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Everything posted by dn0

  1. :haha: Juicy Coutre is the jpg name.......nice.
  2. Sounds like the Goa'uld (geek alert). Could you imagine; Grandma and Grandpa are celabrating there 900th Anniversary. What crazy element would one use to celebrate that one?
  3. And the reason I caught it was because it sounded like exactly what I needed to fix the Firefox memory problem I have on my home PC. I have two work notebooks on which I use FF daily, and they have no memory problem whatsoever. I can't find any difference in any setting on any of the 3. edit: FF process at 102,000K and climbing.......
  4. Thanks for trying ninjageek. Maybe it is a false positive, but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.
  5. I did not see anything until I tried to run the executable. Hmmm.
  6. THANKS DUDE!!!!!!! for the attempted Trojan implant...... According to AVG, anyways. I would remove that file ninjageek. Although it would be nice to find a prog like that that actually works. FF on my machine will build up to 300,000K + before I have to shut the browser down and restart it.
  7. Welcome to the forum. I am assuming you are looking for a laptop? Are you also looking for wireless internet service?
  8. Welcome to the forum, ECSCOM. From what I know about dual WAN routers, you will not necessarily get twice the speed. The reason for this is that when you are running a speed test, you are downloading from one single source. Your PC is only able to make one connection at a time to any one single source. So if you have 2 seperate WAN connections at your location (i.e. 2 modems, or 2 ds1's), the single download will only run on one at a time. And on a side note - CAPS LOCK = YELLING! Not a big deal, but it is more polite to use only lower case if you don't like using the shift button. Someone will probably come along and explain this dual WAN thing better than I can, hopefully. And, once more, WELCOME TO THE FORUM. (sorry, I am kidding with you)
  9. Be safe all in Southern California. I found that the live feed from your local Fox station works better for me if you paste the link directly to, or open it with Windows Media Player instead of through the web page. http://mfile.akamai.com/23073/live/reflector:34194.asx?prop=n
  10. Source: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/19/cyber.threats/index.html
  11. Maybe there is a bad bushing in there. But it does not sound good to me.....
  12. That must be it; but if you stop and think, you can hear the same octaves again every time you replay it.
  13. 100% agree with Teddy on that one. By the way, and hopefully slightly on topic, I was curious about that deal the other day about the non-American that flew the Mexican Flag above the US flag at a restaurant, I believe, and I found this on the laws of our land: Pretty straight forward and easy to understand to me. I did not need to look this up, it is common freakin' sense. If I, God forbid, had to move to someone else's country, then I could not be either arrogant or ignorant enough to place the US Flag over theirs. Source: http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title4/chapter1_.html And, more specifically: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_usc&docid=Cite:+4USC7 EDIT, just found a video about the Flag incident: http://www.break.com/index/veteran-cuts-down-mexican-flag.html
  14. Everything outdoors. Camping, fishing, boating. This is just North of the Sun Valley Ski area, by about an hour. The lake is beautiful, 5 miles long about a mile wide and 300 feet deep surrounded by the Sawtooth Mountains. Below is a photo from the a spot called Galena Summit on the way to Redfish Lake. The lake would be in the right center of this photo.
  15. Simple photo from trip to central Idaho; It's Redfish Lake if anyone has ever been there.
  16. Figured it out. Somehow I had blocked the smilies with Adblock Plus. Now they work. Have a nice day.
  17. Hmm, sorry TMama, I opened TMN up in IE and the smileys work fine, but in Firefox, they don't for me. It very well could be a major malfunction on my end, of course, today is one of those days... Will try clearing cache, etc...
  18. No mercy here.... (smileys are broken)
  19. Thanks, CA3LE, running smooth on my end now. Happy to see you around again, be sure you hold on to those leftover painkillers. You want them for a rainy day.
  20. dn0


    Smokey and the Bandit. Or BJ and the Bear. Or Jake and the Fat Man. Starsky and Hutch. Simon and Simon. (tuff, but a good one) Crocket and Tubbs (favorite). How many people here would know all of these pairs if there was not a recent movie remake of some of the originals?
  21. Ouch...I'll bet the dump he took in his drawers were the least of his worries since he was still alive. Good story.
  22. I am scheduled for another recertification (5 or 6 now) in a couple weeks. Work pays for it once a year, and I will gladly sit through that class. Have not had to use it, fortunately, but I want to be prepared.
  23. That looks allot better..... Pings look better, but the speed could use some work.
  24. Hey Jeff, glad to see your back, get yourself healed up. And I agree with FallowEarth, need to bypass that router, it should be an almost unmeasurable ping for hop 1, say <1ms.
  25. Try this link, it has some photos of the guy sitting there after the crash. I can't find the video that CNN is showing, though. http://cbs4.com/slideshows/local_slideshow_264150301
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