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yeah talk about.. You would think that calls would be free..  Maybe those people stealing network nodes, http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-12466 , are going to crate them and ship them over to Iraq and Afghanistan.  Maybe AT&T will be able to recover some of their equipment. :lol:

Sure the USA is all about making the buck.. but when you are charging the people who are serving your country to protect you ass WAY to much.. something is wrong..

My favorite part of the article..

NO really.. being shot at.. maybe we should relocate AT&T to Iraq... and all the CEOs of AT&T would have to wear suits made of american flags and all telephone calls must be made from pay phones during the day.

If you cant tell this really pisses me off  :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5:

I dont blame you..this is really disgusting :angry2:

after that first line i know it was bad, and then after that first paragraph i stoped reading. because that is really FUCKED UP. If we werent fighting AT&T would not have any customers to charge those high rates to.

Now i know why it was so hard for some of my friends to call home.

this is really going to make some of you really hate AT&T

A member of my squad, pvt. Andy Walker, his wife just had a baby, and he was trying to call home, he tried for about 4 weeks and never got nothing, (because of what AT&T was doing) one day on a regular potrol, a S.A.M hit his A-10 in the right enguine, and a 15in corss bar  waked him in the head, splitting open his skull. that kid never got to here his wife, or even know anything about his little girl. all thanks to AT&T

I Know I hate AT&t i liked SBC better but thats gone now man if i was a solder i would find out where the central grid is and take a few of the computer geeks the airmy has over there and hack into it to make it free i know it can be done if u locate the main center

You know that their are 25,000 members here. And 25,000 voices. Now if I am right, the way it usually works is, if you take 25,000 people and tell at least 5 people each, come on I know there are more than 1,000,000 people that could be e-mailed by the people on this testmynet. So instead of whining about it I would like to see a poll about how many people have e-mailed someone about this. In otherwords lets complain that if we don't see satisfaction within 60 days from AT&T we will simply change our service to someone else. May sound dumb but $ talks. I may be a little new here, but I do know that most of us have telephone or something. And they could lose more here, from us alone, than they are gaining over there. So call your AT&T or SBC and threaten them. That is the american way. F_-k calling your congressman, hit them in the pocket!!

And spread the word. Just copy and paste and e-mail to everyone you know. Bet we could win. ANYBODY HAVE A PROBLEM UNDERSTANDING THIS. JUST PM ME AND I WILL EXPLAIN IT IN ENGLISH!!

:protest: :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest:

I have already e-mailed my first person and will have contacted at least 10 people before I go to bed.

Quote me if you would like I don't care, I know some servicemen over there and I was one too!

If you post your opinions here it will get more attention also. Just by keeping it at the top for awhile.


How do i put this. I am going to call the phone company tomorrow and tell them that if they do not lower the phone rates to minimal over in Iraq, in 60 days, that everone I know that uses them(I have had them for over 19 years) will be changing our phone service at the end of 60 days. They can actually put it on the NEWS that they are going to help our service boys out and lower their phone rates to help them out during there fight over there. That way they get the credit, and we know that it worked. Again anybody have a problem understanding this onePM me. Please!

it's true I'm in US AirForce and about 2yrs ago I was deployed and the only way I could call home was if I was using  an AT&T calling card. just to connect it was over $2 plus the rate per min. it was really outrageous

$2+ a min is really wrong. my mom started yelling at me because here phone pill was about $45 higher one month. So i just started emailing home. and gave up the phone.

I am having trouble with who to contact on the corporate level, or any level just to get it started. Any body have any ideas. I know you can research for computer parts. And yes you all have a few minutes to spare, if you think, what would I do, if I was over there. Thanks!

AT&T is a global company honestly they have no more loyalty to the US than a foriegn country does. I'm really not surprized at this it's the greed for the almighty dollar at work once again. Although it is sad they would do this i can't say i'm shocked to much. The world has been built on greed, and the (give me give me give me, take take take) factor. When people are brought up like this you're bound to see greed on levels like this.

Back to the point, there is something we can do as a $ customer. I just don't know where to start. My research so far has lead me to a dead end. So if you (Dark_Matter) could help me get this researched to a place to e-mail or call to get there attention, I would appreciate it. I won't forget you in my X-mas cards.

Here are a few numbers to get you started:

AT&T-Corporate # 908-221-4191

AT&T Corporate Media Relations

Jim Byrnes, +1 (908) 234-8754, [email protected]

Gary Morgenstern, +1 (908) 234-6416, [email protected]

AT&T Business Media Relations

Bob Nersesian, +1 (908) 234-4548, [email protected]

Regional Media Relations

Eastern U.S. (Conn., Del., Maine, Mass., Md., N.H., N.J., N.Y., Pa., R.I., Va., Vt., W. Va.)

Ed Bergstraesser, +1 (212) 803-2667, [email protected]

Southern U.S. (Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky., La., Miss., N.C., S.C., Tenn.)

Aaron Bedy, +1 (404) 810-7157, [email protected]

Central U.S. (Ill., Ind., Mich., Ohio, Wis.)

Mike Pruyn, +1 (312) 230-4894, [email protected]

Western U.S. (Ariz., Ark., Colo., Idaho, Iowa, Kan., Minn., Mo., Mont., N.D., Neb., N.M., Okla., Ore., S.D., Texas, Utah, Wash., Wyo.)

Kerry Hibbs, +1 (972) 778-2081, [email protected]

Pacific U.S. (Alaska, Calif., Hawaii, Nev.)

Gordon Diamond, +1 (415) 442-2268, [email protected]

Europe, Middle East, Africa

Niall Hickey, +44-771-577-1451, [email protected]

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