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flash drives... flash drives... two free flash drives.  Maybe YOU will win one of them and if you win one of them then that means your friend won the other one!

testmy.net is... as always... growing!  This is a notice for our soon-to-be member number 40K.  Our 40,000th member will be given a 1GB flash drive (name brand... most likely Corsair, PQI or PNY).  Also, the member referring member number 40k will also be given a flash drive... keep reading for rules.

  • There are multiple methods for calculating who is member number 40K.  The method that will be accepted will be announced on the winning day to further protect against fraud.  (the method that will be used has already been chosen).
  • Current members are NOT allowed to sign up new accounts to claim the prize. (keep reading... referring friends will get you a flash drive also)
  • In the event that the winner of the prize does not wish to give out his/her home address to claim the prize the prize will be given to the next sign-up... this will continue up the line until someone claims the prize.
  • If the member was referred by one of our current members who is active and in good standing that person will also get a 1GB flash drive.
  • Any found attempt to fraudulently win will result in a ban and forfeit of prize(s).
  • Member 40K MUST be signed up on or before December 1st 2006, if member 40K signs up after that date no prize will be given because the contest will be over.
  • In the event that member number 40,000 happens to have NOT been referred by anyone any members who attempt to contact this member with something along the lines of "hey, tell them that I referred you..." will be banned without warning no matter who you are.
  • If you are caught making ANY fraudulent accounts those accounts will be deleted... along with your main account ;-)

(the main point is... don't try to scam the system.  there are many things that will referenced and checked before a winner will be announced)

Now... The Catch!

We are on target for some time in mid-December.  But the contest ends December 1st. 

Q: So how does this work?

A: Tell your friends!

By referring your friends it will push the sign-ups forward and make a win possible.  If enough of you tell enough of your friends then we will easily be able to hit the target date.  It won't take much to hit the target date, but the date has been chosen to make sure that it won't happen without participation from our members.  So start referring (and make sure you keep track of who you refer, you never know something may be announced later regarding the top referring members).

Good luck!

So, tell your friends about testmy.net and help us celebrate our 40,000th signup and a close to a great 2006.  You and one of the friends you refer could each be getting a 1GB flash drive in your stocking this year.  :)


* rules are subject to change

Contest Rules

Two 1GB name brand flash drives... up for grabs

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I think CAble wins if we don't reach 40,000 by December 1st?

haha, yep ;-)

hey... what if i refer my dad or something.. and hes number 40k??

As long as you both pass my authentication procedure then you'd both win.

haha, yep ;-)

As long as you both pass my authentication procedure then you'd both win.

In case your wondering his authentication process involves getting you drunk and then saying " HEY, hey you can trust me... did you cheat to get that thumb drive." So when it happens be ready. Either that or he will tie a string to a tin can and try to eavesdrop on you with it. Its sad to watch, he does it to me all the time.

In case your wondering his authentication process involves getting you drunk and then saying " HEY, hey you can trust me... did you cheat to get that thumb drive." So when it happens be ready. Either that or he will tie a string to a tin can and try to eavesdrop on you with it. Its sad to watch, he does it to me all the time.

I don't blame him at all!  What no periscope?  :shock: I would have one of those on you also. And even a couple of bugs for eaves dropping also.

Especially you shug.  :evil6:

I don't blame him at all!  What no periscope?  :shock: I would have one of those on you also. And even a couple of bugs for eaves dropping also.

Especially you shug.  :evil6:

You know you want it *insert emoticon that rubs its own nipples but CA3LE is too damn lazy to make for me*

haha yeah i hated Biology

OMG...u can't be serious...biology is about U...everyone loves learning about themself...huh?...

biology is the best...science in general...but biology...it's about ME!!!...so yeh...it's my fav and always will be...maybe i'm a narcissist...nah...but everything is about ME...u know?  :haha:

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