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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. SNR is a bit low too...I might call in and get them to check it out for you.
  2. That node on the fifth hop is messed. Try disconnecting the power to your modem (and router if you use one) for a few minutes then power back up to see if you can find a better CMTS node to join. How long has this been happening reno? Sometimes a node will go down in NYC and the traffic has to be routed between the ones remaining and speeds will drop a lot.
  3. Is that a 2wire router? You can always try setting up a static IP connection. Also make sure that your wireless adapter drivers are up to date, and the firmware for the router. Also make sure that you aren't running too much security (sometimes a software firewall can interfere with the firewall settings on the router....I'm not sure that it would disconnect but who knows). Is it WinXP? What does your wireless network say when it has disconnected?
  4. You bet, Linksys all the way.
  5. That's what I call a meaningful conversation. Definitely a lasting bond developed there. :haha: :haha:
  6. I'm in.
  7. It could be that something's up with that server. Try a couple of the test mirrors found HERE and compare results.
  8. Cholla: I think that the purpose of Canada's being in Afghanistan is not to be involved in any combat situations, but rather to train the local authorities (last I heard anyway). It is a peacekeeping mission, which is all our military advertises to be involved. No invasions, no military action, etc. So whether or not that is furthering any terrorist activity, I don't know. A government needs to protect its people and it needs a policing authority in order to do so, and sometimes will need some help to get situated. Canada will not stay, we're only helping the country get on its feet.
  9. Cholla: no not in Iraq, but we have troops in Afghanistan, helping the government and authorities keep control over the insurgent uprising. Things are pretty hectic there from my understanding.
  10. Good show Shug, very gallant. Best of luck to you.
  11. Are you one of the Boondock Saints? jj I agree with you 100%. The indifference of humanity to act/speak out against wrongdoing is the greatest injustice of all.
  12. I like what some people have said here about freedom.
  13. The verdict: some like FF, some like IE, AOL = spyware, and barely anyone uses anything else.
  14. Start by reading the user guide, found HERE.
  15. When you're connecting directly to the modem, your pings and much of your traceroutes are still being blocked.
  16. Looks like your router is affecting your speeds and blocking some stuff.
  17. Your ISP will generally log the most recent IP addresses you've had for a short duration (usu. only a few days). It is usually logged by the MAC of the NIC or router if it's an ethernet connection, or by the MAC of the modem if USB or built in wireless.
  18. can you view multiple rooms?
  19. wow, i'm seriously scared.
  20. no problems...get it figured out?
  21. hmmm...is the window maximized?
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