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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Can you post a screenshot of your device manager with the USB device(s) attached?
  2. Very cool. 3-4 KB/s on top of what you already had is awesome. Glad things worked out for you.
  3. ^^^^like he said, hear any beeps? I would disconnect the power and make sure everything is seated in the mobo properly, including ram sticks.
  4. My name is, I suppose, my attempt at satire.
  5. When I was running ME, I was able to exceed my cap by a bit, so yeah it should be possible for you. Start HERE. When you get to step 15, you'll notice that there are custom files for cablenut for 98&ME. Try a couple to see which works best (don't forget to reboot after applying them). Afterwards, run the test in step 3 of the topic above and post here, along with a screenshot of your cablenut settings. We can help you to specify different ones if need be. Good luck.
  6. Lookin pretty sweet.
  7. As rajmarie stated, SB5100 does not block ports and cannot mask the IP. It is not a NAT. If your IP from IPCONFIG does not match what is shown at http://whatismyip.com (when you are connected directly to the modem) then it is likely that there is software changing your IP, or a proxy. As for ports being blocked, what ports specifically are you needing?
  8. Traces don't look too bad. Try doing another traceroute while downloading a large file, like THIS ONE. This will help to illustrate the latency a bit better.
  9. I think that your first step would be to decide between cablenut and tcp optimizer. Running both of them may only cause conflicts. We at this site are more familiar with cablenut, for the most part. To begin, please read through THIS topic thoroughly. When you get to step 15, try some of the Cable & DSL 1000 files from VanBuren's custom cablenut settings v.7. There are also 1500 files in v.7 and v.8, which you could try to see which works best. Just remember to reboot your computer after applying settings to the registry in order for them to take effect. Since your speeds are pretty good now, I would advise that you do back up your registry before trying any additional tweaks.
  10. Try this test: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-12193
  11. Well, here is some news you probably don't want to hear: Wireless + Your Advertised Speeds do not mix well. Your speeds are very low for gaming as it is, and adding wireless in the mix (and the loss in speed it inevitably brings) only makes matters worse. I would call your ISP and ask how far you are from the CO, and if there are any higher speed packages available for you. You could post a traceroute: (from the command prompt, type: tracert www.testmy.net) which can show us if there is a network issue.
  12. smooth3006, welcome to the TMN forum. Please make sure you have read through all of this post: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097 As tommie gordon suggests, a screenshot of you CS settings will suffice, or you could also do THIS TEST (step #3 in the above link). I assume you are on the Comcast 6 Mbps connection. When you get to the cablenut tweaking part of the sticky, check out the "Cable & DSL 6000 768" file from "VanBuren's Cablenut Settings v.7"
  13. This is true for anyone. P2P file sharing depends on a zillion factors. I have rarely noticed download speeds anywhere near my cap with torrents, etc. even when there are a lot of seeds. Usually it sits at about 5% of my cap, on average. Just because you don't see maximum speed in downloads of this nature, doesn't mean that there is anything wrong on your end. P2P networking is unreliable and always will be.
  14. It's no problem, your advise above is something that hid may consider trying anyway. As you say, it does take time to optimize your PC for your connection. I find that, as I'm installing and using different software all the time, that I benefit from trying different tweak settings as I go. Reading through the vast amount of information in this forum, and learning from the knowledge shared by our users, you will eventually understand how and what to tweak, and you will get an idea of what will work best for your own set up. All we ask is that you please share what you discover so that other users may benefit from it!
  15. Right here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  16. which is ironic, considering the gov'ts stance in this issue on human rights and the freedom of expression. *scratches chin*
  17. TWC does not currently show the upgraded speeds on the core package as of this time on their HOMEPAGE. Currently, there is available the premium package, which bumps you up from 5 Mbps to 8 Mbps downstream. There is also chatter about an upgrade in the works to raise core from the 5 Mbps to 7 Mbps (I assume this is what you are talking about?). There is no ETA for this currently, so its a waiting game. Otherwise, the 8 Mbps premium package is available.
  18. hid, if you are looking to tweak to improve your speeds, I would advise that it is not necessary. You posted above that you are on a 1 Mbps connection. Your download test shows a score of 978 Kbps. That is great....especially from overseas! It is possible that you may be able to boost your speeds a slight amount from tweaking, but if you do it will only be a tiny amount because it looks like you are reaching your cap already.
  19. I would suggest that the default settings for the NIC are the best settings, none of them should require changing. Whether you are networking or not, these settings apply to how the NIC processes the data, but the driver is designed so that it works properly without needing adjustment to these settings. If you are looking to tweak, changing the registry keys are a better way to go. This is where cablenut makes things easy for you, it changes the appropriate keys to the appropriate values.
  20. You may be able to locate your controller at this link and view the documentation for it: http://www.intel.com/design/network/products/ethernet/linecard_ec.htm
  21. Don't forget about testy.net -- The Leading Anger Management Site on the Net btw, after browsing to each and everyone of the aforementioned sites, I have a fabulous collection of adware.
  22. I would say that (unless you notice your modem lights changing?) it is most likely an issue with the wireless end of things. This technology is not best suited for gaming (you'd wanna go hardwired). Your speeds look good, which would mean that your connection from the ISP is good. Please read here about factors which affect your wireless: http://www.hyperlinktech.com/web/factors.php It could be anything from a cordless phone, your microwave, or water running. Simply put, wireless is not dependable enough for online gaming. It's fine for browsing and what not, but if you need a serious dedicated connection, hook up an ethernet cable.
  23. http://edition.cnn.com/2006/TECH/internet/02/15/china.us/index.html I would like to open a debate about the article linked above. Many other articles like it have been written on similar grounds, and many discussions have followed, but it is such an important issue that I would like to hear others' opinions here. <hr> First of all, the article is targetting US-based Internet/technology companies Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and Cisco, and their involvement with the blowup of technology in China. China, with over one-fifth of the world's population, has implemented laws which censor and restrict what is accessible over the Internet. The Chinese government has instated 30,000 personel in a faction of Internet police to uphold these laws, and all who operate in this country must abide accordingly. American companies have identified a gold mine in the the uprising technology market in China, and have flocked over like seagulls on a french fry. But in order to stick their hand in the pot, this means that they must adopt the local laws. The US government is appalled that these companies would act in such a disgraceful manner, to deny the basic human rights of freedom and expression, for which America stands, in order to gain a profit. On the other hand, these international corporations are simply providing for the market, respectfully adhering to China's national laws in order to be allowed access to advertise a service in the country. Is the American government wrong in making accusations towards the involvement of a company in another country? Or are they right in that they are defending sanctified human rights? What is your opinion?
  24. Cool. Well post back so we can see how it goes, and try the cablenut file to see if it bumps your speed up a bit.
  25. Try the alternate download speed test laid out here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-12193
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