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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. In Chrome you can type about:flags in the omnibox to access hidden settings then look for disable 'shortcuts' in the omnibox
  2. Have you tried this... Control-click the Safari toolbar or go to View -> Customize Toolbar. May be an option in there.
  3. But you can change what service it searches through... it's not like they force you to use Google or Yahoo. ... there's got to be a way to remove it. And if there is, I'll figure it out. It may be deeply hidden but I'd bet it can be hacked. I've been using Chrome almost exclusively since it was released so I guess I'm just used to it now. It only searches Goolge when I purposely type a search term... although I don't serve and local domains on my network so I haven't dealt with your issue. ... personally, it saves me time. It always bugged me when I used Safari and I had to move my mouse slightly to the right... lol. But again, that's because I've been a heavy Chrome user for a long time and I've gotten used to the single box. ... to each his own I guess.
  4. Personally I love that feature... I would think that if it's and address that's able to be resolved, even locally, it wouldn't do that. Does Chrome do the same thing? I'm driving from Myrtle Beach to Nashville right now but when I get settled I'll get that update and see if I can figure out how to switch it back to the old style.
  5. Often it's a faulty cable modem. Good luck, if you find the root of the problem please let us know what you find... it might help someone in the future.
  6. Comcast doesn't want you to get here because the tests here show you the truth. Comcast has direct peering with TestMy.net's host. If your getting bad results a congested route may be to blame. Also TCP/IP settings like MTU are more apparent with my tests. They don't want you to test here because TMN shows you the truth. Funny thing is, back prior to 2005 it was standard precedure for their call center reps to send people here to test... read the old forum posts here.. hundreds of people USED to tell us that. I'm in the same datacenter and my main server is at least 20X more powerful. The difference?... now they have an internally hosted test, within their network... that bypasses any major routing. Trust me, you may be able to get better speed downloading from some locations but I host where hundreds of thousands of major sites host.... if you get bad routing here then you have an issue elsewhere.
  7. First, welcome to TestMy.net... and thank you for taking the time to write me. What may be happening is a delay in the transaction. If there is a pause before the upload is actually initiated that time is taken into consideration. You might transfer quicker once it actually starts but in all reality once the pause is calculated in your overall speed will drop... I believe this is important information to know... but then again it will be nice to also know the sustained speed without that pause. Right now I'm on vacation but I'll return to programming after about the 20th. I have allot of ideas that I want to put on paper (well, not really paper I guess ) once I get back. One of them will be an extra statistic on your results that show your maximum speed during the transfer and the sustained speed calculated from the moment bits start flowing. In addition I'll also be adding latency... and will be opening up an API that will allow anyone with a website to host their own speed test... there are a ton of other things that I'll be working on. You'll just have to wait and see what I come up with. Have you tried http://old.testmy.net?
  8. Thanks... I just hope more people realize that this is the REAL speed test. I rarely close threads... thanks for the concern though
  9. Have you tried testing from my server in Washinton DC? visit http://dc.testmy.net or Seattle WA http://west.testmy.net Megapaths speedtest is flash... results that can't be trusted. If your provider is routing poorly... then you want to know that. Testing to a server near you isn't realistic.
  10. ... ahh, I didn't notice that he said he said that he was on dial-up
  11. You can't load the home page but you can load the forums? That's kinda weird. Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies?
  12. :'> :: :'> :: :'> HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 59! :'> :: :'> :: :'>
  13. The problem with that is that it can be seen as spam... I only want to send emails to addresses that have been verified. What you could do is forward the email that you get to whoever you want. If I let people enter any address they want it could easily be abused... and services like Google, MSN, yahoo etc.. may blacklist testmy.net emails. I don't want that to happen
  14. Hi Keith, welcome to TestMy.net! Has Fidelity Cable checked your signal levels on your modem? You're seeing first hand the BS that a lot of providers are putting their customers through. "Look, your speeds just fine on OUR speed test." --- don't take their word for it. You know there's a problem... you can feel it otherwise you wouldn't be here. Their benchmark has undoubtedly eliminated the Internet route. Stupid. All the websites you visit have that variable... why should your connection speed test be any different. It's not called a "check your connection under the best possible circumstances speed test" -- right? Also, I would bet that it's a macromedia flash based test, right? Check out this thread related to flash based speed tests, ookla tests in particular. ​A third party opinion is necessary, so you're in the right place. I have no reason to doctor your results and when you test here you're being routed in the same way as if you visited any popular website. I believe this makes my speed test a more accurate representation of your real speed. After the summer I'm going to build my API which will give anyone with a website the ability to create their own custom, brandable speed test. I'm hoping that a lot of providers will use this but I think that many of them save a ton of money on service calls doing it the way they do now... I guess once I release my alternative we'll see who cares about their customers and who cares about their bottom line. ... if you figure out the problem, let us know what it was
  15. Glad you figured it out... nothing changed on this end. ... at least you know that my tests do what they're intended to do.
  16. CA3LE


    If you don't remember you can either call your provider and ask or check on your bill. On your bill it may only say the name of the package, go to your providers website and check on their internet sales page... you should be able to find the speeds listed with the names of the packages.
  17. ... like I said, I will definitely work that in. I ended up whipping that up real quick. Now, when you're logged in you'll be emailed a reminder when the Automatic Speed Test completes. You can manipulate and export your speed test results from the link provided in the email. Thanks for the suggestion, great idea.
  18. Great idea, I'll take that into consideration next time I'm developing on the automatic speed test thanks for taking the time to share that, really good idea. -D
  19. So is the D Link router working good for you now? I can't believe that support. You're like, "Umm, I still have a problem!" It could have been a faulty piece of equipment or it could have been something as simple as the MTU being set to 1496 when it should be 1500 (for instance). So if I'm understanding correctly, your previous router was showing normal results... then the Netgear router was swapped in with a noticeable difference in your speed test results. Right? After you switch out for the D Link Dual Band let us know how it works out.
  20. Same here... pretty sure I'd know. I've corrected my code, this will work correctly for you now. Thank you for reporting this.
  21. ... seriously, that will be sick once we can finally get 1000 Mbps here is AZ.
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