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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. what's the difference between all the duplex modes btw?
  2. company mistake? .. just be happy for the extra download juice u got
  3. lol.. you don't think more ppl are going to take part in this forum?
  4. http://speedtest.cogeco.net Your download speed : 2777 kbps or 347.1 KB/sec. Your upload speed : 382 kbps or 47.8 KB/sec. http://rochester.speedtest.frontiernet.net Your download speed : 2686 kbps or 335.7 KB/sec. Your upload speed : 384 kbps or 48 KB/sec. I'll stick with speakeasy, visualware and of course testmy.net
  5. lol.. i figured it out.. my bookmark which i made by going to testmy.net/forum and then dragging the little button beside the url to the bookmarks toolbar bookmarked an actual session.. a normal made bookmark worked fine after that
  6. me too.. i always use the closest one to me (NY) - get more accurate results
  7. download is a bit higher than actual speed (a bit of sarcasm included )
  8. that will save me some time on command prompt.. thanks
  9. i wonder what its rpm is..
  10. Every 2nd time or so when I log in the forum and the logout and clean my firefox cache and stuff with CCleaner, next time I come to the website, I am logged in automatically? Anyone else have this strange problem with FF? It only happens every 2nd time or so from when I log in...
  11. visualware.com speed test is pretty good, but the results from there are a bit higher than the ones i get here at testmy.net ... the auditmypc.com test, I could not complete.. another good and pretty accurate internet test is the Speakeasy Speed Test
  12. i'll go for feb. 6/06.. thats the end of my 1st sem in high school (or somewhere close to that date)
  13. try cablenut software.. it didn't do that much for my connection, but many ppl are happy with it
  14. simply renaming the folder is really bad, because windows will give errors then for sure.. nice sig btw
  15. yea.. photograph coming soon for the current photographic hdd
  16. so its not that great a bundle..
  17. if they don't make the screen foldable so it becomes normal laptop size then its a back-sized laptop.. that's where it goes to be portable
  18. think of a big screen this way.. less watching of porn in social situations cuz everyone can see ya
  19. man that second harddrive got a hose
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