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Everything posted by zalternate

  1. zalternate


    File sharing is a deep subject. It goes beyond just the CopyRight Mafia. How many countries are disconnecting users on just a 'complaint' by the Mafia of file sharing?(3 strikes and you're out). In Law, the only way you could be disconnected(or to stop a temporary disconnect) is with an actual court appearance to state your case and have the Mafia bring up their factual evidence of wrong doing. And none of this Tribunal bull shiat either. Thats not a court system. I've seen some news from Europe, about how if you have an open WiFi in your home, you are guilty of a crime, since someone could use that connection to do stuff. I have said over time about if the product is good enough to buy, then buy it. Or a Donation to the creator. Some musicians are making a decent living with the 'Pay what you think the musics worth' campaign. Some musicians are trying to get their music rights back from the corporate machine. I don't file share, but then again, I don't purchase a music CD that is mostly filler. I'm not like that guy at the garage sale who buys the whole bicycle to just get the seat from it. And then throws the rest of the bicycle in the dumpster. Look at YouTube and all the old taped shows that make it on there. Are they copyright infringing? Well the uploading users look at it like the fact that some of these old shows are not put out on DVD. So they share to the rest of the Internet. Even some newer shows are on there. Canceled before their time and no DVD's to be had of them. Look at 'WKRP', a show that does have some DVD's out, but the music on the show is the biggest problem for the releases. Read the Amazon Editor review of how the music has been altered, to comply with copyright. And the extra 10 bucks a DVD season compared to other shows. http://www.amazon.com/WKRP-Cincinnati-Complete-First-Season/dp/B000MXPE6U I tried to watch a full clip of 'Married with Children' on a Canadian TV website(Global). The starting music(ugggg) of "Love and Marriage" was replaced with some strange instrumental music. Copyright crap in action... With software, there is a ton of Open Source stuff. Some of it is great and some of it needs to be more developed before release to the mass's. Once again, it's donate if you like the product or even give a review to make the product better. Even the big corporations release old versions for free. But with the note of 'use at your own risk', with no support for it. Why someone needs to crack a massive online player game CD/DVD to be able to play it online is strange. There is even Windows Lite out there. Which I guess is mostly for people who have the Windows key, but due to a Mother Board death with an OEM version, they lose their purchased OS on the system, if outside of warranty. Or their original CD/DVD that broke and the copy protection didn't allow the user to make a legitimate backup for protective purposes. But with Smuth mentioning the dictatorship under the Bush administration, makes ya wonder just how many things happen with warrant-less wire tapping in the digital realm. You can't Tap a phone without a warrant, but for some reason you can Tap a VOIP connection without a warrant. They are both phones, but since one is via the Internet....... Lets look at DPI. In Canada, our lame Privacy Commissioner was looking into it for Privacy concerns. Since DPI can do a lot more than just slow down file sharing traffic(like help record all your Internet data). Rogers Internet is busy modifying webpages with Rogers Ad's/service notices. How do you know that the webpage you are viewing has not been modified to be more Canadian content approved? Oh but you can opt-out. Even though legally, it should be opt-in. DNS redirection is the crime. And it breaks the Internet. I read a post on another forum, about how the users attempt to go to Google.com was rerouted to Rogers/Yahoo search page. Or was it just a glitch, and it did go away after a few hours. But emails were sent to the Google to advice them of the error. Who's worse? Rogers Internet or Google? Many would say Rogers. Can the Government read your snail mail? Nope. Can the Government read your Emails? Sure why not. It's on the Internet, so no 'Internet laws' preventing them.
  2. zalternate


    Have you ever heard the phrase, "The heads of government may change, but the workers of the Government continue on with the same ways that they were told to do with the last Government, unless forcibly and publicly told to change their ways." Many Governments have been slowed down and some toppled(at the next election), due to the workers of the government being sticks in the wheel of change. Since workers are a Democrat or a Republican and some have a tendency to work better and faster, when their political party is in charge. So maybe by next year, the Government may kick HomeLand Insecurity in the nutsack, to better respect the people of the land. Maybe. And I guess George W. Bush better not leave Texas either. http://edition.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/09/04/mann.george.w.bush/
  3. zalternate


    The difference between 'real world law' and 'Internet law'? Not much. The only barrier is Nations borders. And what is legal in one country, is the 'Death Sentence' in another country. If the Feds stop you and try to search your papers? Thats illegal. If the Feds stop you with a laptop or Ipod and demand passwords to see your data? Well no law stopping them, even though Privacy and the 'Right of Innocence' and 'Reasonable Cause' laws, stop the act of the search. So it's all in what some big snot nosed Fed says what the rest of the Feds can do. If you refuse? Then you are obstructing justice, even though there was no justice to be served. And you still will be arrested, for committing no enforceable crime. With File Sharing programs, they are fully legal. But it depends on what users put into the upload 'Shared folder'. Canada for a while said 'fair use type' File Sharing is legal. But now the Canadian CopyRight Mafia is saying, via the Feds, that file sharing is no longer to have 'Fair Use'. If the File has a copyright on it, then you must purchase that file, on the full CD or DVD, for the usual 200% markup above reasonable profits. But that is the American way, Right? Get as much of profit out of a product as possible, then let prices slowly drop. And the suckers are the ones who bought first. But the Music Industry doesn't ever let prices drop. Other than the $1.99 bin at the 7/11 checkouts. There is little(what are laws??) to stop the Feds from putting a 'Black Box' at your ISP to compile all your(ISP account) Internet Data(and without a Judges order for the wire tapping as well). And if the ISP were to tell you that box is there, the ISP would be fined many millions of dollars, even though the Feds' are the ones actually breaking the law. The more people are treated as criminals. The more they rebel. Add DRM and someone will crack it and distribute the files as punishment. A couple of companies have added 'Root Kits' to their Files. And without notification as well. Thats not legal to put a bug in your private property without notice. And barely a punishment against the companies for it. Jail time anyone??? But oh look. You can uninstall the rootkit. And then it reinstalls, the next time you play the files. Wonderfull!!!! Everyone puts out an IP while surfing the Web. Some people don't realize the trail they are leaving for the Government to follow. Thats why many people use others IP's, while looking for certain things. And unless a 'Bug' is implanted on the users computer, via one of the downloads, then Grandma Moses is the one having the Feds knocking down her door instead. Which actually happened a few years back in an apartment building. But for once the cops were nice and knew they had the wrong place. Even Australia has solved all crime and now the Police are out patrolling for open 'WiFi' points, to then frighten the owner with punishment for not knowing how to lock down their network. Simply. Do the Feds have a 'fully informed' Judges warrant for a particular machine and a particular user? And not just an IP and the registered owner of the IP's ISP account. If not(which is somewhat doubtful, other than a changeable MAC address and a possible computer name), Then the Feds are simply breaking existing laws, by taking things(Data storage devices) that are not within jurisdiction of every day laws. Why bust into a house and take 4 computers out? When according to the police(and a possible warrant), only one computer committed a crime. You don't go into the bar and arrest everyone. Tag them all and then later release everyone but the actual known criminal(even though that happens as well) who was the only black guy in the place.
  4. Makes ya wonder, how many people buy a new system with trialware and then never even notice it expire.... Well except for the constant nagging, which if you hit the right combination of buttons, will kill the nagging... But so will a complete reformat with a retail copy of the OS. Was the CD of Lawrence Welk, per chance? Or maybe Iron Maiden?
  5. I don't use VOIP, but, Quality of service settings(QoS)? An old review on the unit and a couple of setup details. http://www.voipuser.org/review_39.html
  6. Are you using eleven 1MBps lines into the Cafe? Or are you using 11 computers on one 1Mbps line? And what type of router are you using to manage the computer traffic? And do you have security settings like, do your wireless customers need passwords to get access to the router. I see your India ISP is newish with getting into DSL.
  7. Possibly your ISP is blocking your attempts to get downloads. Since France does have a Blacklist. Is the error an actual Browser error or is it a fake error page made up by the ISP? You can also scan for bugs with this free program. In case you have something that likes to screw with your system. MalwareBytes. Anti-Malware http://www.download.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10804572.html?tag=mncol&cdlPid=10896905 download and install and update and scan.
  8. I don't know about this forums Moderator software, but to mass delete posts, you get the users name that has the many spam posts, and then you click to show all their posts and then click the master check mark and then click delete. Then go to ban the user name(either first or second). Then ban the IP as well(maybe ban first if they are on the boards at the time), if a quick search shows it's a large known spammer IP. There are large centers in India that have 'Organic' Spam Bots. They are slightly easy to notice by their writing style. Their replies go with a thread, but some replies leaving you scratching your head. Signature Spammers take a bit more work. Since many people don't notice the signature link or they may click on the link and get their system hosed and then complain to the Mods about letting ,Bla, Bla, Bla...
  9. I suppose we could reverse engineer this. (I don't know about switches). With the WildBlue modem unplugged from your router(router needs to give out Internal network IP's). Does all your computers get assigned a IP address each? As WildBlue only gives out one IP that is subject to change on a daily or every other day basis. Then there is the method of turning off the network. Power up the WildBlue modem first. Then power up router. Then power up Switch. And then hopefully you can keep connected with the computers.
  10. For whatever reason. Some routers don't like the WildBlue modem.
  11. zalternate


    So an update to an earlier post about how companies get the online copyright to distribute a music/movie file and then get the IP of a downloader and then send an extortion letter. The company Digiprotect admits, extortion is their business model and the employees share in the proceeds. The company apparently started in the illegal filesharing of pr0n industry and has branched out. http://www.hush-hush.co.uk/world-sex-news/DigiProtect-Targets-Piracy.php http://torrentfreak.com/when-pirates-become-copyright-cash-cows-090830/
  12. zalternate


    So back on topic. This pic just fits this thread perfectly. Remember cassette tapes? In Canada we get taxed on them and CD's to give the tax money to the poor starving recording industry. "May they rest in pieces". There was even the day you could tape a good track off of the radio. Now a days, the D.J. buggers won't shut up and talk through part of the music on both ends. Thats why I prefer Internet radio at home. And CD's in the truck.
  13. I don't have a wireless card in this system right now, but I guess you can't lock the card down to a top speed, right? Like my router is locked down to 2Mbps tops for wireless.
  14. I am just going to throw this out there, since you don't always know how safe the security was on the repair. But it's been a while since I have read a story on a repair depots adding of scumwares to customers computers. So I guess thats good, right? Free MalWareBytes. Download, install, update and run. http://download.cnet.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10804572.html?tag=mncol&cdlPid=10896905 But do your speeds stay in one speed range or do they differ by large amounts? I guess you have already tried to do a windows update to look for new wireless drivers? I know Windows Drivers are Taboo, but some are actually decent for temporary, as you can always Roll Back the driver. Or gone hunting for them online at the makers site.
  15. With a dual monitor setup(single machine), you can look at what made the noise outside, instead of getting exercise by standing up and going to the window. Or hide, when the religious folk come to disengage your mind with their pamphlets. Or to record data, to be able to tell when the cable guy did not show up(when he said he did), when you went to the toilet for a few grunting minutes. The link for the simplehelp.net(in the first post), shows what city living is like, in east Vancouver BC. Many a YouTube video was born by someone having a webcam aimed out their office or apartment windows.
  16. I'm just doing it with a USB extension right now, To an old webcam. CHEAP ME. The "Dorgem" software is pretty decent. Only blue screened me about twice in a couple weeks. Think it had to do with the old webcam that I am using. The sunglass lens on the front helps to allow it to see in the sunlight. And the cam does not see in the darkness(even with a street light out front). Free, but no longer updated(links in the upper posts). The motion censor part is too sensitive(not adjustable) and reacts to shadows. There is another one that I have not dived into. Not sure if it works on webcams. It may be just for standard digital cameras. There is a free version on this site http://www.video-monitoring.com/about_VM95.htm in the download section. Found it listed in a webcam lists looking at Vancouver BC. http://www.katkam.ca Another one not tried is http://www.yawcam.com/ http://www.jericho.ca/webcam/mapwebcam.html Heres an interesting tutorial for another webcam , if someone who wants to do it wireless. http://www.falsecreekwebcam.com/howto/mycam.html
  17. If you want to have some fun..... Some forums don't display the linked picture signature if the post is only one lines worth of text or symbols. Shortens up the scrolling a bit.
  18. zalternate


    Some of the better movies now a days come from the Independents. It's not about a massive budget and how much crap you blow up. It's more the story that is important, with the occasional things blowing up. Make a movie for 30 million and actually get a profit at the end of the movies run. I also just watched Idiocracy , And they had this fabulous movie in it called the Bum Movie(or was it the azz movie?). 90 minutes of a rear end doing stuff. I haven't actually lived near a movie theater in years, but if something gets a good review or is worth watching, I'll rent it. And theres none of the loud mouth jack 'n apes in the theater to Frack up the movie watching experience. And if I want to fart, I can, without horrified sounds from around me. We are the Digital Generation and old farts in suits are not keeping up with the times(meaning they keep doing the same thing over and over again, without being able to move forward to new business models). And hopefully DRM will go away soon(forever). Imagine buying your music, to only have the servers shut down in a few years. And then the recording industry has the balls to tell you that buying the music is not a lifetime deal. It's no wonder people file share. And file sharing increases when only one or two songs on a album are worth listening too.
  19. Just a couple of more thoughts........ clearing CMOS memory http://www.pcguide.com/ts/x/comp/mbsys/cmosClearCMOS-c.html Read the warnings on doing this as well. Otherwise, maybe the power supply can not support a booting of the OS load. It manages to get into the Bios, but the power supply will wink out in a few moments. Could plugging in to an external monitor and disabling the laptops monitor(if you can) allow for less power usage?
  20. zalternate


    So according to the story. If you don't upload and then get your 'Share' files from an actual copyright holder, who is putting the files out in the file sharing community........ It's a legit free copy???? In the story, someone got his IP for just downloading the copy, so it must be the file owner or his agent distributing the copies. Oh and pay the ransom note or go to court. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20090826/0033215996.shtml And an interesting comment section discussion. A sort of Civil entrapment. As opposed to the cops doing entrapment. Kind of like the Cop dressed up as a Hooker, looking for tricks. Does the man have to ask for prices, or does the Cops actions constitute being a Hooker with a badge, to arrest all the johns he/she picks up. Get out of jail free, not valid in Texas.
  21. Did they perhaps change the address to the picture?
  22. Maybe the Cinderella police caught up with her. Disney will stop at nothing to protect their princess's. By the way. Google cache is your friend. Two versions. And the creation thread http://test.testmy.net/t-25435.0
  23. I suppose you have pulled out the memory sticks and either tried with a new one(known to be good). Or maybe one stick is bad, in a pair.
  24. I see Pixie lost her signature again. With the photo bucket file missing message
  25. zalternate


    Heres a Google answer from Utorrent . Private torrents don't allow DHT, Local peer discovery, or Peer Exchange as far as I know. And I suppose you would have to subscribe to the private Torrents to be able to download from them. And you are supposed to say, You are trying to "download public domain movies".
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