that's true.
now if anyone is dissatisfied with the tweaks and don't believe it, i wouldn't care. their comments either way cannot make me earn greener pasture. tmn members who posted tweaks did it for free so no big deal if we can't please everybody, we're just trying to help.
anyone who can give an alternative to the 20 steps is welcomed.
if I may add. check out the latest User's Manual. it has everything about the Canopy.
<a href="http://">Canopy User Guide</a>
<a href="">Foxit PDF Reader</a> :: Download incase you want one. It's free.
here are some good references to speed up smartbro
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thats the max transmit output of the AP w/c you are hooked to, but as i see it, the bandwidth allocation will be distributed to all who availed the service including you. the more the users, the more it will slow down.