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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. So as the title suggests my computer is leaking water. It seems that my water pump has cracked, or at least the barb/head attachment thing. My question is what do I need to buy to replace this, I am not sure of the dimensions of my pump, but I do know im using 1/2inch tubing. The model is the hydor l30, I bought it from crazy pc and I assume I still have some kind of warranty but I would rather just buy like a 2 dollar new attachment than have to send the pump in and rma it. Would this do the trick? http://www.crazypc.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=93451 The picture shows about where it cracked, if all I need is a new barb, could I pick something like this up at a hardware store?
  2. It's funny that I don't even remember how I got here, yet I seem to visit daily ... I honestly can't remember how I came about this site, but that doesn't really matter because Im here now and this site rocks .
  3. Go to start control panel, network connections the right click on the connection your want to show up and go to properties and check show...
  4. Thanks, that was a very nice report .
  5. No not for one file, but if you were to use something like a download accelerator which has multiple connections you could utilize the double speeds.
  6. No, you would only benefit if you were uploading multiple files with multiple connections. If you had 26ks and you were uploading one file the max it could go is 26, but if you were upload two, they could both go 26.
  7. Sata doesnt make a drive loud, you prolly just got a loud drive. My sata is near silent.
  8. I always liked protowall better, but both programs are good. Remember your ipblocker is only as good as your ip list.
  9. Having recently purchased a sataII drive I do notice load times are much better for games and windows installed much quicker. Sata II is over 2 times faster than a ata 133 drive, and 3 times faster than ata 100. Go Sata, is the future.
  10. Hardrives have theoretical speeds which they can reach. IDE hardrives are either ata 100 or ata 133, so 100 or 133. Sata 150, or Sata I can reach speeds of 150, and Sata II can reach speeds of 300. So yes if your motherboard has sata ports go for sata as the speeds will be better. If you motherboard only supports Sata I, you could still get a SataII drive and run it at Sata I speeds so when you upgrade and get a new motherboard and cpu, your drive will be Sata II ready.
  11. Probably in florida like all the other lucky earthlink customers.
  12. Here is their website http://www.qualitynet.net/, you can check it out and see what services they offer to you.
  13. Where are you located? Who is your cable and phone provider?
  14. Yea I agree, the ones I have seen at bestbuy and such where the screen can turn and flip over seem flimsy and like the could break easy, as if a laptop wasn't already easy enough to break...
  15. I think my sister got her acer at compusa, so I would assume that computer dealer would sell acers in your area.
  16. Acer is kind of an up and coming brand, yes they aren't as well known as ibm, hp, or dell but they do make good laptops for a decent price. My sister has the bottom of the line acer laptop and so far it has worked great for her.
  17. Heres a possibility: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16834115307 Its got a gig of ram a decent cpu and 100 gigs of space for your music and really good battery life, 5hours. Newegg would be a good place to look because you can filter notebook by things like ram, cpu, and hardisk space.
  18. Is this gonna be the college kid laptop for browsing, word processing etc? Or do you want some power for gaming? You need to ask yourself these questions to find out what kind of laptop you want, then we can recommend a good one that does what you want. Think, battery life, gaming, built in wifi, how much hardrive space etc...
  19. If you are using wifi to connect to the internet then yes, you are going to experience some loss of speed. Your best bet is to just hard wire all your computers that you can run cables to.
  20. Do the speeds increase as well with the new cable?
  21. I understand that, but try to exhibit some manners on this forum and be kind to the other members.
  22. Those pings seem to get progressively worse as they getting farther and farther away from you. I just did a traceroute to testmy.net on my wireless with torrents going on the other computer and the highest I got was 103. So your pings are not stellar right now. Is anybody else utilizing your network, are you downloading anything, xbox live etc..? As far as making pings better Im not sure what you can do but somebody with a bit more tweaking knowledge might.
  23. Go to start, run, type in cmd. Command prompt will pop up and then type in tracert testmy.net. Then copy all of that info and post it here.
  24. What speeds are you getting with no tweaks at all? (Be sure to restart each time after applying, or unapplying a new tweak) Also do a traceroute to testmy.net.
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