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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. very nice speeds indeed
  2. anyone can form a new channel for testmy.net.. just connect to any irc servers, register ur nickname and create a new channel (and then post the server and channel name here of course ).. Its that easy to bring back the good old testmy.net chat.. As for bots, just put in on a server that has game channels and that will be the end of that topic (e.g.: NoDramaIRC's Uno channel)
  3. since u got no spyware or trojans/viruses maybe its a program u have running (or the hdd as u say).. How long do u leave the computer on? When mine returns from screensaver mode, its slow as hell for the first 10-15 secs (It also slows down if i leave it on for a long period of time a bit)
  4. Faster replies probably..
  5. if you have the 384/384 internet, then i would guess that those results are definitely cached then..
  6. hehe.. get her spybot tea timer, resident protection and javacool spyware blaster or spyware guard .. All r automated and easy to use after being configured.. JavaCool's software is easy and I had no probs with S&D resident protection.. Disabled tea timer on my pc though, but I think its still good Forgot to mention AVG
  7. http://www.pogo.com
  8. http://www.transedge.com/products/dsl/compare_packages/ The 80$/month SDSL package is 1.5mb download speed.. I would guess that those are your real speeds
  9. Better check on it after a couple of months again
  10. damn.. that got me back to work.. lol
  11. It's not like they saved the world from total annihilation.. an easy world series win over houston.. ain't no point in going all the way.. just hug and get it over with.. .. pic was obviously fake
  12. nice suggestion.. replies were kinda off topic though
  13. I second that.. I'm still happy with my 3/384 package though.. still gets the job done .. Did you scan for spyware, Ryan314?
  14. look at the line for percentage of average speed for HOST
  15. Upload is less than half of what it should be.. Lets get to fixing that
  16. Hahahha.. :haha:
  17. Page does not load .. Connection refused (Cannot Load Page in IE )
  18. and i bet a lot of ppl are gonna be complaining about the price of that ultra-speed-light-fast-out-of-this-world internet access
  19. You are .swf You are flashy, but lack substance. You like playing, but often you are annoying. Grow up.">Which File Extension are You?
  20. :haha:
  21. lol.. definitely PSPed
  22. makes an xcellent point.. lol
  23. lol..
  24. What extra features? Like Y'z toolbar and stuff? Just install the default stuff?
  25. i downloaded it, but it made my pc a bit laggy, so for now im gonna stick with the .theme files (and the energy blue theme).. maybe in the future, i will give this great program another try
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