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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. ohhh, lol... I didn't even realize that they could have read that wrong. I knew whatcha meant
  2. mine is testing normally... maybe your route to the server is congested today?!? :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 8781 Kbps about 8.8 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1072 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Jun 17 2005 16:45:11 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 157X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.96 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 176.39 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-UKYOC7X5L :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 8805 Kbps about 8.8 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1075 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Jun 17 2005 16:47:20 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 157X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.95 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 177.15 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6T5PF9MCN
  3. Damn she is a little hottie!
  4. First of all, that is horrible second of all, I hate PETA. I would bet a million dollars that those videos have nothing to do with Wet Seal, but are only videos of some unrelated fur trade. PETA is well known for scare tactics like that. Now Wet Seal may sell fur, but I doubt they get their fur in such inhumane ways. Peta petitions against euthanasia to animals in shelters yet they themselves practice it in their own animal shelters (in the same over crowded situations that all animal shelters do)... hell they killed something like 1600+ dogs last year. As I said, that video was HORRIBLE and I hope those people rot in hell for doing that to living creatures... but don't read too far into what PETA says, PETA is evil... I can't begin to imagine the pain those poor animals were in... and I think those bastards only leave them alive so the skin comes off easier
  5. I've been playing it for a couple weeks now... it's superb! Much better than the Gran Turismo series. My only beef is that there isn't all that many tracks... HELLA cars though --- If I was a video game reviewer i would give it a 9.8
  6. are you supposed to have 9Mbps down??
  7. running great as usual :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 8757 Kbps about 8.8 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1069 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Fri Jun 17 2005 02:26:49 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 156X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.96 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 176.07 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-MGZWRFV8C :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 8929 Kbps about 8.9 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1090 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Jun 17 2005 02:37:20 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 159X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.94 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 181.49 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NM5HECY3P Personal best since the upgrade was 9030 Kbps https://testmy.net/stats/id-HO3C94SAB Anyone else have 9Mbps in Phoenix? ~~~ Anyone have 9Mbps elsewhere?
  8. This topic has been moved to Verizon Online FIOS. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5876.0[/iurl]
  9. Well, being gay makes more sense... but still even homosexuals will make contact with people. I hope for your own mental sake you come to your senses. I myself don't really like crowded places, nor do I 'really' care for people I don't know... I personally think that a great portion of the world is pretty stupid. But there is still a great deal of people that are awesome... and are 'my type of people' ~ I can say that about allot of people in this forum by the way. I hope you get over your dislike for people and find someone... hell you might find someone who hates people as much as you... that would be a wonderful match made in anti-social heaven Thanks to all that had good remarks about my post by the way I wasn't being cocky or being a 'know it all' ~~~ did I ever say I knew it all? Someone asked a question and I answered with what has worked for me in the past... As for the 'new level of creepy' -- (tdawnaz is my mother for those who don't know... .s1 knows) I am very good friends with my mom, hell we hang out all the time... I know that most people aren't as cool with their parents as I am but I talk to her about chicks and (when I'm actually dating) the chicks I see talk to her. What the hell is creepy about having an honest relationship with your mom??!?! Do you have a problem with me .s1? WTF dude!
  10. Great to know that my buddies here helped ya out, your welcome KroniKIII ~ again, let your friends know about the site... that's the biggest thank you of all.
  11. Alright... buddy, you do need a hug... or some type of human contact. You may have had sex once or twice... but you have obviously never fucked a girl, I mean really fucked a girl --- haha. And who the hell said you can't have pussy AND money? Dude.. money, cars, houses, rings, watches, cloths is how you get the hottest chicks (but usually they're too stupid to keep around for too long). But they don't take your money if you don't want them to. The only guys that lose money to girls are retarded people. But you do have to fork out some cash for dinners, activities, gifts... but what the hell is wrong with that!?!? What is money good for if you can't share it with anyone? Don't you want someone to talk to that isn't on your buddy list, lol. You said your NOT a mormon.... but you never said you weren't gay... hummm ~~~~ hell you might not be gay, but if your not gay and your not strait... then you must be A-Sexual (wack it allot buddy?) If your like TED KACZYNSKI (not KACKZYNSKI) then you need to see a doctor... anyone that speaks that highly of themselves may need help anyway. "Your lack of dollars makes me sad" --- who said that any of us are lacking money? We just don't go blabbing about it in a thread that is totally unrelated to money (or in any thread for that matter). And I can guarantee you that the people that aren't as fortunate as you (say you are) are far richer in LIFE than you. Human contact IS life, your a HUMAN! People are made up in all shapes, sizes and material wealth... if it weren't for 'poor' people then there would be no benchmark for wealth... therefor there would be no 'rich' people. By the way, and I speak for all - I'm sure. If you were trying to impress, you did the opposite. Your post is so ludicrous it almost looks fake. don't send me a mail bomb Ted!!! --- re-signup and be yourself for christ sake. This is how I get them in bed ... Either A) Strait forward approach --- "Hey, do you want a back massage?" then take them into your bedroom, hook 'em up with a GREAT massage... they get to feelin' sexy and usually flip over and start making out with you... haha, works every time. OR The Trojan approach (this is usually the better approach, plus you get a free back rub) --- "Hey, would you mind rubbing my back for a little bit... it's really hurting me right now, I had a long day of playing Counter-Strike (haha)." - then take them into your room, let them rub you back for a while (don't ever expect a great massage, most girls are too weak to give a good massage... but some make up for it with massage style ) -- then after a while (don't milk it [don't let her massage too long], she will get out of the mood) say "Ohhhh, that was awesome... Okay, your turn." --- you know what happens from there NOW, with either A or B make sure to un snap the bra (if she has one... if she doesn't then you can figure right away that your going to get laid.. lol - use protection for that bitch, haha) - no1 you can't give a propper massage with a bra snapped... no2 it opens a boundary ~~~~~~~~ If your not all that good at massages or if you want something extra - use lotion - lotion can turn the crappiest massage into the best in the world..... it can turn the best massage into a definite lay :evil6: - Dr. Damon
  12. Are you sure it's not 65 kB/s ?? 65Kbps would be an odd cap 65 kB/s is aboutr 512 Kbps though... if you are capped at 512, there is nothing you can do to raise it.... .... actually I just looked into your stats and you are getting 65 Kbps ~~ who is your ISP (I know, I could look but I have a headache)
  13. https://testmy.net/forum/t-5563
  14. Ever since I quit smoking in August of 2004 I picked up a couple new addictions... chapstick, bubblegum (Pink Extra) and Red Bull --- much better than cancer sticks
  15. they may have mixed up the numbers because 350 Kbps is about 42 kB/s -- so if they said they got 33-44 Kbps they might have meant to say 33-44 kB/s (or 270-360 Kbps) (see the conversion calculator http://www.testmy.net/convert)
  16. I think it's funny when people complain here, they act as if I have a 'higher power' that will pull the plug if I don't keep people happy, haha. I have had emails from people a couple of times (and stuff like this is bound to happen when a site starts getting big enough) where people say stuff like.. "If you don't __blank__ I won't be coming back anymore." --- I don't reply to these people, but I always want to say ... "Dude, if you don't like the site go somewhere else... if you don't like the site then why are you wasting your time typing to me." ~~ there is much more I always want to say to those people but I will stop at that ehh, you can't please everyone I guess....
  17. This topic has been moved to Cox Communications. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5727.0[/iurl]
  18. This topic has been moved to Comcast Cable Communications. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5746.0[/iurl]
  19. This topic has been moved to Comcast Cable Communications. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5724.0[/iurl]
  20. This topic has been moved to Verizon Online FIOS. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5740.0[/iurl]
  21. The quality and route of the server also play a roll. I have taken extra care when selecting the servers that I use... https://testmy.net/faq.html#Net
  22. hahahaha, shug... your cool.
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