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    My Results

Everything posted by xs1

  1. Still trying to work out the inconsistency bugs may end up calling verizon after i move down here perm. but heres my results for now.
  2. I have a question... If you have a router, why do you need the switch? Arent they pretty much the same thing other than a router has more internal options?
  3. Seems like your speeds are where they should be. Ping time seems kind of high. Especially coming from NJ. Im in IA and i only get 48 ms. i would think you should be in the mid 60's
  4. Ok a couple things for you here "missmoondog". A: With the extreme flux. of your speed tests ; Meaning 1.6 Mb one day and 40 the next .. I would say its a problem possibly on your end or with routing. Try a traceroute possibly? Pathping? 2: If you like tests like speedtest net than thats fine. All thoes flash based websites do is make you feel good. There not at all accurate. Testmy.net show your ACTUAL download speed in real world download situations. Flash shows the potential connection at its absolute max with very high overhead buffer. Testmy.nets speed testing method is completely different in the coding. III: Please review the thread Here : Difference between Speed test sites. - In conclusion, Before slandering a website that is providing you Free, unbiased, speed test results in which you took the time to register... Review the facts or enjoy feeling good with other sites over the top inaccurate results. Thanks for joining! - ☻ ◦§1 ☺
  5. Last time i adjusted mine / disabled it my system went nukkin futs. Nothing ran correctly, choppy, laggy, just geeked out.
  6. JCO looks like comcast may have installed ; or you may have some kind of speed booster installed that is caching your speedtests in some way. The upload does not match the download for sure. I've only seen speeds like that from people in japan with gigabit to home connections. I would look to see what programs you may have running, try different browsers , router settings possibly. Also if you want to be accurate , try http://www.statbar.nl Thats what i use and it has a real nice network traffic meter thats pretty accurate ; Ill post a screenshot;
  7. xs1

    Isp Not Listed

    Damn ca3le and your super vague secretive answers
  8. I think hes saying that he switched FROM semo.net to windstream and his results are showing hes still on semo. Thats odd i think. @ richmca It doesnt take to long to locate problems with "slow speeds' .. they can usually pinpoint the bad node or signal leak within a day , a week at most. I wouldn't be satisfied with that answer If it takes longer than that.
  9. I bought a toshiba satalite myself last year. Love it. Havnt had a bit of problems other than the battery's take a poop rather quickly. They will end up after about 5 months only lasting about 1½ before needing charge.
  10. You should never disable pagefiling on any drive lol. Trust me its not a good idea.
  11. Only problem with this idea is the same my ISP did to me. They'll claim that the server is too far from himself to guarantee speeds. I believe their exact phrase was " We only guaranty speeds throughout the local networks ; anything over the boarders are not guaranteed " Bottom line is to protect their best interest they will tell him to test locally.
  12. Yea speedtest.net makes you feel pretty good , but testmy.net is far more accurate. Ill give you an example on my crap 15 / 2 advertised line ; As you can see their test gives me FAR more than advertised speeds. Now there are days it runs well and i see 20 ; but 25 , 26 is really pushing it. I've seen as high as 28 from speedtest.net... on my 15 meg line lol Testmy.net : Download Connection is:: 13295 Kbps about 13.3 Mbps (tested with 25 MB) Download Speed is:: 1662 kB/s or 1.7 MB/s Upload Connection is:: 1359 Kbps about 1.4 Mbps (tested with 2.9 MB) Upload Speed is:: 170 kB/s Speedtest.net: Download : 24.28 Mb/s Upload : 1.65 Mb/s seen here
  13. I like my otter box a bit expensive but the best protection you can have
  14. At 256 kbps 30kbs is about the best you'll see. You also have to factor in the distance between you and the test servers.
  15. That's about what usually get running quick today for some.reason.. downloaded a pdf file here a second ago in about 30 sec was a 15 meg file.
  16. looks like the upload was screwy wo did another
  17. My speed test at work w poor signal
  18. Im living in cedar rapids iowa for about the next month, than back to Florida! whoo hoo!
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