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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. Im on AMC9 and during the day speeds are great. I think a lot of the SatMex problems come from the company that owns it not taking care of it. Going bankrupt doesn't help either LOL. Skyterra should buy the sat from them, and try to fix the problems...
  2. Speeds are dropping at night on most of the sats. Try the speed tests during the day tomorrow. Sounds to me like your installer was just trying to sell you more stuff. The 4000 modems are not the best. They do have the fastest downloads, but that is mostly due to them not having internal bandwidth controls like the 6000 and 7000 series. Uploads will be slower than a 6000 with a 4000. You could upgrade your dish and transmitter and keep the DW7000. I don't think it will be necessary. You do need to tell us what sat you are on. Hopefully they will work all these bugs out soon.
  3. I am experiencing the same pain that everyone else is feeling now. They are actually calling people on AMC9 to repoint them now. They say something is wrong with the sat. They did however just open up a new transponder on IA8, I think its 1330. Not sure though. Mine is very burst too. Only downloads seem affected.
  4. Upload will be even worse on the 4000. If you want better uploads you have 2 choices. Upgrade to 7000, or buy a .98m dish and 2 watt transmitter.
  5. TCP acceleration is only used when browsing the web.
  6. I think it would be a good, and profitable move if Dell would sell both brands. They would be satisfying 2 "tastes" of computer users. I for one love how dell builds easy to upgrade, and easy access cases. Barely any screws, and usually very spacey. That's if you buy a midtower model anyways. They definately need to keep the intel on the notebook models though. The Pentium M's are a step up from Turion's, even if they all don't support EMT64 IMO. We've been using Dell for years at ECU, and their warranty and support is far superior to IBM, HP, and Gateway, at least in the Higher Education sector.
  7. Thats also a burst speed.
  8. Hey fikester...I bet you end up on AMC9 1370, the default, and if so, you might still be disappointed lol. You're the only one I know on H1 though so I don't know how many there are having problems..... Mtal1ca: Have you tried resetting the modem? All it means is that the http proxy at the NOC isn't working. When you reset the modem, it might go to a different one....
  9. You can run registration on ANY satellite or transponder you wish, but when it commissions, you will be put on whatever one you are assigned. It would be really foolish for them to allow anyone at anytime to get on whatever satellite they wanted to. They have enough bandwidth control problems as it is. The SatMex satellite itself is having trouble lately, and has something to do with the company that owns it going bankrupt. I think SatMex 6 is supposed to launch this year but I don't know.
  10. Here is my theory. I don't think it's really that the Sat's are overloaded, because all of them have a set level (around 8000), but that the NOC is bottlenecking at night. I think that's where the real problem is. One way to find out is do a tracert to a popular website, and see if you see "lasvegas" in one resolved names. Mine used to always have it spelled out like that but just to see, lets all who are having problems post a trace to testmy.net Look at these terrible pings lol.... Tracing route to www.testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 * * * Request timed out. 4 1256 ms 729 ms 889 ms dpc67142142002.direcpc.com [] 5 1079 ms 1219 ms 1039 ms dpc67142131058.direcpc.com [] 6 829 ms 859 ms 859 ms dpc67142128138.direcpc.com [] 7 1169 ms 868 ms 1020 ms 8 928 ms 889 ms 889 ms 9 978 ms 1600 ms 919 ms s3-0-0.a1.hywr.broadwing.net [] 10 1228 ms 809 ms 1050 ms 11 1088 ms 759 ms 840 ms 12 849 ms 1659 ms 1510 ms ae-1-56.bbr2.SanJose1.Level3.net [] 13 1599 ms 889 ms 1659 ms ae-0-0.bbr1.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 14 1559 ms 1619 ms 1659 ms ae-13-53.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 15 1569 ms 1479 ms 1489 ms 16 1509 ms 1259 ms 1549 ms vl32.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 17 2188 ms 1679 ms 1639 ms vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 18 1158 ms 939 ms 1030 ms gi1-0-1.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [ 9] 19 987 ms 979 ms 949 ms 85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [ ] Trace complete.
  11. My speeds are aweful tonight, but its not the usual problem that most people have with the evening slowdowns. My connection is bad, and my uploads are suffering as well.
  12. Something was up with testmy, or at least the route from dway to testmy a little while ago...people who tested on the mydirecway site were fine...
  13. Hopefully it will go back to around 90. My RSL is always between 88 and 90, but my XPOL is always 68 to 70. Never had any problems though....
  14. Well, if we see the Panthers that played today, play next week, everyone better watch out.....
  15. I noticed your XPOL was 99 in your sig line. You might want to run it again, as an XPOL that high usually indicates an error.
  16. You can see it on the advanced screen. The option is called ACP statistics.
  17. 99 cross-pol is indicative of a error. There are a lot of people getting cross-pol's that high right now, and their uploads are suffering from it. The same thing happend a while back, and it seems to be happening again. I'm getting a cross-pol of 69, and my speeeds are great, for now. I had a slow down 2 nights ago (AMC9) similar to what everyone else is experiencing, except my uploads were bad too. Hasn't happend again....
  18. What model of router do you have?
  19. That answer means you don't have one lol. It would tell you on the system info page. If it says NAT IP address, that means you do NOT have a static IP. You'll have to look up how to change your router's default IP address to something else. Perhaps instead of
  20. The evening slowdowns are not the result of oversold transponders, but rather a problem at the gateways, or firmware issues. DWAY's peak usage hours are during business hours, around 8:00am to 6:00pm. That's when the big data movers on online. My speeds are going down now at night, and i'm on the new transponder. Dway needs to get their butt in gear and fix this crap. Also, don't expect either company to buy the other one out any time soon. Neither company has the cash to do that. The real advantage of WB's setup isn't really the dish, but the fact that the transmitter will increase power to 2Watts when it needs to punch through bad weather! Also, check out Wildblue.com. They have already changed the FAP policy again this year, effective March 1st. Those numbers seem to keep dropping! WB customers are starting to get pissed too. http://www.wildblue.com/legal/fair_030106.jsp
  21. Do you have service with a static IP, or what server level do u have?
  22. Interesting, Ive never had to log in once before using RDP. You can't just put in your username and password and log in remotely?
  23. this is why im not an early adopter..... he could buy a woomba (SNL skit)
  24. No reason to flame...Dlewis23 is just watching is butt because discussing ways to crack the "protection" on copyrighted material is looked down upon on this board....
  25. Im hoping that the Panthers (or at least the Panthers that beat the crap out of Atlanta twice) will show up to the playoffs and go the distance, but I think the SeaHawks will win it all this year..... Then again, as crazy as this season has been, the Bengals could even win.....
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