accurate. Sometimes I get better upload speed on this connection... Realize that the end time of the test come before that /results address is executed. By that time your score already calculated and about to be logged to the database... any lag will not effect the outcome. Furthermore, the end time calculation is server-side. As soon as the transfer is complete and that part of the program starts to execute... the calculation is actually done. It might say calculating on your screen but trust me, once you see that... it's already done microseconds earlier and nothing can change the result. ... in the past it was an issue, I rewrote it since. My aim in the rebuild of the upload speed test is do bring the TiP system into the upload results and finally add a progress bar. I think once you can see the details of how the data flowed during the test, the minimum speed, maximum and middle average... it will open some eyes as to why the scores here are so harsh. ... it evaluates everyone the same... if there is a problem with it, me and other people wouldn't post some of the insane scores we do... also realize that the transfer file size maxes out at only 33MB, once that size is raised the accuracy for faster connections is raised. ... Many people hosting online video streaming use the upload test here because they say it's a quick and accurate gauge of the true maximum upload bandwidth potential in a video stream. They take the number output by TMN and adjust their stream just below that and it works perfectly for them. That way they get the highest quality their connection can handle. ... they tell me that other tests out there can't be relied upon. So it must be doing something right.
    1 point
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