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Everything posted by dlewis23

  1. Yea that is great, you do that and you can have $8 a gallon gas. Lifting his part was good. But it doesn't get anyone drilling with out congress lifting theirs. And Nancy the witch from hell pelosi already said that she is not going to have congress lift there bad on it. Which is beyond stupid, and is not listening too the american people. Dems. and the entire left keep saying that drilling off shore will not make a difference, but when bush lifted the presidential ban on it, oil dropped, it went from around $144 a barrel to $129 a barrel. So they were proved wrong. If congress would get off there ass and do something good for once we could have $60 a barrel oil. But democrats don't want to piss off the environmentalists because they will then loose in november. Its all not right, they need to stop the crap they are pulling and start listening too the american people, and people want you to drill, everywhere.
  2. OS X all the way for me. I have XP installed in parallels on my macbook for a program I use in the field, and my Vista dell desktop I use for 3D max at work.
  3. First off we should have never left Vietnam. We won all the battles, politics fucked up, the buckled under all the pressure from russia fucking us left and right. But we got them back in Afghanistan. Leaving iraq would be the worst thing you could do now. We are winning in every way. Most of the country is secure and safe, the last battle front is in the north and is real close to beaning cleaned out and safe just like the rest of the country. The iraqi army is being trained and will be fully ready to go by the middle of next year. And most of the political benchmarks have been met. But of course you will never hear this on any liberal news because they don't care about america. We are winning and the war in iraq is coming to a end the right way.
  4. obama is a fool. He doesn't under stand anything about how to run a country. He wants to rase taxes on the rich, which is beyond stupid, the upper 10% of the country already pays 80% of the tax, he wants them to be around 90% that is insane. What he fails to realize is that if you lower the taxes on the rich they actually pay more because they make more money., but if you raise it they pay less money. And if he doesn't think that raising taxes on the rich wont effect the middle class in a bad way, he is even dumber then we all think. If they would just get spending under control, and stop wasting money, they could cut our taxes in 1/2. Hopefully people have enough since to not put him in office, then we won't be paying $8 for a gallon of gas.
  5. Hold off. Its good, but not all there. The touch part is very limited. And the apps for it aren't very good. Another year or so and it would be a really good thing if they get good apps that will take advantage of a touch user interface. A good review of it.
  6. Don't ever buy hosting form a company that says unlimited anything. Its a scam. There is no way they can provide unlimited of any service, unmetered is a better term but for $4.95 a month its not happening. Just read this from there site They say unmetered for them, but unlimited for you, its a total scam. A server with a 10mbps connection can only push 3300GB of transfer a month, thats far from unlimited. And since its shared hosting you know they are going to load these boxes up with 100's of domains so they can make a profit. They are paying $100 a month for that 10mbps unmetered connection + there server cost I will say around $250 a month. At $4.95 a month they have to sell 71 accounts to make a profit on the server, So they are going to stick 71 people on a 10mbps minimum, if yo do the math thats only 140kbps per client at max usage, hardly unlimited, thats actually quite pathetic.
  7. You have to setup the raid before you install XP. That EXE file you posted, what it does it setup a floppy disk with tool and drives to setup the raid, it makes it a bootable disk. If you run that exe, it might give you a option to copy the files to a USB key, if not there has to be one around that will do that, since most people no longer have floppy drives. Also keep in mind, consumer raid sucks. It hardly ever gives a performance increase, and is a pain in the ass to get working right sometimes. If you really want to do it, but a raid controller. I would also advise not doing raid 0. If for any reason the raid were to fail you would loose everything. If you really want to do raid, get your self another drive and do raid 10
  8. First off super glue only takes a few minutes to set, so letting it sit over night will not make a difference. And the way you broke it, is quite possibility the worst way to break it. You will never get it back right because of the way you broke it, and it won't spin correctly. Just spend the $5 bucks on a new fan.
  9. Simply because games don't use quad cores, they are not threaded to take advantage of all cores. They are just starting to use 2 core to some of there potential. You can also get a core 2 that is faster then a quad core for cheaper. Use the money saved to go for a faster hard drive, or more ram.
  10. I wouldn't even waste your time trying to but a new video card for that. You would be much better off saving for a whole new computer.
  11. get your self a core 2 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115037 and for the graphics card go with like a ATI 4850 and you will be sitting pretty good.
  12. just use DBAN on it before you send it out.
  13. I would say if you sold it on ebay with out the monitor (you wouldn't really want to ship that) you could get between $400 - $550 most likely, if you sold it too a person local you could get a little more.
  14. I haven't read through the entire thing, saw this and just started laughing. I won't even go into where you said the iPhone would be fantastic if it ran windows because thats just a joke and a insult to all mobile phones. Windows mobile is such crap, everyone at my office has dropped windows mobile and switched to either a BB or iPhone because it has too many problems, and is a pain in the ass to do anything on it. As for the accelerometer being slow, the iPhone uses a mercury accelerometer which is the best kind you can get, and they are extremely fast, fast enough to use them in a game, and get instant feed back on it from the screen. Just watch super monkey ball for the iPhone below. I have it on my iPhone and the accelerometer is extremely fast and responsive, and its progressive, the more you tilt it the faster the object goes, you tilt it back hard it slows down real fast. And safari is fast when you are not on edge, when on wifi or 3G pages load really fast. I just have to add installing apps are a breeze on the iPhone just a click to install and you are good to go. Updates for apps are really nice too they tell you right away when there is one and ask you right away if you would like to install it.
  15. It actually only takes about 15 minutes now to get it activated.
  16. I like the HTC diamond but I can't stand the windows mobile + there Touch flow interface
  17. $199 for the phone + activation fee (what ever the hell everyone is charging now) + $69.99 a month for the service
  18. The dare, and voyager both really suck. The dare is better then the voyager but not by much. here is a good comparison chart http://gizmodo.com/5017957/iphone-clone-battlemodo-which-one-is-the-iphoniest the dare is not on there because its a bit newer If you want to be using this phone for browsing, email, and music keep in mind that all of them are pretty damn bad. As for switching I really don't know if it would be good or bad, Ive talked to people that have had good experience with verizon, and then others who have had a total nightmare with them, I would ask some people around you what they think about it.
  19. I wouldn't even waste my time replacing the screen. You could most likely get a whole new notebook for less then what the screen will cost. But if you can get it for a decent price and want to replace it, you could do that. The graphics card determines the screen resolution you can use nothing else. You would be fine.
  20. yea, the background style, then I tripled up the smoke and used some different layer modes, add another image on the top, and then the glowing lines. Its practice for something else that I have to use these damn glowing lines in, which are a pain the ass to get right. damn pen tool
  21. you don't have to spend $70+ for a really good powersupply. You can spend $50 and get an extremely good power supply. Just go with a good company. Antec and SeaSonic are the best this one is really good http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151039 I personally only buy antec powersupply and will never buy anyone else's, a few of our server's at the office use seasonic power supply's and they have been running 24/7 for about 3 years now with no problems.
  22. No I made that real quick in photoshop. took a few ideas that I had seen around and mashed them together, then did a few things of my own too it.
  23. Finally got my desktop cleaned up, had like 50 icons of crap on there, and finished my new background, so I figured id post it. Hopefully I can keep my desktop clean now for more then a day lol...
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