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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Does you connection work when you are connected to your router?
  2. Nice, how much do you pay for the sdsl?
  3. Lol and I thought I had it bad with Time Warner .
  4. Ah I see, are you getting lots of features because of the business line? If not most cable companies offer connections with uploads equal to that or greater and downloads much faster.
  5. What kind of business line are you on?
  6. Jamaicarocks you have already been giving adequate information to solve your problem. (Might be time to lock this thread)
  7. Maybe I'll wait for awhile until it gains more popularity before switching over to it.
  8. [snip for privacy] edit: please do not put email addys in ur posts
  9. Do you get 30gigs of storage? If so may I have an invite?
  10. The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is a tool to monitor the traffic load on network links. http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html
  11. Sure does
  12. Wow, how much did you pay for that computer VanBuren?
  13. There are tons of knowlagable people on this site, and whereever you buy it from will have some type of customer support that you can talk to. If you can find place where you can pick it up locally I would do that because they can give you an idea of what you have to do and they can guide you on the installation. If not you can find help elsewhere if you need it.
  14. Yep, just put in the new hardrive and you can use the disks to restore it.
  15. Yea they would reinstall windows, but you would lose all of your files so make sure you back up everything you want to keep. (music, word docs, excel, pictures)
  16. Yep, I just upgraded from a 5200 and see a huge difference. Only 148 bucks at newegg http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16814127147
  17. If you still have the windows cd then no, you wouldn't have to buy it again. You could just install it from the cd on your new hardrive.
  18. Well then I'd go with the cheapest one.
  19. OCZ is a good brand, but all of those rams are value series so your not going to get good overclocking performance.
  20. I had a computer that had all of the bundled stuff installed with windows which had many problems, random restarts, and trouble booting up. I was going to return it but I first reinstalled windows with a clean disk without the manufacture bundles and haven't had any problems since. I would recommend you do this is if you cant find anything else that will fix it.
  21. When it came does it have windows installed already with some of the bundled crap that hp includes?
  22. Yea thats because panda is scanning the test file you are downloading so this slows it down.
  23. Thats nice, have you done any tweaking?
  24. Well if your first hop is 192.168.x.x then that is your router so hop number 2 is technically your first hop to the internet and outside of your lan.
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