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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Mabey the IP address is registered in Germany. I think it depends on where the ISP has it's offices.
  2. The paging file is used for virtual memory. As for using a file retrieval company, I heard those can be pretty expensive. I think they charge by the hour.
  3. It probably does. Even if it doesn't, if you have written files to the hard drive since then including the paging/swap file, then the files probably have been written over. The more you use your computer the less chance you have in recovering lost files.
  4. I get incorrect speeds from that mirror too: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 55163 Kbps about 55.2 Mbps (tested with 3151 kB) Download Speed is:: 6734 kB/s Tested From:: http://dragon-jade.com Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 985X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.15 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 1525.31 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QYE4UDG02 It looks like that server is off line.
  5. I doubt it. When you burn files to a CD, the files are stored in a temporary folder. They're are most likely not recoverable from your hard drive. Have you used the camera since then? If you haven't used the memory card that you originaly took the pictures with, then you might be able to recover the pics from the card.
  6. That's a cached result.
  7. Upload faster than download, hmm...
  8. netmasta

    007 SPY

    Try running your spyware scanner in safe mode. Reboot and repetedly press F8 to get to safe mode. BTW, why does Comcast suck?
  9. Yea true. They probably are limiting it. But 1Kb? You need more than that to access e-mail.
  10. When Comcast installs your service, they will create a line just for your modem. I highly doubt you could combine 2 lines together.
  11. Can you describe a little more what's wrong. Are you getting error messages? Are you using the uninstall programs?
  12. They can slow it down a little but not as much as if you had a lot of those programs running at the same time.
  13. If only this were real: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 25016 Kbps about 25 Mbps (tested with 3151 kB) Download Speed is:: 3054 kB/s Tested From:: http://twistedpc.us Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 447X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.34 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 638.59 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-Y6URXPHM8
  14. I figured I'd create a new poll asking what browser people are using seeing as Firefox has been out for a while. This poll will be open unitll 7/26/05.
  15. If someone has a publicly listed number you can also just type the number in Goolge and it will give you their address. I'm not sure if it works for buisness' numbers yet.
  16. I mostly just use my computer for the 'net. I have only 256Mb ram, so some online games would'nt work well. Anyway I play some of the games at Yahoo! games. Then there's some stuff I find at ebaumsworld.com
  17. You'd think it would be better since the military literally invented the internet.
  18. When I try to save mine as .jpg in paint, the pic gets fuzzy. Am I doing something wrong? I choose save as.. Then select jpg from the drop down menu and type in file_name.jpg.
  19. If you need port 80, why am I hearing on the FIOS forum that Verizon is blocking it? How are they working around it?
  20. Nice theme. What is it?
  21. It's not one sided. From what I've read their deviding the users between Comcast and Time Warner. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050421/ap_on_bi_ge/adelphia_sale_21
  22. It was probably your ISP not letting you connect through ethernet. Most ISP's are starting to allow one IP address per customer. They keep track of your MAC address so they can make sure you are only using one computer or a router on that connection. As you've figured out, connecting your ethernet then rebooting your modem solves the problem.
  23. I'm guessing you have a Motorola modem. I have a SB4220 You can use up to 31 users on ethernet plus one on usb at the same time. I'm guessing you're connecting one computer on ethernet and the other via usb. With Comcast you have to pay extra for a second IP address. If you get a router, both computers share the same external IP address. Also usb isn't made for internet connections. If you do decide to connect that way I don't think the computers would be able to talk to each other.
  24. Welcome back. There is finally a new second server on the site.
  25. Shoot! Lets see.. Comcast $43.00/mo
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