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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. @ enzobaby there are those who are using nod32 and still get high speeds. however, there are also some who switched to avast and got higher speeds. another thing which makes the difference is that avast is freeware.
  2. congrats @ snip. i remember your early days at tmn where you had complaints with your speed. now they are over.
  3. as what i've understood in her second post, she just replaced her old anti-virus program with my recommended one and she got back her connection. take a look at the series of events:
  4. @miloboy kindly post all the installed softwares in your pc, if you don't mind. i'd like to start the evaluation from there. thanks.
  5. remember that smartbro is wireless w/c has intermittent speed. it is normal to get that speed during peak hours when there's more smartbro users online. as the usercount in your canopy page increases, your speed decreases because you share the same color code (access point).
  6. stick to that for the meantime enzobaby. observe for a week. then post your observation points here.
  7. welcome back fr0st. where have you been? anything new?
  8. hi there miloboy. you can start here: http://www.testmy.net/t-18616 http://www.testmy.net/t-21175
  9. yes truly is. a base station upgrade which will provide 512 kbps speed to the subscribers is great news or... just another promise?
  10. and what is that arf arf for?
  11. hey momma t (t stands for tease? ). that's what i like in you you share light moments with tmn members. only nel can tell if its a M or F. for the moment, you stole the spotlight momma t.
  12. there's an alternative to have that aero look. search for Vystal.
  13. yeah thanks. (off-topic) there'll be more updates there especially when VTP version 8.0 will be released by mid-november. (back to topic) your speed is pretty consistent already. i suggest you stick with it.
  14. yes the 20 steps are applicable on the three computers. i suggest that when you go to http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php to calculate your ccs, use the MTU value of 1500 for PC 1 (Server) and use MTU 1492 for both clients (PC 2&3). note (i don't know if this is applicable to you): K9 web security slows down your internet connection but not noticeable. for security purposes, however, it is necessary to install it especially if you're operating a computer shop.
  15. i suggest you download at past midnight or early morning. there is less internet traffic during those times.
  16. @ becman - good to hear some positive development. i love to hear statements of contentment than complaints. but i think as long as smartbro does not upgrade, the latter are increasing. @pjip2003 - as you surf tmn threads, take a peek at my blog also, there are useful tips there which could help increase further your current speed. make good
  17. yes there are ways: http://www.testmy.net/t-18617 http://www.testmy.net/t-20597
  18. as you can see in the upper portion of this page, i posted the link to the guide on how to speed up utorrent DLs. take your time
  19. i'll grab that . avast. hmmm. that is what i've been telling anyone.
  20. Hello there beautiful nel-sama. Welcome to tmn. I suggest you disable your firewall first. If you still get the ping time outs after the firewall is disabled, then something on the network is not configured correctly, most likely the ip, subnet mask or dns in the computers you are attempting to connect.
  21. hello @ pjip. if i were you i'd settle for that speed. but since you were asking for some improvement, try to use the tcpip patcher, download, run and set your tcp max half-open connections to 100. http://www.lvllord.de/?lang=en&url=downloads
  22. 11/11/07 6:30 AM MNL Time
  23. hello there xeon. hope you will enjoy your stay at tmn! try these guides to speed up your connection: http://www.testmy.net/t-18616 http://www.testmy.net/t-21175
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