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hello, does one need to reset the canopy if it seems to block html access? i tried the default IP and can't access the configuration page (after configuring my IP accordingly). i tried to access using the IP of the default gateway also to no success. AFAIK, the default gateway/router should be canopy.

it can be read now @ fr0stbound -  http://coolbusteratyourservice.blogspot.com/

great. thanks for that, you're the best.

@rino - welcome to the forum. when you say you used the default ip, do you mean have you tried other ip like i use that one to access my canopy. the default gateway is not the ip of the camopy.

edit @coolbuster - i found my prefs.js file in a different location. i found it in C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxdefaultsprofile. i have no Documents and SettingsApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles.default. is it a hidden directory?

Hello again! I've finally taken time to do the 20 steps and the openDNS.

I dunno whats wrong with my connection  :undecided:

I also tried re-testing my speeds, it dwindles 70, 60, 100, ...

Any other suggestions? sOuRnEsS

Try to increase your RWin to scale factor of 8. Get the values here http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php

click TCP/IP analyzer.

Please post your speed and feedback after.

great. thanks for that, you're the best.

edit @coolbuster - i found my prefs.js file in a different location. i found it in C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxdefaultsprofile. i have no Documents and SettingsApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles.default. is it a hidden directory?

its the same thing. depends on your default settings. thanks for that, maybe yours is applicable for most settings.

it can be read now @ fr0stbound -  http://coolbusteratyourservice.blogspot.com/

in addition to speeding up your firefox, you can download the following add-ons

for a better browsing experience:

flashblock -> replaces flash objects with a button you can click to view them.

pdf download -> allows to choose what you want to do with a pdf file: download

                        it, view with an external viewer, or view as an html

Fasterfox -> performance and network tweaks for firefox.

Note: do not install too many add-ons as they may affect your browsing speed.

          choose only the ones you need.

in addition to speeding up your firefox, you can download the following add-ons

for a better browsing experience:

flashblock -> replaces flash objects with a button you can click to view them.

pdf download -> allows to choose what you want to do with a pdf file: download

                        it, view with an external viewer, or view as an html

Fasterfox -> performance and network tweaks for firefox.

Note: do not install too many add-ons as they may affect your browsing speed.

          choose only the ones you need.

thanks for the tips ripclawph!

Try to increase your RWin to scale factor of 8. Get the values here http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php

click TCP/IP analyzer.

Please post your speed and feedback after.

Havent tried ur suggestion yet, for some reason I can't access the site. Maybe under maintenance. BTW heres my speed when I last checked. Thanks coolbuster2007!  :afro:

Send me more info for more speeds if there are more.. BTW wat does it do? Rwin scale factor of 8?  :?:


Hello, at this time my speeds goes down to 70kbps.  waaahhhh.. I have a question though. the j79_zlrcablenut_XP2k ccs file I donwloaded, can I just change settings there and restart my PC to have the change go in effect? or do I have to go back to step 1 of 20. skipping the dowloads of course. Wat do u mean by changing the RWin to scale factor 8 mr. coolbuster2007? any more tips? Are you getting that constant speeds also? wow.. wanna have those speeds on my computer also.

what he means is this. in the 20 steps, he told you to use the scale factor of 4 and scale factor of 2. now, try using scale factor of 8 instead of scale factor of 4.

very well @ fr0st.

hey guys,

by increasing your RWin to the scale factor of 8 you will possibly get higher speed. one downside is your speed will be choked so please list down the scale factor of 4 value so that you can input it back in case there will be a speed slow down.

yes. it is advised that you restart the computer after changing cablenut values for the changes to take effect.

i would like to reiterate that smartbro is wireless so there is no such thing as consistent. when base station is really down, i also get as slow as 80 Kbps. However, always bear in mind that it will be temporary.

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