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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. CA3LE

    new member

    Welcome to TMN! What do you need help with? Note that your first couple of posts are moderated so it may look like they're gone till approved.
  2. I've read that too. Truth is, TMN has been on a minimum of 1000 Mbps since late 2007. Dual 1000 Mbps since 2012. People always blame the test, I think because other speed tests tell them different. ... but let me ask you this, now which test do you believe? Which test led you to faster Internet? ....... stop wasting your time with the others. Results are only slow here when there's good reason. You've been here since Feb 2012 dude, I thought you'd only use testmy.net by now. The new 10 Gbps server is online and I'm in the process of setting everything up. The specs, Dual Processor Octo Core Xeon 2690 with 32GB RAM, SSD RAID 10. 32 processing threads vs 24 at 2.9 GHz vs 2.0 GHz. Only 8 more threads but I bet that it's twice the processing power. Replacing dual Hex Core Xeon 2620 16GB SSD RAID 10. This upgrade is way ahead of schedule and the current setup is optimal even at multiples of current traffic volume. But I saw that they started offering 10G and I'm always first in line for networking upgrades. A speed test is only as good as it's bandwidth. Very true about the latency, good indicator.
  3. I know, there are a bunch of room types I want to add. And the option to make your own. It's low priority however. metaline, welcome to TMN! If it helps, you can use as many accounts as you like but you must have a valid email address for each. I personally like storing everything under one account and using identifiers to keep track of the results. But I do see the value in just having two separate accounts. When you use identifiers you then go to my results and select the filtering options below the graph. Many more options will be coming and the way that you sort and organize your results here will become easier. I'm circling back around to the database for another programming round, probably right after I complete the server transfer. I have a long list of features and reworks to the db. You keep visiting, I'll keep improving. - Happy Testing! - Damon
  4. I'm adding a global "settings" page for members. I'll make sure that option is part of the set. Also going to fix it so that you can delete more than one at a time. That's annoying when you have to delete a bunch. Great idea, thanks for sharing. I think an option something like, "Public / private / no logging" should help you.
  5. Love it! Glad you got it all hashed out. Other tests don't see that stuff for some reason. This is pretty much the most common issue and people always feel like it's TMN's fault. "What the eff, I get better speed everywhere except TestMy.net!?!" --- the tests here are unique. Don't worry about TMN being limited. I have 1000 Mbps to the DC server you're testing on. Dallas has 2000 Mbps right now. I'm currently moving the home server to a massive 10 Gbps server. I'll have it configured and live in 7-14 days. Trust me bro, I can keep up with you. --- now and always in the future. I work hard to make sure that my pipelines are ready for your testing... to give you the best chance possible and eliminate my end as a variable. When you use TestMy.net you're almost always guarenteed dedicated system resources during your test, even under heady load you're most likely to get your own CPU for your test. I have so much resources behind TestMy.net it's like each speed tester gets their own dedicated server during each test. Backed by IBM Softlayer's network. On top of its connection I estimate that the new server has twice the processing power of the current server. Way overkill. I like overkill. mudmanc4's been pulling 400+ all day long. ... at distance too. Theoretically any speed below the maximum confirmed speed can accurately be tested. Best results I've seen, confirmed, were 990 Mbps (with the classic single thread linear download test... the one that's best at catching issues like yours). Dallas to Florida. The new server will push that limit up... and will allow for many simultaneous gigabit tests. It's rare right now but that will change and TMN will be ready when it does. Happy Testing! Also, thank you for marking your own topic solved. I'm positive that it will help people.
  6. Hi poettone, Welcome to TMN! Nice to meet you, I hope you provide your insight on some topics.
  7. I doubt that it had anything to do with clearing your cache/history. They could have improved on Comcast's end... you tested multiple methods and were getting horrible performance. You've tested the same ways again and your results are better now... across the board. Looks very nice. I'd expect that things feel much better now. https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=c&d=09162014&x=30&l=100&q=65318022684 Maybe your wifi performance is better now... maybe Comcast has improved the route... could be many things. Just be happy that it's running better. Clean result now. ...before. Great improvement.
  8. You're right, I broke it. I'm incorporating TraceMy.net right now... the program was calling functions that only existed if you were logged in under my account. Sorry about that, I had to logout before I noticed that there was an issue. Try it now.
  9. I just ran a test with it... :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 2458 Kbps or 2.5 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 10 MB or 10199 kB or 10443406 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 307 kB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 13 Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/RgnUe8k Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/CA3LE https://testmy.net/compID/4602014672148 Test Time:: 2014-09-12 15:11:46 Local Time Client Location:: Pike Ntl Forest, CO US https://testmy.net/city/pike_ntl_forest_c Target:: cinema.technicolor.com https://testmy.net/mX/3KnwY Client Host:: Comcast Cable https://testmy.net/hoststats/comcast_cable Compare:: 99% slower than client avg, 91% slower than host avg, 96% slower than city avg, 90% slower than country avg, 78% slower than world index 1MB Download in 3.34 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~57 Minutes - 44X faster than 56K This test of exactly 10199 kB took 33.996 seconds to complete User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.94 Safari/537.36 [!] It's just slow... really slow.
  10. That works... but you need a faster connection for larger files. Try a smaller file, like 300 kB. Note that it can turn a tiny file into any size speed test.
  11. Mercury was released on Monday, give it a try.
  12. Mercury was released on Monday, give it a try.
  13. You guys are no fun. I'll make it more obvious. Look for Mercury
  14. "I hope you're up for an Easter egg hunt. Just remember, the doorway is obvious and easily accessible from the homepage."
  15. Welcome to TestMy.net! I have just the tool for you. I released it this morning. I hope you're up for an Easter egg hunt. Just remember, the doorway is obvious and easily accessible from the homepage. I'm done and I want everyone to use it right away but I wanted to make it fun. I also don't want to explain or talk about it, you either get it or you don't. My users will get it. ...and you don't have to be a computer expert/nerd experts/nerds of all types welcome. In my experience, world travelers are usually and expert in something. We'd love for you to share anything on your mind. (sorry about the downtime today, a backup caused issues. I'm backing up those specific databases a different way from now on to avoid that problem in the future. Nothing to do with this update... at the core is actually something that's been built into TMN for many, many years. I expect the release to be stable.)
  16. ...you have to connect to dozens of peers to see your full speed. That's not realistic Internet transfer outside of p2p. I bet you'll never upload to a single source at your full speed. Even awesome commercial 1000 Mbps will have a hard time doing that out to the Internet. Here's an analogy. A hundred pennies is still a dollar but I'd rather have a dollar bill in my pocket. ... uploading or downloading from dozens of peers and combining the speed isn't the same as being able to do that from a single source. Some providers actually shape the way you use your bandwidth so that it's only possible to get full speed when you transfer many streams. Especially true with super fast residential connections. Like I said, the upload test here wasn't designed with connections as fast as yours in mind. Because the test size is so small the best I've seen is a little over 300 Mbps. The download test is fully capable of gigabit speed however. Testing over LAN I've seen just shy of 1000 Mbps, about 990 Mbps (accounting for overhead, right on the money) ... it IS possible to get better speed here than you're getting. Look at sietec's results .. proof right there https://testmy.net/quickstats/sietec I'd really expect that your multithread results would be higher. Be interesting to see what you get with the new test. I'll let you know as soon as I release it.
  17. Your bandwidth is not as good as you think it is. You may be able to pull faster speeds but how long does it take to get there? It just like how most cars will do 120 mph but it's really all about acceleration. Like I said, I have an upcoming option that will allow you to test from you own sources. If you don't trust my servers you can test off amazon, google or whatever you want. Trust me... using that you'll quickly see that bandwidth is not delivered equally to all the sites you visit. You're getting killer numbers, don't get hung up that it's not as high as your ISP quotes. You're scoring higher than 99% of people here. The upload test right now only uses a max of 33MB of data and it's a single thread. Your score is great for that kind of test. I'm working to bring larger sizes and multithread to the upload test btw. Larger tests will bring higher number for insane connections like yours. Go upload a video to youtube and then tell me that you're still seeing 1000 Mbps. I bet money it falls much much much closer to the results you see here. The tests here are not intended to help you achieve maximum speed. They're intended to tax your connection. When you do a multithread test here you are combining the power of all the servers you select. Without selecting Google and Cloudflare that's 7000 Mbps of available bandwidth, much more when combined with the CDN options. I have more than enough bandwidth to serve you. If you were limited by my resources you'd get nearly the same speed on all your tests. Your fluctuating quite a bit.
  18. Goes above and beyond what Windows safe mode does. I never realized it did all of that... then again, all my Macs have run so great that I haven't really had to test it out. thanks for teaching me something!
  19. I've seen it perform better on the same dmg creation, when she first got the laptop I did the same test. I'd like to test that too but I'm 1400 miles from all my stuff. I'll see her again in about a month for a family wedding so I'll bring a spare SSD and external connections. That will tell the tale.
  20. I would bypass the router and test directly to the best computer in the house. Doesn't always have to be bad hardware, could be that one of the connected machines is pulling lots of bandwidth for some reason. Maybe someone in your house is torrenting… maybe your network isn't secured and your neighbor is pulling bandwidth. If you connect directly and get similar results then you can be pretty certain that it's a problem before your home network and computers. In that case I'd call Charter… especially since you say that you were getting your speeds before the upgrade. This is a longshot but maybe they're overloaded in your area and it wasn't noticeable until everyone was upgraded. Everyone in your neighborhood is pulling more bandwidth now… maybe the outgoing pipe in the area is creating a bottleneck. This should especially be considered if your speed is dropping heavily during peak Internet hours (when kids get out of school and parents start getting home). Cable Internet is a shared system between you and your neighbors. Even in areas with lots of bandwidth this can easily be a factor. In Phoenix I saw fluctuations of up to 20 Mbps after 6PM. It got better before I could complain, they must have opened up more bandwidth in the area. If you connect directly and all of a sudden your speed improves here… well… then you know that either you have an issue with the router or one of the connected machines is sucking up your bandwidth. In that case, since you have 9 computers, disconnect a couple at a time till you see it improve again. Slowly you'll zero in on the problem computer. Don't assume because hardware is new it's infallible… new hardware can fail as easily as old hardware. I wouldn't call my ISP until it was tested directly (minus the network and all the other computers). I'd even test a couple of the computers that way to rule out the machines. If they come into your house and find that it's an issue outside of their control (like your home network or one of your machines pulling bandwidth out of control) they're likely to charge you for a service call. Some cable providers will charge you just for walking in your house. Just be careful there. Make sure that before any tech leaves your home that you've gone over any and all charges. Contractors, which are often who you deal with, have a lot of incentive to make sure you're charged. Be cautious. If it's their issue… you shouldn't be charged. Many providers consider any wiring beyond the side of your home to be your issue, keep that in mind too. If the computers you're testing are on wifi, again… test directly connected. First without the router then with the router. If your speed is improved with both those connections you may be dealing with wireless signal issues. Could be as simple as better router placement in your home. … why this would all of a sudden be an issue? Maybe you recently put new electronics near the router, could be interfering. Maybe you've recently moved it or maybe someone has put something on top of the router either causing interference or causing it to overheat. Could be many things when it comes to wifi. See WIFI Slow and wireless fung shui. Router placement can make all the difference. But, because your issue has just arisen this is less likely but still worth looking into. I'd really like to see your issue resolved. Please let us know if any of this helps.
  21. she has hundreds of GB free
  22. Thanks dude, that seems to have helped… at least for the Internet speed and the odd laggy behavior. It feels much better... I'm still seeing degraded HDD performance however, so there must have been more than one issue going on here. Big dip and still slower and took far longer than I would expect. Not all seesaw like before. It feels noticeably better but still not 100%. I talked to her about it and she said that right after she dropped it she could tell that it was immediately slower. I'm telling her to make sure she has backups because who knows how much longer it will last. Soon as she's comfortable she'll be upgrading it to SSD. I think it will last till then with only degraded performance. So does safe mode in OSX actually realign settings or something? The only other thing I did while it was in safe mode was remove a couple .plist files from those folders. For adobe crap and a couple of other well know programs… nothing fishy. Besides that I just rebooted and seems to have helped quite a bit. Thanks for the recommendations. You rule!
  23. I wanted to share a nice tool for checking up on Mac system processes. Nice listing with user input. http://triviaware.com/macprocess/all Open activity monitor, run through and look for any suspicious processes. Search that page and see if they're known and what they are. This came up because I'm using someone's macbook right now and it's not running right for some reason. I'm only getting ~6-15 Mbps on a network that I know is running at well over 25-50 Mbps. immediately before I tested on my iPhone 5s and got 28 Mbps on the same 12MB test, same network. Multithread back on the laptop moments later Back to single thread, this time to dc.testmy.net Frustrating. I know it should perform better. My macbook is pulling the same tests just fine... So then I make sure that there isn't a hard drive performance issue. I'm looking at the protective case on this and the corners are all busted up so a drop may have degraded performance… well worth testing, I've seen many times where slow hdd performance affects results here. Open diskutil and create a test image on the desktop and monitor the speed with activity monitor. Doesn't seem too unreasonable for a mechanical hdd. I'm going to keep investigating. There is definitely something holding this back. Things are noticeably laggy. Even when I click links in the browser there is a slight delay. Her browsers were set to some spammy yahoo landing page (looked like yahoo but was an affiliate thing) and there were toolbars and crap in the browsers. But I looked through the processes and I didn't see anything that stood out. Even after resetting the browser it still has the lag and low TMN results. I really don't think I'm dealing with a software issue here. I feel like it's a hardware issue and on re-testing the hard drive I got this... Duplicating the image from my first test the performance this time was up and down. Taking much longer than my first test. There should be a flat top on that graph if it was running right. Seems that her dropping this a few times may have been the cause. The evidence is on 3 of the 4 corners. I'm going to recommend that she swaps to SSD, hopefully that will resolve the issue and get her back up to speed. But some other internals may have been damaged and be affecting the southbridge performance overall… who knows. I think she has Apple care so maybe just have them look at it before jumping to conclusions. All I know right now is that it's NOT right. It's crazy how many things can affect results here, it's really more of a computer benchmark (at higher speeds) than just a simple Internet benchmark. This laptop is running noticeably slower than the last time I used it… test it and sure enough the TMN results reflect what I feel. I just wish it would tell me what's actually wrong in detail. She doesn't even realize that there's an issue, I was just using her laptop and it felt wrong so I started testing and digging. I haven't even told her yet. It really doesn't run THAT bad. She might not notice it but to me… … … ...it's frustratingly slow and very obvious. Clicking on things that are normally instantly interactive, "Hello, I clicked that 1.3 seconds ago! WTF!" --- it's an i7 MBP with 4GB of RAM… it shouldn't run like this. Especially since I've seen this same laptop test over 110 Mbps at my house.
  24. I'll work on bringing that back to life for you --- thanks for the suggestions mudmanc4, definitely can't just flip the switch on that.... within a couple of days it would be overrun with spam posts. I see the bots trying all day long, damn robots and their nonexsistent sleep schedules. You can login with your old .s1 username by the way. I have registrations turned off but old members can still sign in. Once registrations are turned back on... who knows, maybe it will get hoppin' again. :-/ All the old permissions still exsist so you're still a Global Mod there too. Now that it's been totally separated from the testmy.net domain I'm not as worried about changes over there affecting the overall scheme or search ranking... so I have no problem opening it back up. I'll do the least amount possible to make sure that spammers aren't such an issue while still maintaining the original look and feel. I'll update this thread soon.
  25. http://www.myaccount.charter.com/customers/support.aspx?supportarticleid=59 notice "up to"... If you change that query to 1000/page you'll see those results better. Plenty of fast results.
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