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I stick with the skunk theory. Just install a dead skink in his car. With a note pinned to it's tail stating that this is what happened to the last skunk who tried this.  :twisted:

Or maybe mix it with the shitty story.  :shrug:

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Have you tried changing your transmit power? The people that live across the street from me dont have a lock on there router. There be times my laptop will connect to there router. Theres times i just want to leave a notepad on their desktop saying SECURE YOUR NETWORK :haha:

in response to the spoofing of mac address not if u assign ur own string of mac addys to each client using ur router. even if they guess it they shouldnt be able to knock off another client.  they are probably staticly setting an ip addy, also, most router internal web server addys are the same so if you dont have ur router strong password protected they could be gettin in there, also you should be able to see all clients on your router from your web interface.

doing that wont help you, once you get the mac ID and spoof the router cant tell the difference between you or the one spoofing the mac id.

which one here is the best for security

I have that exact same firmware on my linksys router.  Its way better than the stock one.  I have WPA Pre-Shared Key on my wireless setup but thats only because thats the highest level of security my notebook card accepts.  I believe WPA2 is the best out of all of those if you can use it.

Is it stealing internet if you open your laptop and it automatically connects to your :clueless: neighbor's internet service.. Open network and his signal is in my house, so isn't that fair game to be on it??  :twisted:  :twisted:

Also the "call the cops" is a little far fetched..

"911 dispatcher, what is your emergency?" ..

"someone hacked my WEP encryption and is on my wifi connection send a car now!!" ..

"sir, 911 is for emergency use only" ..  ;)

Food for Thought - - VyraX - -

Well 40-50% of my area doesn't use WEP encryption.. They don't even know how-to change the SSID.. My neighbor's signal is in my house, and his WEP is off.. So I believe that is fair game, almost an invitation for me to use his bandwidth..  :evil6:

Recently was WarDriving with Netstumbler.. Picked up 541 wireless access points.. 231 were not encrypted.. So cheers to the people who are clueless to setting up WEP encryption..

Well 40-50% of my area doesn't use WEP encryption.. They don't even know how-to change the SSID.. My neighbor's signal is in my house, and his WEP is off.. So I believe that is fair game, almost an invitation for me to use his bandwidth..  :evil6:

Recently was WarDriving with Netstumbler.. Picked up 541 wireless access points.. 231 were not encrypted.. So cheers to the people who are clueless to setting up WEP encryption..

Yea people in my neighborhood dont use encryption either lol..I guess NYers dont like WEP encryption :whaa:

Yea people in my neighborhood dont use encryption either lol..I guess NYers dont like WEP encryption :whaa:

Both my neighbors have wide open connections, and I can almost guarantee I can access a networked printer..  :haha: Send some spooky ass messages on halloween  :twisted:

Both my neighbors have wide open connections, and I can almost guarantee I can access a networked printer..  :haha: Send some spooky ass messages on halloween  :twisted:

If I have ever seen a good reason to break the law THIS is it. Honestly, there is nothing more valuble than laughter (maybe money, sex, egg rolls and Adult Swim) and that would be funny.

Well 40-50% of my area doesn't use WEP encryption.. They don't even know how-to change the SSID.. My neighbor's signal is in my house, and his WEP is off.. So I believe that is fair game, almost an invitation for me to use his bandwidth..  :evil6:

Recently was WarDriving with Netstumbler.. Picked up 541 wireless access points.. 231 were not encrypted.. So cheers to the people who are clueless to setting up WEP encryption..

Encrypted or not....do it in Florida and get caught and you will go to jail....




Well - honestly I'm not the only one who uses their neighbors internet connection. Also, I'm not parked out front anyone's house using it either. Wonder if they consider WarDriving illegal also?? 

They were trying to pass a LAW in my area, that anyone with a Open WiFi Connection will get fined if caught. Its like, WHAT THE ?? You really think that would go over well, having sometype of task force driving around hitting people with fines?? Its your right to have open internet for FREE HOTSPOTS.. So you mean to tell me, that a Coffee House that has free internet will get a fine from the local authority..

Really got a laugh out of that one.. Could imagine the "open wifi enforcement police" roaming the  streets looking to fine people. Talk about waste of government resources, and mixed up priorities. Sounds like paranoia on their part.

- - VyraX - -  :haha:

Well - honestly I'm not the only one who uses their neighbors internet connection. Also, I'm not parked out front anyone's house using it either. Wonder if they consider WarDriving illegal also?? 

They were trying to pass a LAW in my area, that anyone with a Open WiFi Connection will get fined if caught. Its like, WHAT THE ?? You really think that would go over well, having sometype of task force driving around hitting people with fines?? Its your right to have open internet for FREE HOTSPOTS.. So you mean to tell me, that a Coffee House that has free internet will get a fine from the local authority..

Really got a laugh out of that one.. Could imagine the "open wifi enforcement police" roaming the  streets looking to fine people. Talk about waste of government resources, and mixed up priorities. Sounds like paranoia on their part.

- - VyraX - -  :haha:

Actually the basis for the complaint originates from the victim who essentially caught the man and reported it to the police.  All told...this means your neighbor who catches you can turn you in and you might (like this dummy) face a third degree felony.  Hardly a fine...actually a life changing event that can pretty much end a career and life as you know it.  All joking aside, people are getting tired of little hacker babies using the excuse "oh...I was just trying to have a little fun....."

:haha: :haha:

the only way your going to jail in florida for doing this is if you do it to a business, they all just tell you to stop when it happens to a individual.

:haha: :haha:

the only way your going to jail in florida for doing this is if you do it to a business, they all just tell you to stop when it happens to a individual.

Actually no...this man was arrested and proscuted to the fullest extent of the law.  I live in St Petersburg, FL.  and am very familiar with the case.  This man was parked in a neighborhood, in front of a house...just a surfin away.....it had nothing to do with a business whatsoever....

Because of this case and a few recent others prosecutors in other states now have case law to fall back on in proscuting these cases in other states where specific laws do not exist but existing losely worderd computer crime laws do exist.

Actually no...this man was arrested and proscuted to the fullest extent of the law.  I live in St Petersburg, FL.  and am very familiar with the case.

were i use to live in delray beach florida, this guy was cought stealing someones internet twice and they never did anything to him.

were i use to live in delray beach florida, this guy was cought stealing someones internet twice and they never did anything to him.

He got very lucky and the DA had more important things to do....not always the case and certainly not the trend.  Ultimately, here, the message should be don't do it.  It's illegal in most states and it's wrong.  Glorifying, bragging about it, or encouraging it is the wrong message.  It's wrong, it's illegal and it would really p^ss you off if you were the victim.

He got very lucky and the DA had more important things to do....not always the case and certainly not the trend.  Ultimately, here, the message should be don't do it.  It's illegal in most states and it's wrong.  Glorifying, bragging about it, or encouraging it is the wrong message.  It's wrong, it's illegal and it would really p^ss you off if you were the victim.


Open wifi is known as a HOTSPOT, non-technically people should understand this as an area designated for you to surf the web for free using a wireless connected device (ie: laptop). This is Open WiFi Networks, so if you leave your WEP off you have now opened up a fully functional HOTSPOT for you and your neighbors to connect to, even if you don't understand it, that is what you did. By not enabling the WEP the person gave the ability to let the person on their network, not the person connecting to it.

So you mean to tell me that if I goto a park, and sit down and connect to a persons open access to the internet, that really doesn't mean for people to use his/her connection. Should in the same respect be able to have me arrested?

Honestly, I wouldn't be able to exist around people who think connecting to the internet via open wireless is a crime.

As far as cracking WEP encryption which can be done in under 10minutes, its the manufacturers fault for releasing such a bad security method. You simply poll the device over and over, and the device, even though your "not connected" will generate packets. Which is giving out the packets you need to crack the encryption. These are design flaws, that the manufacturer is to blame. Really the flaw is the design, and the wifi wouldn't work without the flaws. So learn how-to splice CAT5 if you don't like the way wireless networking is. Honestly..

Also, for the little kiddies that are obsessed with cracking into people's wifi connections. Maybe we should tell them they are better off doing drugs and staying out of trouble. Lets tell our kids, drugs are good, being a geek and cracking wifi WEP encryptions is BAD! Downloading illegal movies is BAD!.. :cough: BS.. Sorry..

Times are changing if you like it or not - that is the progression of life.. Without change, nothing good can happen..


Food for Thought - - VyraX - -

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