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Everything posted by TriRan

  1. i currently use this one http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814102888 i play every game at 1920 x 1200 on the highest settings and getting very playable framerates usually around 60-80fps i used to be an nvidia fanboy but since i've started using ATI cards ( my first was a HD4790 ) i've been hooked on ATI they just perform so well especially considering how much less they cost than NVidia if it were me with that budget i'd probably go with one of these picks http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127592 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102948 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102940 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150561
  2. TriRan


    Hi there! Welcome to tmnt
  3. Same here And I almost always see at least 90% or better
  4. True but it sure makes a guy feel on top of the world connection wise
  5. thanks for the tip! i actually got an accurate result that way i was downloading a torrent at 3800Kb/s and scored a 52.4Mbps down and 4.6Mbps up XD
  6. man my connection is epic on their site! i got 75Mbps down 11.2Mbps up
  7. i am also still having that good old routing issue to dallas, dc works fine for me too though Heeter try DC Server
  8. yeah, its one of the better panels i've found though that just works i'd really like cpanel of course but theres no point in buying a license for what i do..
  9. i'm using kloxo formerly known as lxadmin it's working real well for me though its not officially supported by CentOS 6 i don't see why it wouldn't work and yeah even though i'm hosting the sites for free i want the people who are using it to feel they are in control as much as possible even though i ultimately have all the power
  10. because the sites i am hosting i want the owners to be able to access and edit their own stuff but not each others i don't like CentOS6 atm, its far to new for me to use it in production i'm using CentOS 5.7 and its running like a dream... you'd rather use RHEL? or ubuntu?
  11. this is completely right, when i was having issues with my connection months back i had to call tech support so many times i knew most by name and had some technicians phone numbers, i must've called support 100 times over the course of 3 months and had countless tech's come check my connection... i got so sick of answering the typical have you tried connecting directly to the modem? have you tried a different modem?? i even went and bought 2 extra modems and got an extra modem from COX because it was their approved modem and all offered little to no change... stay vigilant and its never a bad idea to keep a record of who you talked to.. keep names written down and notes of what they said so if you talk to someone who is unfriendly and questions you... you have hard proof
  12. i also only use 1 user i do have other users on my MySQL but that's only for additional sites i am hosting
  13. Definitely is a driver issue have you tried any different drivers? What network card is it what version of the driver are you running??
  14. It hasn't but usually you wouldn't still see the old cap but yeah it can take up to 72 hours for the modem to fully sync
  15. well my route is screwy atm my dc route still passes through dallas but via softlayer and my route to dallas uses above.net so i'm guessing the problem lies with them
  16. want to see something disgusting? i get better speeds to DC aswell and i'm in Arizona >.< DC Dallas yeah tech support is annoying, when they ask me if i've done such and such my answer is always yes because i'm not some noobie i always check my own equipment first before i make a call
  17. hahahaha that sir is epic, however when you don't get a tech that's helpful its easy thank them for their time, hang up, and redial you'll need to find someone who is more helpful and if you don't get someone that is say okay can i speak to your supervisor? and if he's not helpful ask for a number for his supervisor after all your the customer. also give that tech a call it couldn't hurt right?
  18. could be a routing issue try from the DC Server edit: scratch that i see you already did.. hmm i'd definately call them about it
  19. with only 768k Up when you stream music you probably won't even see half that left over for gaming of course it all depends on what your downloading said music at, you might look at getting a program like netlimiter to limit your music streaming program to say 200Kb/s you'll probably see a lot better results that way
  20. i'm using quite a bit of equipment for home use lol 3 Netgear WNC2001's 1 Linksys E2500 1 Linksys WRT54G 1 D-Link DIR-655 1 Gbit D-Link Switch 1 Motorola SB6120 i have a few pictures aswell
  21. i don't use intel or pre-built computers so i'm safe XD however i agree microsoft is going a bit to far but! on the other hand there is nothing that is unbreakable if they want to try to beef up the security they'll be wasting money because people will still find ways around it
  22. someone will hack that boot loader and post it for the world... and i will follow suit and use the hacked boot loader simple as that
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