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Everything posted by Pgoodwin1

  1. Well, Speedtest speed numbers these day just seem to be some sort of average over the last few seconds of the Test. Doesn’t mean much in terms of performance over time
  2. I’m not sure if 800 and 900 Mbps are consistently achievable on a 1 Gbit/sec system, even to a local ookla server in your area. what does AT&T advertise as download and upload speeds for the plan you’re on? If you’re near Atlanta, you might try the Miami Test server here on TMN. It’s a little closer. Try the NY server too-it’s about the same distance to you as the Dallas server. See if there’s any significant speed differences between those routes. There may be a bottleneck between you and Dallas
  3. Good points. Here at TMN you get an average, a max, and a graph of what happened over time.
  4. Do some testing on this site. OOKLA testing is rather meaningless - they throw out data, and lately Speedtest looks like it only gives what performance was in the last few seconds of the test (and who knows how much Test data they throw out to calculate a Speed that ISPs like. Read Speed Test Legitimacy on this site in the Extras menu.
  5. The latest Speedtest I used doesn’t give you a true average. It looks to me like it’s giving you some average over the last few seconds of the test. Speedtest has never given anything that resembles true internet speeds. Try unpowering the modem for 20 sec and repowering it, and see if it improves. If it does, and slows down again over time, then contact Charter, stay polite but be persistent.
  6. I noticed you had a couple of higher points when Multithread testing. Your other tests were to Dallas and NY. Are you closer to another test server?
  7. Pgoodwin1


    You’re connecting to the Dallas Test server. How far from you is Dallas? if you’re connecting via wireless, run Airpport Utility. When your wireless router shows up in the app, select it. Then select your computer on the popup. It’ll show you what speed you’re connecting to your wireless. It should look something like the picture below. Note my 8 yr old iMac is connecting at 270 Mbps. i included a picture of the Hughes net average on this site. It’s around 16 Mbps. I don’t know what the plan speeds are for those that have brought that average up to that number.
  8. Pgoodwin1


    Your 6 year old iMac is absolutely not the problem. I have a mid 2010 iMac and routinely get 200 Mbps - not from Hughes Network though. Lots of people on this site have had trouble with Hughes. are you connected via wireless or Ethernet? And you should not have to reboot the modem like they told you. You shouldn’t have to reboot the modem more than a few times a year.
  9. Murphy’s Law - and it’ll happen regardless of improbability. Amazing
  10. I’m surprised that you can stream movies without buffering hiccups at the 1.3 Mbps. The DishNet deal did sound like a loser.
  11. At least it’s good and steady. Where are you? just wondered if the Dallas server is the closest TestMy Test server to you.
  12. The Flash based speed tools throw out a significant number of data points. See https://testmy.net/legit-speed-test.php
  13. I have no Hong Kong Test server on my list
  14. This morning though, things are slow. I’m getting 115 to 180 down on the 200 plan
  15. When I test to the NY server, which is about 550 miles from me, I get 200-220 Mbps on my Spectrum 200 Mbps plan when things are running doing well. I get short duration reading anywhere fro 80 to 150 when things aren’t running at max, but those durations are usually only 10s of seconds long, then it returns to the higher speeds. My upload speeds are at my max plan of 10 Mbps with short durations of 1/2 that. Those durations are annoying more often than the download anomalies.
  16. Have you tried powering you modem off then on to cold restart it? Also, if you have a separate wireless router, do a cold restart to that too.
  17. You should talk to them if you’re paying for 400 Mbps
  18. There are a lot of people that have posted on TestMy with Hughes problems.
  19. hopefully CA3LE will have some time to look into this some more.
  20. Your upload speed isn’t too whippy either.
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