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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by grift3r74

  1. Yeah... You're included in the glitchy basestation user list..
  2. Thats fine already.. its above the advertised 384 kbps anyway.. the lucky people who have speeds above 500+ has good (glitchy) basestations.
  3. Its above average.. I think you should have made it funnier..... Like those people shaving his hair should have impersonated trump and austin (wigs, trashtalking, etc..) to make it more appealing. Mcmahon should wear a bandanna (not a towel) after the shave.. It's pretty nice anyway.. I think key to winning this contest is making some real funny sh^t..
  4. When they first installed your canopy, did you always have speeds above 500+, 600+ ?Man, youre really lucky!!
  5. Yup!! NOD32 is the best!!!
  6. all data in the Internet got lost? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4vDClhnJjs&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Evideosift%2Ecom%2Fvideo%2FThe%2DInternet%2DCrashed%2DA%2DSpecial%2DReport :haha:
  7. Cant do coz its too high!! :haha:
  8. Quote from wtf
  9. I wish SmartBroken doesnt mess with my connection by changing my settings..
  10. Thanks!! @jun101ph Those Smartbro installers didnt give me the box.. I didnt know it even comes with a box.. Well, thats another reason why to hate smartbro!!
  11. Just curious.. Is there another way at looking at your mac address aside from climbing the roof and checking it? Like, can you see the address by just using the computer itself? Thanks!!
  12. Thats a good point!!
  13. Check it with the Quezon City server to be more precise.. I think Testmy also provides accurate speeds. Thats also pretty good but I think you can tweak it to reach better speeds.. Try using Cablenut or TCP Optimizer and maybe you can see positive changes..
  14. Im getting pretty scared of your posts... I better uninstall too. Looks like Quickfix 2 is really the problem.. I am going to revert to the old quickfix.
  15. Those are good speeds already... Congrats
  16. Try reading through this thread from page one and see if you can increase your internet speeds. You will learn a lot here. (changing canopy settings, Cablenut, TCP Optimizer, etc).
  17. The server you chose is Los Angeles Ca. and you live in the Philippines right? To see your exact speeds, try testmy.. Or if you are really a fan of speedtest.net, use the Quezon City server
  18. I'm using it and I havent experienced anything bad.. Well, its good to be cautious anyway... Just use the old version coz its proven safe...
  19. @thugster Disturbed has already answered the question...
  20. What the!!?? I hope you downloaded all files in the internet with those speeds.. :haha:
  21. For locked canopies, try this and see if it works 4 you quoted from warpath: http://www.smartwifi.org.ph/customer-complaint/new-subscriber/
  22. Im using Quickfix 2 and I wasnt notified about changing connection types.. I can still access my canopy.. Thanks for the warning anyway.
  23. Looks like my speed returned to normal after 3 days of dial-up speeds..
  24. I really dont know since I installed quickfix 2.0 only a couple of days ago.. I hope somebody answers our question.. Does anybody know the answer? help please... coz I'm still struggling with dial-up speeds for almost 3 days now..
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