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Everything posted by dlewis23

  1. You can only sync it to one computer at a time through iTunes. Same thing as the zune, they do that so you do not delete your music when you sync it. There is a 3rd party program that will put music on a iPod, and may not overwrite everything that was there before. That might be a something to try on your laptop. Thats not true. You can put any music on a iPod that is a MP3, or AAC file, and does not have a DRM from another music store.
  2. They all do that, its to stop you from getting killed The windows registry is a total joke, one little change can screw up the entire computer. Its the worst thing Microsoft ever did. And now they are stuck with it because everything is dependent on it.
  3. make a boot disk and format it outside of windows.
  4. If he keeps it with just him self he doesn't have to get a business license. He can use his SS, and will have to report all the income as self employment.
  5. That might or might not be illegal. They all say they are free for personal use not commercial use. Technically you would be using them for commercial use. It would be best to ask a lawyer about that, but I could pretty much say that is going to be a no no. You would have to work the cost of the program into the fee you charge some how.
  6. Yea you just right click it, and click "rename"
  7. It was named 8 because you probably ran the network setup a few times or somethings. Renaming it is all you need to do to fix that.
  8. is the vista DVD an original DVD or burned copy? And do you have another computer to try it in to see if the disk is all good?
  9. This is nothing new, Tesla did this over a 100 years ago. And his worked at a pretty far distance.
  10. http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/08/08/19/apples_secret_back_to_my_mac_push_behind_ipv6.html Thats a good little read. Hopefully it will help push IPv6 because we need it as fast as they can get it out to people, I don't care who is behind it and how they do it as long as someone is pushing it.
  11. Ram is backwards compatible, if you have 533 in the computer now, and add 667 ram, the 667 ram will get slowed down to 533, so it will work.
  12. Online gaming will always be affected on a proxy because, it has to send all packets through another server, that in most cases can be quite far away, and will have other people using it as well.
  13. Good luck with getting bluetooth to work on linux. I have never been able to get it to work. I needed it for a keyboard and mouse and it just would work, as most wireless services on linux. You can give this a try if you haven't already http://divby0.blogspot.com/2008/01/howto-bluetooth-for-linux.html
  14. Your router will probably stop it. Because it will block outside connections.
  15. Yea that damn bug is all over my screen too, he wont go away
  16. If he is talking about a local IP address, then thats really easy to do. Its done the same way in vista, as on XP. Just go to network connections in the control panel. right click on the network card you want to change the IP address for. click properties, then you want to change the TCP/IP settings. A internet IP can be changed. Just depends if you are on DSL that can be changed just by unplugging your modem. Unless you have a static IP. Cable is a little harder but can be done, you just have to leave the modem unplugged for a really long time.
  17. are you talking about your local IP address, or internet ip address?
  18. Arctic silver can take a month before it fully settles, and you really start to see the difference.
  19. the 7600 is quite a bit faster. Think about it for a bit. When does the video card ever have to send anything back to the CPU? the CPU is doing the processing then sending it to the video card to be displayed. The video card rarely ever sends anything down back to the CPU. The only thing the video card really sends down back to the CPU is a message saying ok i'm done with that what now?
  20. Photoshop looks correct. Paint has too much yellow/orange in it for some reason. If you think photoshop is wrong go into the preferences for photoshop and change the color picker. But the default adobe profile is better then the MS one.
  21. Windows photo gallery is quite wrong. The font is really blurry too. Can you show just photoshop and MS Pain next to each other?
  22. First did you get DDR, or DDR2 ram? that board supports both? It could be a few things. The ram could be bad, it could also be labeled wrong. Does it say 1GB on the label of the ram? And have you called them back after you updated the bios?
  23. Yes you can do that. But pull the drive out with your current windows install before you do the new install. This way a new MBR wont be written with 2 OS's. After the install is done, and you put some virus software on the new install plug the second drive in.
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