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Everything posted by TriRan

  1. what are you looking to spend? cyberpower has some decent stuff listed plus its all customizable so you could get the parts you want in it you just might wind up spending a tad more
  2. definately will be lower nm so less power / heat with similiar performance i'd imagine nothing mind blowing i'm sure
  3. my heavily OC'd Phenom II X4 does it heats up to about 60C and can heat my bedroom up to 90F in about 30 minutes which is why i only fold on it at night when the cool air can keep my room temp down my other two systems have moderate OC's and stay much cooler even while folding they don't rise above 100F
  4. wow! i did a 5k pt WU today while at work O.O
  5. i meant more of a using 4GB of ram on a 32bit OS can cause or so i have heard, i've never experienced this myself
  6. My modem looks exactly the same ca3le and I agree his level of service is what has him sync'd with d2.0
  7. I have heard using more then the supported amount of ram can cause glitches glad you got it sorted
  8. I'm gonna send you some info when I get off work it might be an option for you
  9. mudman is always ready and willing to help! XD
  10. my 3 phenom systems are still crunching nicely if i didn't turn F@H off on one of them part of the day i'd probably have broke 30k today
  11. Ohh lol that makes sense I didn't see you folding anymore
  12. i see the full flash graph that you see on your pc because android supports flash
  13. only apple phones, ipod touches, and ipads can do facetime its an apple only thing
  14. i do but i don't run apple mobile devices android is my platform!
  15. i've used it for years i enjoy it, works very well imo
  16. yeah my ping shoots up to 100 on a hop inside the US so definately congestion somewhere stateside before it hops the pond
  17. i get similar results atm Tracing route to eu.testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 16 ms 7 ms 12 ms 2 12 ms 9 ms 9 ms 3 17 ms 9 ms 16 ms 4 10 ms 14 ms 11 ms chnddsrj01-ae2.0.rd.ph.cox.net [] 5 34 ms 51 ms 48 ms paltbprj01-ae3.0.rd.pt.cox.net [] 6 33 ms 39 ms 33 ms xe-0.paix.plalca01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [198.32.176 .14] 7 39 ms 40 ms 60 ms ae-1.r20.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [ 3] 8 104 ms 106 ms 103 ms ae-4.r21.asbnva02.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [ 02] 9 211 ms 198 ms 185 ms ae-2.r23.amstnl02.nl.bb.gin.ntt.net [ 45] 10 202 ms 186 ms 184 ms po-2.r01.amstnl02.nl.bb.gin.ntt.net [ 01] 11 192 ms 189 ms 191 ms ae11.bbr01.eq01.ams02.networklayer.com.64.20.81. in-addr.arpa [] 12 197 ms 212 ms 177 ms ae5.dar01.sr01.ams01.networklayer.com [50.97.18. 237] 13 177 ms 187 ms 176 ms po1.fcr01.sr01.ams01.networklayer.com [159.253.1 58.131] 14 176 ms 191 ms 193 ms [15] Trace complete.
  18. there are lots of websites that do reviews lol tomshardware overclocking etc all do reviews of various computer hardware
  19. My 3 phenom systems seem to be chugging along nicely I'm going to add a couple Athlon II x2's when I get back from cali
  20. almost all "high speed internet services" won't be free they all have a service fee including satellite internet the only free internet i know of is dial up
  21. What package do you have from rr. Com?
  22. first off go here https://testmy.net/download then click run smart test as seen in this screen shot
  23. won't those just take longer to complete and not neccessarily offer any more ppd? btw i just added 2 boxes to fold, a Phenom II 945 X4 at 3.4GHz and a Phenom II 1090T BE X6 at 3.7GHz ontop of my X4 at 4.1GHz ^^
  24. oh okay! are there any special -args i need to use to get the bonus points then?
  25. lol i know! i've been leaving my window open 24/7 and my computer is generating enough heat to keep me warm while i'm on it! btw am i not getting early turn in bonuses? i'm getting roughly 500 pts per WU my video card chews out and it doesn't appear to be offering any bonuses of any sort
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