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Everything posted by tbaker397

  1. were they helpful Blunted? I know the second one is very reliable as is the first, the 3rd, eh, but skimming it, looks to be decent.
  2. Its alright pbone. Just want to say DAYUMN! your speeds are excellent for your rated line right now. Bet you can't wait til u get more upload. If you don't mind me asking, how much do you pay monthly for it? Also, do you have a monthly cap?
  3. Best one I saw was the one guy's(dont rem sn) had this guy banging on his keyboard til he lost his hands, then his head, and he like bludgeoned himself to dead by hitting it off his keyboard. Funny stuff
  4. Hey biker9075 How ya doin? Welcome to testmy.net! Make sure to tell all your friends about the site. From everything I have heard and stuff it takes Verizon 1-3 Full business days to complete the upgrade and sometimes your speed will decrease and go back up until it is complete. If it stays like that for say, 4 or 5 days(at your old speed) then you might have to clal verizon again. Just give it some time and enjoy your stay!
  5. Due to me being kind of lazy and what not, I am thinking about formatting my PC(again) to get better speeds, because my line is fine, its just my PC. I don't have any important documents(school hasn't started yet), only thing is a few ripped CD's and my napster songs which can be redownloaded. I was careless last time. So, do you guys think I should, or shouldn't I. I don't think I should because the only thing I am missing is the 500+ kb/s download speeds, but I would like people's feed back on the matter. Oh, I don't download much stuff, but I do like the spees.
  6. Hey all I found a good source for info on ADSL2+, even has a nifty graph showing distance/speed relations. The other links (one for now, i may find more) have info on VDSL/ VDSL2+ http://www.internode.on.net/adsl2/ http://computer.howstuffworks.com/vdsl3.htm http://gigaom.com/2005/05/19/vdsl2-100-mbps-over-copper-next/ -a little older, but still a good place for information Hope this helps answer some questions
  7. why would they get rid of it, it is a good plan for the people who just want something a little faster for their usual browsing. Mostly older people and the such.
  8. very good point, me too, lol
  9. wow.... usually, eh id say 8-12, being on testmy, dslr, programming, IM'ing, xboxing, and downloading pornographic images and movies.
  10. Only reason VDSL didn't take off: Distance. You MUST be under 1000 feet(or less) from the CO or the RT to recieve it. That's basically why we skipped it and went to VDSL2+, which is the cheap telco's alternative to an FTTP Solution.
  11. Hey pbone, how you doing?! Welcome to the forum! Those speeds are absolutely excellent for your rated connection. Are you a cable or DSL communications, im guessing DSL.
  12. in downlaoding maybe, but not in web browsing, secure connections and all that.
  13. I totally agree with netmasta, people, you don't have a speed that fast. Download something, take a SS and post that.
  14. rr-zip, reinstalling windows wouldn't do anything. That would just replace your Windows files and what not. If you want to have a clean start, when u go to install, pick the option to Format the PC. and yes, the modem might be an issue, but I am not sure.
  15. Hey Tappy and welcome to the forum. Be sure to tell all your friends on how good testmy.net is! Anyway, on to your problem. Could you post some more info on your setup and your connection such as, your ISP, what your connection is rated, if you have a router etc.. etc.. Check out this topic too: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0
  16. Welcome to the forum uadmireme2! Be sure to tell all your friends about how wonderful testmy.net is Could you post an upload/download test for us please? Also, if unsure which cablenut file to use try the one I attached. I know its not exact for your connection but it should be optimal. Talk to VanBuren about getting one for a 5000/384 connection.
  17. Send you a reply to your PM
  18. Whose your host and where is your Validation link? Try using IE if your not, turn off firewall and web accelerator, if applicable of course. Also try a different mirror or http://nitro.ucsc.edu/ and let us know the results
  19. nyforever Can you download that fast? Say like you go to microsoft.com and download a trial of a game or something. Try that and see what you get. Also go to http://nitro.ucsc.edu/ and test their, and tell us(or paste) what you got.
  20. This thread just won't die!
  21. In a word: yes. Qwest offers 1.5-7Mbps down and up to 896 upload for 39.99/month if bundled with local phone service. if you don't have their phone service, its 49.99/month but at least they get naked.
  22. 5 down (it was mentioned in his first post)
  23. u could be in one of the test areas.... but i highly doubt it. Turn off firewall and web accelerator (if applicable) and use IE and retest.
  24. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 457 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 56 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sun Aug 21 15:27:16 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 8X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 18.29 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 0.66 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-RXCAJ35ET 384 advertised... can't complain.
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