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Everything posted by tdawnaz

  1. congrats on the new baby!! pics?? name?? stats??
  2. wow...i like that
  3. tdawnaz


    welcome to testmy...stick around...enjoy learn and share... the setup she has almost sounds like smartbro in the philippines so i wonder if any of the speed up info in that area would help...it's under asian providers.
  4. i think you guys work for cox??...do they pay you for these commercials...maybe they will if we send them this topic hahaha
  5. and these people are allowed to reproduce??
  6. guess i could google it...but...what's a treble hook?
  7. yes muddy...that IS your name...she just called to tell me to tell you that...hahaha
  8. nope mr smarty pants...for me the last post is at the bottom...just sometimes on long pages i go to the top to reread something and then wanna go back down...it was mighty handy when we had it before
  9. so what happened to this?? testmyville!!
  10. this is up and running netmasta...just in case you hadn't noticed
  11. did you find this option...?? i would hope that there are privacy controls...especially in this day
  12. can we have a "down" button...we have a "back to top" button at the bottom...but there is no counter part at the top to shoot you to the bottom
  13. 8 gigs!! of ram...hehehe...remember 8 megs or 4 megs?? oh sorry...carry on
  14. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family...if you celebrate something else...I hope you had a happy merry whatever your faith dictates the holiday is with your friends and family. above all...keep safe...and warm
  15. damn...lemme check...am i really blonde...or do i just not understand...
  16. also you might want to run a scheduled test chose the 4 hour or the 6 hour tset and just minimize the window and let it run for a few days make sure you stay logged in here)...open another browser window to do whatever you do on you computer...then link them to the link ca3le gave you to your stats...this is helping a lot of people snap their isp's to the line and admit that it's on their end not the users end
  17. the only console i have is the center console in my car... oh and a nes packed away somewhere...confiscated from my kids for 30 days when my son wouldn't do his homework and chores...then sadly forgotten in a locked closet...by them hahaha
  18. well roco runs me...how does he get updates for that??
  19. that's because when we changed your display name...i asked if you wanted to change your login and you said no...so the login stayed the same...only your display name was changed...ca3le may be able to fix that if you want
  20. as always...welcome back **eagle**
  21. remember our servicemen...your servicemen (wherever you are) this holiday season http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_P6yU_ymFM hope this posts right it's beautiful
  22. now this was insightful...but got no comments...maybe it was too far ahead of it's time...romdos seemed to be that way...insightful... profound post...
  23. i've been running the 3 hr interval since my last post with no problem...
  24. well ca3le...what did you find...hehehe... i'm gonna do the same
  25. Wishing you and yours a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Don't forget to actually give thanks for all your many blessings. and make a turkey sandwich and go find someone that didn't have a thanksgiving and make their day...i promise it will only take you 15 min of this precious day.
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