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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Great idea. For years I've been thinking of a way to do this without really bugging people but I think I'll have to just ask... have it as optional information on the results page or something. I just sat here and thought about it for like 20 minutes, I got totally lost in plotting, haha. I've got the database logistics worked out in my head. It's going to be a little work to build that into what I've go going on. I'm using some pretty neat techniques to query all of my information these days... oh, if you only knew the amount of information that I've gathered. Some of those queries should take minutes not milliseconds, it's all about the database design. I'm just barely starting to figure out how to really display it all in meaningful ways... I totally agree, "promised vs delivered" data would make the information MUCH more useful. If it's done correctly. Keep checking back for that, I will work it in soon. Thanks for visiting, make sure to tell your friends!
  2. Welcome! As TriRan said... Your connection speed is what your provider says you have. Your download speed is the measurement of your connection speed. Connection speed also encompasses upload speed.
  3. If you find what the problem is can you please let us know. Best bet is to get a new browser to tell you the truth. Why is it that only IE seems to get so easily jacked up all the time? Nobody ever posts here saying, "I'm having problems with firefox (or chrome)." --- ever! I'm not giving your browser a very complex task here. It taxes the browser but it should be VERY easy for any browser to understand. If it has problems with what my tests are telling it to do... trust me, your browsing experience must be suffering elsewhere. ... my tests seem to break when your computer breaks, isn't that funny?
  4. Glad to hear that you fixed the issue. Your running over 2.5 times faster than before... yeah, that was definitely a problem that needed looking into. Can you please help spread the word about how speedtest.net didn't detect your issue. They're the most popular Internet speed test but nobody even realizes that they aren't really being tested there. Funny thing is, all of the ISPs are jumping on board... I strongly believe that Ookla's tests make the ISPs look better than they really are. I also believe that you've just proven that with your results. Ask the regulars here, we see the same thing all the time. You had a physical issue that went undetected, does anyone need more proof at this point? Do the ISPs want their customers to suffer? You'd think they'd want to know when a modem goes bad, easy fix. Do the ISPs even know that the tests they're using are BS? ...or were they sold on an idea. I don't know. ... at any rate. Help me get the word out, I don't advertise and I rarely post anything outside of this site. I just develop my tests to actually do what I say they do and I truly rely you guys to tell people about it... if you agree with what I've got going on here, tell someone. That's all I ask. - Cheers
  5. If you guys want it... I'll build it. ... keep developing the idea and I'll check back. -- figure out among yourselves who will moderate it, you don't need to already be a mod. If I like the idea and I think it's a good fit for the site, I'll make it happen. -D
  6. haha, awesome. Damn over 20 million views on that already!
  7. CA3LE

    New Member

    Welcome! I hope that my tools will provide some insight that will help resolve the issue.
  8. If the "One Moment... I'm Initializing Your Connection" stays up you must not have javascript turned on in your browser. Return your browser to default settings and you should be able to run the tests just fine. I just ran a test on my test bench using Windows 7 Home Premium and Internet Explorer 9, ran just fine for me. ​The tests work great in IE but I recommend Firefox or Chrome -- simply put, they're just better browsers.
  9. Damn, I was hoping for 100/25 or something cool like that. Guess I need to reboot my modem to get the new settings.
  10. well, if it isn't the guy with the crazy long username. I've seen you testing before. Your connection looks pretty sweet, looks like you're getting what you're paying for
  11. Wow, Microsoft really needs to get it together in the browser market. They have allot to fix for version 10 if they want my endorsement. IE was my favorite for a while. ... By the way, don't get locked into a complete favorite. Make sure you check all the major browsers every few months because they are always getting better. I personally think that Chrome and Firefox are as good as it gets right now. Safari on Mac (I can't attest for the PC version, haven't used it lately) is also very fast and stable. When I'm browsing, I want it to just want the page to load how the developer intended... quickly, securely and without bugs... Here's my list, in order of how often I use them. Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Safari for Mac or PC Internet Explorer no link, you have to have Windows and if you have Windows then you already have it. Wait, isn't Mac supposed to be the proprietary ones? Opera Browser I think it's fun to change it up sometimes. You really can't go wrong with the top 3, they test well with TestMy.net right out of the box. IE used to be my favorite, years ago. I find it to be very buggy right now. Opera, can't seem to go over 20Mbps with TestMy's tests... even on my 50+ Mbps connection. Microsoft contacted me a few months ago, I can't go into details. But I can tell you that I'm not going to endorse their new browser unless it works right. I don't care if they made it rain, it has to be right. And right now, it's not. ... I've seen Google crash on multiple occasions. So it's not like it has to do with faulty code on the websites end. Maybe it's because I'm running Windows in virtual machine... but if that's the case, why does EVERY OTHER BROWSER work without those problems? For development purposes I have to use every Operating system and every browser combination you can think of. But when I'm chillin' on the internet, you'd most likely catch me in Chrome.
  12. CA3LE


    No problem, thanks for visiting.
  13. I'm still debating in my head about that... I really want the main server to remain the benchmark. I'm nowhere near that server and I'm able to get a great, stable connection. Other people should too, as long as their providers are delivering what they say they are. The mirrors, are there to provide alternate locations to make sure routing to the main server isn't an issue. ... this just gave me an idea. I'll get back with you on that...
  14. I really don't know exactly what your issue is. But I'm sure that you can feel there's an issue there... otherwise you wouldn't be looking into it. To be honest with you, I'm still trying to understand how my test is able to detect all that it does. Many times I've seen people that have an issue with their cable modem. They score low on my tests but nowhere else. I'd really like to know exactly why that is. With a deeper understanding maybe I can tell the user exactly what their issues are. I just know that it works. ... just because I wrote every single line of TestMy's code doesn't mean I fully understand how it does what it does. It seriously surprises me, often. What kind of modem do you have? How old is it? We've seen ALLOT of people here that describe the same stuff you are, they swap out their cable modem and problem solved. You may want to look into your modem itself. What I would do is go buy one at Best Buy (or somewhere that has a good return policy)... set it up, if it doesn't improve... return it. -- try directly connecting the modem to your best machine first to make sure it's not your router. When you get the new modem also test it directly to your best machine before you set it up on your network. REMEMBER, you must completely power down your modem before it will connect to a new device (e.g. you computer or router), it remembers the MAC address of the device it's connected to.
  15. Have either of you tried TCP Optimizer? see this post >>
  16. ... Hey spudler_t, it's not TestMy.net... Testing as I would expect. Looks like you may have a problem.
  17. Welcome samanthar! First, that test in your router is flash based. Please read >> https://testmy.net/ip...m-speedtestnet/ -- the same should be true for any test that uses flash protocol. If your results vary between mirrors you may have an isolated routing issue that you may want to bring up with your provider. Keep visiting!
  18. Welcome! First, there can be overhead. Second, how is the cisco router testing? Where is it testing to? I can also almost guarantee you that it's not testing through your browser. You may be in your browser but it's not actually using your browser. There is most likely a 3rd party application handling the test. Like Macromedia Flash or Sun Java... right? Tests that run that way are a poor judge of your browser... and as we've found many other issues as well. Other speed tests seem to not notice a problem unless it's on the Providers end. TestMy takes everything into account and is the only Internet speed test online that works this way. There is no layer between the test and your browser. TestMy's servers are also unbiasedly placed on the backbone of the Internet. I believe this makes for a more accurate depiction of your connection speed. Try testing with one of the mirrors, use these buttons on the speed test pages. Testing with the mirrors can help you see if you're having a routing issue to the main server. ... the results you get here can't be compared to results you get with any other speed test. Read Why Do My Results Differ From Speedtest.net? for a little more insight. That information applies to any Ookla speed test... but if they have to adjust I assume any flash speed test has to. Besides the adjustments they admit they make, as I said before... there's allot that they simply can't test because of the protocol they've chosen to use. ... things are different here. ...please help me by telling your friends about TestMy.net - this spreads by word-of-mouth only.
  19. Still happening after router and modem reset... it's intermittently happening now. 5 minutes later I'll give it 24 hours...
  20. It has to be the router... happening now in one room and not in the other.
  21. Well, now it's running great. Next time the issue arises I'll do what I always do... reset the router and modem and it will be fine. I couldn't take my network down when the problem was happening. I was just hoping that someone was about to provide insight. Very likely could have been the issue.
  22. Now it seemed to lock... then right at the end of the first test it sped up. Ran two more tests, third one I got my full speed. Annoying. I've seen it do this before briefly but it always returns to normal before I can figure it out.
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