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Everything posted by zalternate

  1. Trident definitions. http://www.google.com/webhp#hl=en&q=trident+internet+explorer&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&fp=-Pw1cEIpNGU I was wondering what is "GTB6" myself. And you do not need to turn off virus protections or firewall to do tests. Unless you have some real quirky settings on them. Maybe a quick scan with the free http://download.cnet.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10804572.html?tag=mncol&cdlPid=10896905 Would clear things up. Download, install and update and scan.
  2. Well I know more about a Relation, due to the Internet and some stupid national church news item. But I aint going to tell her that I know she wanted to commit suicide due to a major health concern. But her doc was a quack anyways, so no more large intestine. You don't need to lose a massive amount of weight before an operation, such as she urgently needed. The story was almost like reading some psychiatrists notes. With an Epiphany at the end of the story. Nothing but a tool of the church to find and collect lost sheeple. Cops in Canada want instant access to our IP, email address and names for Internet use, without a warrant. Is that legal? Hell No! Violates the Constitution instantly. I could easily document and distribute where every cop lives in an area, but somehow thats not quite kosher with the police. Double standards abound. All this information just in case we might do something wrong. Oh, and the ISP may be ordered to store All our Electronic data. One day all surfing may need to be done encrypted, just to slow down the police from looking at our data streams.
  3. That would of meant that they accessed your system and got an address and name For snail mail magazine. Doubtful. But my wife opened a single chair hair salon a year ago and I see for this weeks mail(she's not home to ask) that there are two magazines addressed to 'Reception' and then the business name and business street address(No door to door delivery here. It's all P.O. boxes). I doubt she subscribed to them(she didn't tell me at least). There are enough free magazines around in book exchanges. So what I think, is that the magazines to drum up business, are sending out copies for the waiting areas for free. Since clients can read and maybe purchase their own. The occasional place might get you stuck on the permanent list. My kid still gets a once subscribed Lego magazine that should of expired two or three years ago. Not that they have his name spelled right, but free is free. If you ever look for business information on the web, there are these Internet webpage scumbags who will act like the business bought space and have all sorts of old information. And for a small fee, they will sell even more crappy information to various spammers who try to contact via phone or Fax.
  4. Well reporting back is better than when you highlight something and the big "COPYRIGHT PERMISSION NEEDED" comes up. But if I can't copy, I just go to the back ground to copy it. Just have to remove some code marks. And then print it. But I also credit the source if needed for larger articles, when it goes into a forum post. I think this text highlight spying has been going on for a few years also.
  5. The simple two are... Either a failing tria(transmit portion) or Hughesnet(Xplornet NOC in Manitoba) is cutting upload speeds. If the modem was failing, then you might show many failed transmit packages in the modem stats. And your download might start to tank as well. Then there can also be a loose transmit cable or a bad connector on either end.
  6. On one of my old places with Satellite TV, I needed a splitter(dish had single output) and I had an old one. Problem was it caused both units(TV receivers) signal to partly degrade in strength. So I cut the guts out and put in two 18 gage wire in a pig tail and soldered them in. And then no more problem with the splitter and signal. I read somewhere where the cable guys like to cut up phone lines when the customer gets VOIP. Have not heard of any Oooops from the Phone company in that manner. Unless a connection got loose, kinda....
  7. So here is my speed test today to compare on how the percentage of speed compared to other users, is based on how many users of an ISP do speed tests here. The Telus upgrade to 6Mbps speeds has been going on since at least 6 months ago. So I am better than the rest on many test sites. Telus also now has turbo speeds, which is 15Mbps(13Mbps actual with overhead). But that is for people who are near fiber. I use the 12MB test for accuracy on my connection speed. ::::::::::.. Download Stats ..:::::::::: Download Connection is:: 5130 Kbps about 5.1 Mbps (tested with 12280 kB) Download Speed is:: 626 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2009/08/07 - 6:23pm Bottom Line:: 89X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.64 sec Tested from a 12280 kB file and took 19.608 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 156.12 % faster than the average for host (telus.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0XP65NDE8 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2
  8. Whats Shaw selling you for speeds? An example of Package of 5Mbps with a burst to 8Mbps? Etc... Power boost is a pain for speed tests. And thats why there is the choice of a larger speed test here to insure accuracy. And depending on available bandwidth on your node, the power boost may not last long, and can skew a speed test. http://www.shaw.ca/en-ca/ProductsServices/Internet/PowerBoost/
  9. With Shaw, they do tend to oversell nodes. An easy test is to do a speed test, too check at 8am and then 2pm and then 8pm. Also what is your package speed? Since the testmy.net speed test says that more people are faster than you. You can put your speed test from this site in a post. Copy and paste the code on the testing page. But if you are so slow, sometimes it can be as simple as a line splitter somewhere in the house. Since you also say your gaming machine has a bad connection. A tracert may also show major lag times on the hop to here or there.
  10. Religioussanctuary scholarfundamentals principalsmessage educationalfoundationofschools Making ones that frack with the filters. Unless they do it manually to ban the proxy. I read that the Australian ISP Internet filter tests is doing well(or at least I thought is was them). Blocking education type stuff, but not blocking pr0n. Australia is going to be worse than China's Great Wall. And of course any traffic passing through Australia might get bit as well. ...is expected to cost AUS$189 million (US$123 million) to implement. And then whatever numbers are hidden.
  11. Civil War Submarine... Kind of like the one in Futurama. Except that humans rowed it and almost die of bad air. And not space station type of fart air either. http://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/investigations/201_submarine.html
  12. Well we have many a U.S. sub going through Canadian waters and the our lame azz Government doesn't say Jack Shiat. It only becomes news when a fishing trawler hooks one. We don't need a nuke sub having an accident in shallow waters in the inside passage(between Vancouver Island and the Mainland). Oh and Another freaking cruise ship killed a Whale somewhere before coming into a Vancouver port. Reminiscent of another kill, a dozen years ago. Those bulbous noses on modern ships hook whales just nicely.
  13. This any good? http://download.cnet.com/Shoutcast-Server-DNAS/3000-2168_4-10026194.html?tag=mncol
  14. I think there was a chemist question awhile back from one of the Ryan. About where to get some specialty drug store type items.
  15. The best IQ tests are the ones that want your email name and 'password', just so they can send a copy to all your dumb friends.
  16. Does the , ugg, Microsoft antivirus scanner find it? http://blogs.pcmag.com/securitywatch/2009/07/personal_antivirus_scareware.php http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/Threat/Encyclopedia/Entry.aspx?Name=Trojan%3aWin32%2fFakeXPA
  17. Thanks Laptop manufacturers for helping people get back their stolen laptops,,,,,,, via a BIOS Rootkit that calls home and is insecure. http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=3828
  18. Have a friend who is buying a laptop for university schooling. Which one of these is better for processor. Both models say 5.5 hours of battery time. Sony Vaio, Model #s:
  19. When you are using a router, sometimes it will give out the same IP to another machine. The other machine may be asleep when it's IP is given out to another machine. Mine usually just gives out a new IP when that happens. To avoid this issue, you can hard code the internal IP ranges to each machine. So computer A will have a permanent IP that should not be given out to machine B that also has a hardcoded IP.
  20. On the Telesat satellite... There is an hourly limit. Meaning that you can download between 12MB's to 36MB's per hour before being slowed down. The variable MB's depending on all the other users online at the same time. And then FAP resets, but will slow you back down if you continue to use slightly too much bandwidth. There is an unofficial FAP free period overnight. On the Hughesnet satellite, there is a daily limit. Exceed it and go to dialup speed for about 24 hours. And using the service at the slow speed may extend your FAP jail time. There is a FAP free period between 2am and 7am eastern time. There are continuing to be problems with the KU satellites. Power issues and such. Hughesnet has it's own Spaceway3 KA band satellite, and a new KA band, coming in 2012. Some people like to stir the pot with the 'Shared Bandwidth' B.S. ... If the satellite/spot beam gets oversold? Who's fault is it? It is not the users, thats for sure. It would be interesting to know how much bandwidth has been sold to users and how much bandwidth is actually available on the Telesat satellite. Xplornets contract is one sided. It favors Xplornet and not the users. But the users are too lazy to fight, Via consumer protections, and will continue to pay each and every month for what at times can be a slow service, until their contract is done. Some users are lucky and get decent speeds for the times that they are online. But when people come home after a long day of work and want to surf some webpages? Well thats were the PrimeTime bandwidth issues can come in. Everyone blames downloaders/file sharers, but when you have to update Windows or update your Protection software, that can eat in to the bandwidth real quick. And remember that Xplornet is just a reseller of the service. They do not own the satellites. Some people may get confused on that. But Xplornet does own it's increasing amount of Wireless towers. Many more as of late via Government subsidy's. New Brunswick's Government has made the contract more fair by removing the contract term portion. http://www.highspeednb.com/ And Saskatchewan is paying Xplornet around 6 million dollars over about 6 years to brand SaskTel onto the satellite service powered by Xplornet and which ever satellite may be used by Xplornet.
  21. Make sure that they did not extend your contract to a full 3 years again by getting the new price. Cancellation fee is 25 dollars per month left on contract, to 450 dollars maximum pay out price. Your speeds are decent for the time of day. Speeds will drop between abouts 5pm to 10pm. Sometimes severely, depending on Telesat Spot beam location(map attached. Click to enlarge). Anik F3 is Ontario and Quebec with two spot beams. It will be replaced by the Anik G1. A new higher bandwidth capacity satellite sometime in 2011. I am not sure if there is a NOC(network operation center. Satellite ground station) in Toronto. There is a NOC in Vancouver and also Manitoba. Then there are the American NOC's(WildBlue). Was just looking at the Xplornet packages list. For 'Pro' (on Hughesnet KA), here is the description that you can do with it.... "Excellent for downloading information" . Boy thats good to know that you can go on the Internet and get information.
  22. So what are peoples thoughts on ISP's DNS Hacking Hijacking 'Domain helper service"? One of the problems is most scummy ISP's only have an 'opt out' method. So if you delete the cookie and the DNS hack becomes live again. But some do actually allow you to use your own public DNS servers. But some ISP's that have the combination modem and router have the DNS hijacker built in, thus not allowing you your freedom of the Internet DNS choices. And the Telecommunications carrier should not(actual law in various areas) be allowed to control the content presented to you by a simple typing error. Other ISP's offer you their own alternate DNS servers without the hijacker, as their method of 'opt out'. The ISP's make money off of your mistakes. And some uneducated users being stuck with the use of DNS hijackers may click on a link that is possibly a malicious link. Or leads to a website(product) that may be similar(not really) to the real website(product) you wanted. I use the free http://www.opendns.com/ and if I misspell a link? I get sent to a page that has the proper spelled address. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/07/28/comcast_dns_hijacker/
  23. I've got a TrendNet wireless network USB adapter. When I tried to 'plug and play' it on Windows 7, It would fail as not being OS recognized. But when I installed the drivers(Vista version) first in to Windows 7, Then plugged in the adapter, it worked fine. http://www.belkin.com/support/download.asp?download=F5D7050_v3&lang=1&mode=
  24. mudmanc4 probably read just the first post and then answered. [move]Solved[/move]
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