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Everything posted by tbaker397

  1. im not a mod BUT... ill be 17 in feb.
  2. If FiOS is available to you, then yes, it would make the most sense since its ina Fiber Connection. The only other company who is running direct FTTH and not capping @ 5Mbps(*cough* qwest *cough*) is Surewest who offer a 20/20 fiber service. But i see your in NY so FiOS would be best for you, unless you live in one of the Cable Vision's trial areas where they are testing 20/2.
  3. :haha: :haha: :haha:
  4. sorry, could you guys understand that? I tried to be subtle.
  5. Ok guys let me see what I can do for you DaBadGuy(Welcome to the forum!) St3laras, you should of read his post more thoroughly, it says run the Antivirus and Antispyware programs all the time. Anyway DaBadGuy, First of all, you have Pacbell, not verizon, unless your connecting to your connection through a wireless router THEN it maybe a case of that your wireless router is connected to another's network which is why you have bad speeds. But other than that one check out this topic here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/topic-2097.0 <== The best topic on this forum Enjoy your stay!
  6. Kinda freaky, i dont think i want my tounge alive.... unless its like the one in Kung Pow
  7. Fios people :biggun: :biggun: :biggun: :biggun: :biggun: :biggun: :biggun: :biggun: :biggun:
  8. Halo 3 will be out the day the PS3 launches according to M$. But reading a news story on bungie.net they use the words 'if there is a halo movie, and the master chief has a wise cracking porcupine side kick then something went terribly wrong'. so maybe all the details haven't been finalized yet.
  9. I PM'ed u jay173... And i use the WORST BitTorrent client on the net today.... Bit Lord... haha
  10. gotta love Halo. Hey HaloBox. since it wont be released until 07, think they will have elements from all 3 halo's in the movie?
  11. lol @ above me and kol, the capitilzation of every letter is a little distracting.
  12. i would LOVE a 1/10 connection, but i would prefer a 2 or a 4/10 lol. oh i got an idea: Lets reverse engineer the docsis technology so instead of the limit on cable being 38/10 is 10/38
  13. I know what you mean. But consider this: The Xtreme service is going have a higher upload than a lot fo the big name ISP's. Consider this: Comcast, Adelphia and Time Warner upload is 384Kbps. But that is for their entry level service .
  14. College or High School? I'm a 16 year old junior who attends Berlin Brothersvalley High School in Berlin, PA. We have the annual Whiskey Rebellion celebration every year so you may know the town from that for those in the pittsburgh/cumberland area.
  15. Could the kids next door have a few PC's all running a Bit Torrent client downloading some hardcore pr0n
  16. question plauging us all right now. we'll just wait and see. Close to sub 100: http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=201887114&loc=101&sp=1 : $106 Again, Close: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000AXU76E/qid=1126838682/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl147/102-3350250-5531338?v=glance&s=pc&n=507846 : 104. I added it to my cart to check.
  17. that aint right, lord i apologize, and be with the starvin pigme's down in new guinea(not sure if thats spelled right) lol.
  18. I don't think it should be a reason to hate it, cheese is good. Just that it makes it hard to eat knowing you'll get the "Walkin' Farts"(thanks larry!)
  19. norton enabled gives cached results.
  20. I agree, Im lactose Intolerant
  21. I don't think anyone here has a T1 line. Some people have Walden Web wich is a DS3 and its 45/45 but its a shared connection I believe. The closest anyone has around here is Blunted, who has a 1500/1500 SDSL line. Same speeds as the T1 line. And he hosts XBL games all the time. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  22. thanks for the info dilated, and under 150, 200 at the MAX
  23. yea its another satellite service. When I had Direcway, i got it installed when the G4 or GR4 sat was just launched so it was nice, lol/.
  24. Thats for the advice guys. I will def. take a camera, no doubt. And Just-, id be glad to be the testmy.net reporter. Free of charge, of course . CA3LE, any input on that idea? Also, can anyone give me a link to a decent digital camera, I don't care where its at(i mean online retailor) since ill go look for it on eBay. Just as a side note Dilated... i live in PA about a half an hour away from cumberland.
  25. 9/1 down in AZ. A few areas with 5/2 or 15/2 but i think most areas on still on 4/512 or 5/768 or whatever Cox's regular plans are. Oh, w00t, 500th post.
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