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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. sounds like a good pc. but why not buy parts and build one yourself? or perhaps ibuypower or something? just curious about why dell?
  2. yep in southeast kansas where i live they have Cox. yet the city i used to live in (well...town...) kept Cox out and we only had Cableone and dish and ATT.....such crap cause they have bad signal and if you can remember some of the topics i had a while back, you can definitely tell Cableone is junk lmao. im happy to have Cox finally... now i can get in trouble on the net even faster haha
  3. as most of you can recall ive been on cableone forever. well i moved to a town about 25 minutes away and finally got Cox internet here is my wireless i just set up.
  4. ive already been searching roms, just havent done anything yet. and as for HTC, their build quality is still great, sure it may lack a few cosmetic things, but come on, ive abused many phones and so far the ones everyone bashes online are the ones that have stayed together the longest. on the other hand i can agree that htc has become a "ok lets add one thing and ship out the phone" kind of company, but they still are one of the better phones out there.
  5. the only thing so far i have to complain about is the horrible battery life. ive tried tweaking every setting i can think of, including turning off every service i dont need at the time...my phone has been unplugged for a couple hours and im already down to like 70 something percent battery life. any suggestions on how to make this battery last longer? edit/ also all i have done since the phone was unplugged was check one email in my inbox and look at one facebook notification. other than that the screen has been locked.
  6. thats awesome, i made the test during a supposed "peak hour" according to verizon here. of course, i'll also try some more tests later and see what my average comes out to be. so far its a good phone though, battery just sucks.
  7. i got an htc incredible and here is the first test i did before any setting changes or anything. also this is on the stock browser, havent installed any others yet. but having a phone with working flash in the browsers sure makes a difference lmao.
  8. thanks i know iphone 4 is awesome, but im just not a fan enough to use it as my own phone. but thanks again for the link, and yeah i noticed that about the AMOLED, and i was suprised that it was in the phone, but all in all i use it indoors mainly anyway, but im still researching so far. any other info would be appriciated, i've been to sites and so far engadget is the only one i can remember now that i havent gone to.
  9. Hey, i know a bunch of you guys have talked about HTC phones before. Mudman, i know you have said you've owned an htc ...if im remembering right anyway.... anyhow, im trading up from a blackberry storm 2 (iphone users can tell me all they want that theirs is better, i consider that a lie LOL)....anyway, im getting the htc incredible. anyone use it before? anyone use the htc sense along with droid 2.1? i know 2.1 is a little out dated right now but i figure its not that important and i can always get an update later on if i so need it. if not, then i guess im screwed huh lmao. anyway, let me know what you guys have had with htc and if the incredible is as good as i've seen through the research about it. thanks, starship_troopers (RyanS.)
  10. hope this and future bdays are great. have a good time making the best of it!
  11. i prefer maxell and verbatim. i'd never buy a sony disc or drive after the big rootkit problem they had.
  12. reviving this topic. Maybe this topic should be pinned. i was skimming through some pages in this section and saw this again. helped out a couple people so far. just wondering if a mod/admin should pin this topic just incase someone else has this problem.
  13. hey mudman, i havent decided if i am going to leave my laptop online enough every day to keep folding but if i do, i may have to have your help again. i cant seem to get some of the flags set up i need and stuff like that. if i have any problems i'll probably throw you a message somewhere when i get around to reinstalling the folding program on my laptop. laptop is a core 2 duo 2.2ghz, 4gb ddr3 ram, nvidia gt230m 1gb (up to 2gb) dedicated card. (this laptop can play crysis on high settings since i keep it maintained).
  14. found out what it was. for some reason every time i disabled a secondary wireless device (not sure what it was exactly, but i know my laptop only has one) it would re activate it...so i rebooted before the thing could reactivate, then it found my router, and wouldnt connect, so i ended up restoring my router to factory settings and just setting it up again. it was a huge headache but so far so good. thanks guys for the help.
  15. still no dice.
  16. thanks zalt. i feel stupid right now, because when i read your post and the "reboot the router"....i rebooted my modem and not the router before posting....i'll update in a few when i try the router reboot.
  17. hey guys, i have a question here. i just finished a dual boot install on my toshiba satellite a505-s6985. its windows 7 and ubuntu 10.4 (newest version) and my wireless picks up instantly on windows 7, but on ubuntu, it will pick up signal from all my neighbors wireless signals, but not my own. ive tried using the terminal to figure it out, but got nowhere as the info didnt seem to match anything i've seen troubleshooted. ive tried creating my own connection and it will say "connection established" but will have no signal bars and its basically like im not connected. considering if i even type in the wrong wpa security code to my wireless it'll still say connection established. im not sure how to get actual internet, later today im going to see if using an ethernet cord will give me a connection. any ideas?
  18. as far as i can recall, most (if not all) HP all in one printers work. and i've also heard of Canon and Epson printers will also work. but ive also heard that Epson printers use quite a large amount of ink. from an "ubuntu linux hardware compatibility list" here are a few of the results i've found that should work. http://ubuntuhcl.org...ox=on&keywords=
  19. ive always liked Mandriva and OpenSuse. ubuntu never worked with my old computer's display drivers, so i never got a chance to really use it. Tdawnaz, has there been any problems besides the printer issue? if not, i may end up doing a dual boot on my laptop. it sounds as thought it has quite a few improvements from when i used it, now im very interested in trying it again. Thanks for your posts everyone.
  20. what about going into the ip for your router and making sure everything is ok in there? ive had a desktop that wouldnt connect because my router had it blocked.
  21. welcome back man! we missed ya.
  22. wow man, thats a badass machine there. hurry up with the pics. i wanna see this thing in action.
  23. yeah, in no time your account will mature and have a "full member".
  24. dont quote me on this, but i honestly think that your membership length has nothing to do with it. i think its how many posts you make. just dont forget, if you post in the off topic section, those posts dont count towards your total post count.
  25. lol ive done that before, Roco.
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