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Everything posted by tonyswhirl

  1. That is a great idea - never occurred to me!!!
  2. The one good thing about it is if it is hard to use wired (my house is) and you use USB you can get a long usb cable to get a good signal if necessary - also, as I stated in a previous post - I have hardly any differance in speed using usb or wired - I wont say wired is not faster, but the differance is hardly anything.
  3. I would ignore the CD - I never used it - makes a good coaster If the router and adapter are ok you should be able to make it work.
  4. Translate for the old men - ok I could google it all but my attention span is short at best
  5. Do yourself a favor and use gmail or yahoo or hotmail or msn - your system will run better - you can store programs and pictures (pics on yahoo unlimited space) you will never lose the mail you want to keep - you can access it from anywhere.
  6. firefox is a browser ie is a browser there are other browsers - opera - netscape everyone uses what they like best it is an ongoing battle and will be forever as to which one is the best
  7. I just had to take in another cat - it was that or it would get run over by a forklift - some idiot brought it to a warehouse where I worked for a few days. It likes to chase forklifts and had allready used up about 95 of its nine lives. His name is MOSI - Navajo for cat. He is a riot!!!! God should take care of me cause I sure as hell am taking care of all his cats
  8. I have installed wife 1.0 which basically has the same end result as the work virus - wife 1.0 is so insidious it actually forces you to install it. There is no way to erase wife 1.0
  9. http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/ extremely fast - prob the fastest - has tabbed browsing also I use it occasionaly -
  10. 1. Firefox 2. opera 3. k-meleon 4. netscape all others are for people into self abuse
  11. try the color tabs - they are cool and make it easier to see the tabs - everyone is a differant color it is an extension called colorfull tabs
  12. Just a point that yahoo and google will be around as long as the internet use them to store anything I want to backup in addition to mail - 30gigs.com may be around for a long time or may be gone tomorrow - seen it happen before.
  13. http://www.killdisk.com/downloadfree.htm try this one
  14. In past posts I though the wildblue users seemed happier then dway users http://wildblue.com/
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4514678.stm
  16. Hell - I will take a 100 dollar laptop right now - prob better then the one I am using - And I will crank it in from of everyone - dont care if I look poor
  17. Yeah - I think the green monster is showing his head!!!!!
  18. http://www.theeldergeek.com/messenger_removal.htm
  19. got this from the following site http://www.techweb.com/winmag/fixes/ie/iecache.htm Clear the Cache Manually You might hope that using Windows Explorer to go to WindowsTemporary Internet Files (or wherever your cache directory is) and deleting all the files would get your space back. But that doesn't always catch the deadwood. So you have to go to DOS to make sure you get it all out. Here's how. But first, a warning: If you're not familiar with DOS commands and type the DELTREE command in the wrong directory, you can lose your data and destroy Windows to the point where you have to reinstall. Don't try this if you're unsure of your abilities. Ready? Here are the instructions: 1. Exit Internet Explorer if you have it running. 2. Start a MS-DOS prompt. 3. Change to the Temporary Internet Files subdirectory of your Windows directory. For most people, the following command is correct: CD "WindowsTemporary Internet Files" and press Enter. Be sure to include the quotation marks. If you see an error message such as Invalid Directory, DO NOT proceed to the next step. 4. Type the command CD and press Enter. The PC should respond with C:WindowsTemporary Internet Files if you're in the right directory. If not, DO NOT go on. 5. Type the command DELTREE /Y *.*. This will completely clear out the IE cache. IE will rebuild a fresh cache file the next time you start it.
  20. that was not you - it was them - go take a long nap - they listen to everything and anything - they have been doing it forever - no big deal
  21. just use ie as a browser and they will know you are not smart enough to harm anything, and they will just forget about you
  22. just the way the wire comes or can be used for future lines http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~kurisuto/phone_wiring.html
  23. you only need two - the others are ok to dangle dont forget the wall plate you are plugging into - check that also!!
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