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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. What you have to do is go to left top of screen and click icon c:, then click on edit which brings up next screen where you will select all, go back up and select copy, then on your desktop make a new text document and paste the results there, now exit and save and when you need to post results here copy and paste from the saved text file on your desktop. This is a common problem and this is a work around that has worked for everyone else.....good luck and if you have problems doing this let us know and will try and talk you thru it..... Microwave
  2. Yep 4me COX~HSI is the only way to go.....this is my normal speeds although sometimes faster, but I'm real happy with this, but yours is really nice...... And welcome to the site and tell your friends about TESTMY.NET............... Microwave :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4856 Kbps about 4.9 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 593 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sun Jan 30 14:13:32 MST 2005 Bottom Line:: 87X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.73 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-LOF24PE9C :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 506 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Upload Speed is:: 62 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sun Jan 30 14:15:00 MST 2005 Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 16.52 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-G02U645KT


    Very nice .s1 Microwave
  4. Exactly, but I thought it was just me....... This looks great 4me... Microwave
  5. Yep that will do it, mail being on a secure server, good I'm glad you go it fixed......keep visiting Microwave
  6. Your computer has the guts to go faster but I think your ISP is stopping you, at 3Mbps you should be able to get 90% of that but if the ISP isn't giving you all your bandwidth then you just wont go faster DSL reports that your setup is OK so that leaves your ISP..... I have my system set at the same numbers as you do and changing them has no effect on speed but does slow down web page loading at least 4me it does. on this puter it may be possible to get a little more we shall see....... good luck Microwave
  7. You could try a tracert and see what you get!! thats not gonna fix it but it can give you more info and may steer you in a direction Microwave
  8. Or at least one of the disciples......... Microwave
  9. Hey I got one of those too, good thing it wasnt my money or I would have been pissed..... L0L Microwave
  10. No I love R.C riding I just haven't been on one in a long time and the one I like when I was a kid I cant remember the name of it.....L0L I guess when ya get old the first thing to go is the memory.....and I cant remember what the other things are.....(lame) ha ha I did rid the one in L.V. but that was a while back....... Microwave
  11. Ididnt realize how hard the other color was for us old folks 2c until I saw the new one...L0L Very nice IMHO the best one yet but they just keep getting better as they always have. This is insane I really like this layout and I'm not squinting 2c.....very kewl... Microwave
  12. This is testing with 582 ppl on.... Microwave :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4826 Kbps about 4.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 589 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sat Jan 29 16:59:22 MST 2005 Bottom Line:: 86X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.74 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-UJPWOS0CN

    help please

    I have seen this b4 AOL does many strange things, it may depend on the O.S. you are using and the Ver of IE. You could try to empty everything in IE , like history,, temp Internet files, even your pre-fetch files, something that will get rid of everything very easy is MRU Blaster and you can check what you want to do. If none of that works you may have to un-install IE and re-install, you will need a special file to do that so if you get that far let us know and we can find them 4u.....good luck Microwave
  14. Nothing now thanks Microwave
  15. helloimtim no he is no longer associated with the site! Microwave
  16. I am also one that believes that SP2 causes problems for many ppl, there was a lot of press in the beginning about this but later it was written that the problems have been solved, Its funny to me that cable nut writes about the benefits of a "tweak" that ppl had been doing b4 SP2,... although I believe that all the problems with SP2 can be solved, for a person that is computer savvy,...... what about the general population that just wants to install something and not have to mess with it? Of course I don't think Sp2 causes irreparable damage to a system, I just don't see a great advantage either.As with so many issues with computers or any thing....... there are always at least two sides of the issue, each computer user must make a decision as to which way to go, I do know that there wasn't all this discussion when Sp1 came out. No matter which way a user goes I believe that if the proper steps are taken it is p[possible to do your Internet browsing with or without Sp1 or Sp2, the only 100% guaranteed security for any computer is to lock it up in a closet and your security can be assured. The only problem is you cant use it, as with any decision I make I listen to both sides and make my choice, and if after a time I make another decision to change again I do.Thats why I'm glad I still have the freedom of choice even if I'm wrong, so flip a coin, talk to your friends and family, talk to your computer "specialist" and then decide..... remember ya can always change your mind at a later date. I have found it interesting that Sp2 has a built in feature to turn it off when it encounters a problem running something.For now I'm still running Sp1 until I think its time to change... Microwave
  17. Yes I have seen the same thing b4. it doesn't
  18. Good I'm glad that worked, and sorry we were so long helping you.......It is a global setting and OE comes defaulted that way, which is wrong IMO.One more issue that can come into play for instance I use OE, but my mail server is comming fro COX so I have to intergrate my settings to work with them and COX is an easy one to intergrate....... The real problem is that there is no one standard not only for this but everything, Oh well I guess if you use someones product you have to adapt it how they want.. I happen to like OE, although I have YehWhoo and Gmail and a few others.IMO AoHell is the worst,They make it almost impossible if you are using their account to get mail from another server,for instance my Uncle has COX and an AOL account for when he is on the road, but AOL even if you use IE corrupts the data so rarely Can he get his mail using his AOL account.......its just crazy, sorry being long winded..... L0L.... keep visiting and tell your friends about TESTMY.NET.... Microwave
  19. hehe............
  20. Do you mean CMD ? I'm not quite sure what your asking but cmd is first word typed b4 you go anywhere..... Unless you are trying to load a Dos pgm ? Need more info pls.... Microwave
  21. Yep it sure does 4me..... I'm not sure if that answers the question of if your crazy or not though... Microwave
  22. I am assuming that in your email settings for O.E under security you have un-checked the window that says Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could contain a virus ?? I have forgotten to remove this check many times and try and figure whats wrong ..... so just double check and let us know and we can try something else if you would like.... Microwave
  23. Need Speed ..L0L and I also think it will be better for ppl with low horse power if we use text links.of course images do look cool, but I feel the need for speed....hehe Microwave
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