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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. nice case I'm going to frys and geting a new case im going to mod it later though right now i have a blank xbox case and it is going in for a make over ill post pics of both of the works in progress later
  2. it is for me itunes for ipod fooplayer2000 to listen vlc to watch
  3. my score on a amd 3500+ 1 gig ram and a 7600gt
  4. he is running through a tunnal to get here
  5. just print screen and then open pait save it as a .jpeg adn when you post just upload the pics
  6. well if you router uses upnp then then it should work
  7. ive run xp on a 133mhz p1 with 64 megs of ram it took for ever to install and to run
  8. what client do you use also do you have the right ports forwarded to you computer?
  9. no you can play on both at the same time my friend does it with his bro all the time just look at there xfire accounts http://www.xfire.com/profile/alphamoose http://www.xfire.com/profile/7331kilio
  10. yes you both can play the game over the network if you want to use the same copy of the game you can only use the copy on the lan
  11. same thing only 10 pounds and $10
  12. ya at ralphs they have a 10 pound for $10
  13. yes but evern with the highest one vent still pwns oh it really depeds what you like
  14. but ts sucks go vent much better
  15. i like it better not ranked by stars
  16. heyheyhey............hey no baging on wow till you try it i had a myspace and stoped in 3 days wow just takes over your life
  17. same here
  18. I dont waist time on something so lame my sister spends 3 hours+ on myspace so i blocked it
  19. dl vlc and install the firefox codec and there you go
  20. nope with sat you'll get ping times of 800+ no fix
  21. i had to do that to make a hdd for my xbox and it did not damage it
  22. that is a pretty sweet set up the san cores are sweet
  23. you should see the laptop 129.99 down 49.99 a week for 52 weeks
  24. illl make sure to send one your way
  25. ya i know about the that my aunts tower cant use drives bigger then 129 gigs so ya
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