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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. they respond to emails more quickly than thru their hotline. emails are printed and can be referred to the appropriate technical department, while phone conversations are recorded. imagine how many recordings they have to listen before the technical department hears your compaint. yes, the csr makes the report, its a long process tho smartbro email ad: [email protected]
  2. @ blank25 welcome to testmy.net here it is re: your query. http://www.testmy.net/t-18616 attached is the file. try it.
  3. :shock: :shock: :shock: what caused it?
  4. DirectX 10 for Windows XP installation screenshots.
  5. @ beadr. welcome to testmy.net nice speeds. how did you do it?
  6. so that you will know the difference: DDR Basics Short for
  7. that must have helped for a clearer line of sight for your antenna to the base station. email smartbro and encourage them to upgrade to WR512 to suffice the already congested access points in your base station. oh btw, ive seen in your other post you said as the day's up your speed becomes slower like dial up. that's not entirely correct. usually dial up users can get only as much as 48 kbps max speed, average is 40. if you get that kind of speed for smartbro, that will be awful.
  8. your connection to color code 152 is the answer why you have slow speed. the RSSI is not that high but you are sharing it with 86 users that solves the mystery.
  9. how many users know those programs that were just mentioned existed? come on let's admit it ym is the more popular chat client.
  10. this should be cool. it will really be useful especially if you have several yahoo accounts.
  11. there a related topic for that http://www.testmy.net/t-21910.0
  12. @ ~kimberly~ a.k.a racenchk. welcome to tmn. i think the DL slowdown was because of your norton. and the boost in UL after the tweak was because you had a good setting for that. you should not have touch anything after the tweak, concentration point should have been in your DL. well anyways everything was done already so we'll just move on. what are your advertised speeds?
  13. Have you ever wonder if multiple yahoo messengers can be opened at the same time? Usually, you have to sign-out first before signing-in your other yahoo account. This will definitely take your valuable time. Now, here's a step by step procedure* to run multiple instances of yahoo messenger. 1) Download and install Yahoo Messenger (latest version is Beta). Get the standalone installer @ http://filehippo.com/download_yahoo_messenger/tech/. 2) After you installed YM, sign-out and close YM. 3) Download and unzip the Yahoo Multi-Messenger Patch @ http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/Yahoo-Multi-Messenger-Download-19851.html. 4) Go to the folder of the YM Patch and double-click the icon named 'Y!Multi Messenger'. A new window will pop-up. 5) In that window, click 'Enable YMulti', check 'Remove YM ad (Bottom of Yahoo Messenger)' then click 'Remove Ads'. 6) Close the window and you're done! You can now open your YM as many times as you want and log-in all your active yahoo accounts. This way you won't miss all your love ones and chatmates much more their sweet nothings (jk)...in all your accounts! Note: Tested in Windows XP only. * Also posted in my Blog.
  14. may i join the OT? i was once a disc jockey at ABS-CBN's FM in Cagayan De Oro because i love music. that job has brought me to meetings and conversations with band managers and members; among them the eraserheads, the old rivermaya with bamboo then as their lead vocalist, wolfgang, grin department, side a, and many others. also radio interviews with so many movie & tv personalities. i also had a studio recording with Mr. Peter Musngi, known in the broadcast world as "Peter Rabbit", who happens to be ABS-CBN Network's prime voice over. when i had the chance to a nighttime sideline job as sound engineer and voice over in a hotel restobar in CDO, i tried to train with drums during free time, coz i thought i was good in hitting things , but never did prosper, oh at least i tried that's it. my inclination with music.
  15. oh no you're not gonna wish for rain to come more often. it'll be bad news for those in floody areas
  16. there is. it's called smartbro plug it! it's a modem which you connect to your PC via USB. The connection actually goes through the SMART Mobile Network. monthly subscription fee is Php799. they say this product uses 3G technology yet still per feedback is slow.
  17. a nice voice is a requirement for that kind of job. i thought you were referring to something else :roll:
  18. so...you mean literally...ahmmm...hot? :cheesy:
  19. yes. take a peek at the enclosures, oh they are so beautiful! http://www.cooldrives.com/sata-enclosure.html http://www.xpcgear.com/enclosures.html
  20. becman's suggestion is a good one. now you have another option. the mark is usually at the side of the power supply like the one in the image below.
  21. i think a 500 watt power supply can suffice.
  22. there you go. i have a total of 120 gigs. 3 HD's of 40 gigs each. one of them have two partitions of 10 and 30. 10 gigs is used for system files and 30 gigs for installed programs. the other 40 gigs are for mp3 music; the other 40 for installers and movie files. so far so good.
  23. i guess what he is referring to is external HDD he didn't just point out. if that's the case i think using it is just fine.
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