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I am from Tampa,  Florida,  been here my whole life.  Tampa  is home to the tampa Bay Buccaneers,  Tampa Bay Devil Rays,  Tampa Bay Lightining.  Very Beautiful city that is very diverse,  you have Old and Wealthy South Tampa and the old and "club filled"  Ybor City,  The very suburban New tampa or if u feel like getting ur car stolen then you could pay a visit to the universiy west area(around University of South Florida).  BUt i still love Tampa.

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Midland Texas... I chew tabbakie and dont shower much... My wifes my cousin but that dont matter cause shes hot and has a nice rack... in the off season I bang goats... mmmmmmmmmmMMMMMmm goats.

I guess that makes you a goat roper.If you stick a rear leg in each boot it helps keeg the goat in place.

  :haha:  :haha:  :haha:

For me born & raised in Amarillo Texas .I'm a third generation Texan.I plan to stay here.

Palo Duro Canyon is here sort of a minature Grand Canyon,Home of the Cadalliac Ranch,No major sports teams,Helium capital of the world & plenty of flat land & big sky.

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I guess that makes you a goat roper.If you stick a rear leg in each boot it helps keeg the goat in place.

  :haha:  :haha:  :haha:

For me born & raised in Amarillo Texas .I'm a third generation Texan.I plan to stay here.

Palo Duro Canyon is here sort of a minature Grand Canyon,Home of the Cadalliac Ranch,No major sports teams,Helium capital of the world & plenty of flat land & big sky.

Hell yes.. I forgot you were from Texas (how the hell i did that I don't know) anyway I was wondering how you knew the term goat roper. :haha:
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I live in a place just 5 miles north of Liberty, home of Jesse James first Daylight Bank Robbery. Which is just 21.38 miles north of Kansas City MO.

Which is the land of the World Champion KC Royals and the KC Chiefs.

But where I live it is peaceful on 2 acres where that is a small place. Some  of my neighbors have 1,000's of acres. But if I could get a little over 10 I would be just fine. My kids love it, and I do not have to worry about them getting run over, or being exposed to the inner city life. I also do have bon fires and legal fireworks whenever I wish.

Yep, Green Acres.  :mrgreen:

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A little town in middle Georgia. Small town without anything exciting going on except the weekend! It is near Clinton Georgia and Griswoldville. Where the battle of Griswoldville took place between the North and the South. Some of you probably had to study it in school. Boring I know. All in all though a safe place to live and away from the big city life! :)

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Hell yes.. I forgot you were from Texas (how the hell i did that I don't know) anyway I was wondering how you knew the term goat roper. :haha:

I grew up hearing "goat roper" as a derogatory term or insult used to call a cowboy/cowgirl whether a Rexall or the guinine article.It's not quite as much of an insult to a cowgirl because it is a rodeo event for them.I think it first was to say "you don't have the skill to rope a steer but maybe you can rope a goat" .

When I was younger (still in JR.High) I was called "hippie" because of my "long Hair" At that time the school made you have it cut above the collar of a dress shirt.& tapered in the back no block cuts.So My hair was hardly hippie legnth.But a group of "goat ropers" followed me on the way home from school & threatened to cut my hair with their pocket knives.4 of them to 1 of me.Real brave I drew my pocket knife & said if the tried I would cut more than hair.They decided not to try.I was a tuff little hippie wasn't I.Probably would have got killed trying to stop 4.& yes most boys carried pocket knives to school then.

I think of myself as more of a "long haired country boy" but these days I actually keep it fairley short.

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show progress don't it.I have even heard cowboys refer to themselves as goat ropers now.So it has pretty well lost the insult.

If you want a fist fight call a cowboy a "rope smoker".Unless you are addressing the ones from the movie "Poke Butt Mountain" or some simular title.

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show progress don't it.I have even heard cowboys refer to themselves as goat ropers now.So it has pretty well lost the insult.

If you want a fist fight call a cowboy a "rope smoker".Unless you are addressing the ones from the movie "Poke Butt Mountain" or some simular title.

:haha: That made me laugh myself outta the chair.
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