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Everything posted by Aggr3

  1. Suurrre....n/p
  2. Hold Ctrl.....and roll the wheel on your mouse....
  3. /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> Have a great one old boy.....maybe do something special today....like build a snowman...lol best to ya...Aggr3
  4. Somewhere in you user control panel....(for wildblue) it should show you that info... And having them on your computer isn't the problem...that's OK at this point...it's the downloading of it that gets ya. Here's a better example of it....bandwidth is whether or not you have signal for your phone. Threshold is the number of minutes that are left for the month/or on your card.
  5. Well.....with wildblue.......same as me....the only FIX is diffrent ISP provider or a more expensive package. As an example...I'm limited to 200M in a 24 hour period. A 5 min youtube clip is around 20M...so you see it adds up quickly..... Limit yourself.. And automatic software updates take their toll too....
  6. AHHHh.....well your bandwidth is the speed at which your connection operates at.... Your threshold is the amount of data that you are allowed to download before being penalized. That could be a daily limit (as is my case with Hughes) or it could be a monthly limit. I would guess you've been down loading a lot of songs/movies/or watching youtube clips.....those things will get ya.
  7. OK....so define major band width issues....got any speed tests....ping stats....any idea what normal is....would love to help maybe....if I can....but that's a pretty generic statement.... And welcome to the forum....
  8. Go to control center........then system info.....your looking for something like this........Longitude: 117 West
  9. Welcome to the forum Gemini_566 ....and be sure to say Hi to Roco....he's also from the UK..
  10. Go into your profile ...on this site....and under emails and notifications ....turn it off..
  11. I used to dabble a little with a web cam too.....but I think my FILES are a little too big to post here too...lol..
  12. Really.....I mean black monday is in two days.......and I can sit in the comfort of my own home and get the same ....if not better deals....and if the internet gets too crowded.........I'll wait a sec...lol
  13. Not to piss ya off......but I'm running normal..... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 939 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 1024 kB) Download Speed is:: 115 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2008/11/21 - 8:17pm Bottom Line:: 16X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 8.9 sec Tested from a 1024 kB file and took 8.938 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: 90% + Okay : running at 94.47 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ZMV95YH8P User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) [!]
  14. How about "Key Strokes" and you made it look like a tatoo right above some woman's ass.!!!
  15. I think he wears them so it don't slap his knee....
  16. Well......looks like ebonics to me.....part of the new english language... :haha: But hey.....what the hell do I know........I'm just stuck with them.........
  17. HEY NOW !!! leave my girl friend out of this...
  18. Well.....maybe Rumsfelt will run as an independant in Nov...
  19. YEAH !!!!! :headbang:
  20. Welcome front89.....hope you enjoy the forum.. And so tell us.....just how crappy are your speeds...lol Also there's a whole section on wildblue that may have some info for you in it...you can always use the search feature at the top of the page...
  21. Electro Static Discharge......on a 5 volt processor....only takes about 100 volts to destroy it...for a poke that you feel on a door knob....that's around 37,000 volts... So I guess your answer is...STATIC ....
  22. Conformal coating is a non-conductive clear coat that is applied to a circuit board that seals it from water or moisture.....the whole board will look like it's dipped in clear coat....usually used in outside applications that could become exposed to the elements....or in aircraft and marine use....
  23. Ok...per regulation....NEVER use more than 30 psi on any electronic device. Do so while being properly grounded to the equipment. If a brush is nessary to remove particles....use a .....you guessed it...plain old paste brush like from kindergarden...has a metal tube handle and horse hair bristles...thus preventing ESD from building up while in use....or just laying around. And.....the number one cleaning solvent to use...Denatured Alchol...might soften conformal coating on some boards...however I've never see any of that in a home computer. There you have it...in a nut shell. And remember....grounding is paramont...if you don't have an ESD strap....just lick both index fingers...and touch the case chassis FIRST.
  24. Personaly I find this whole topic pretty entertaining myself.... Having had extensive electronics training....and being NASA certified in soldering...this is a riot...
  25. Nope.....all gone....
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