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ei guyz.. ithink ive found an interesting program.. its called prizmEMS.. did anybody already heard it?.. based on what ive read, it can switch your aggregate from 1mbps to 7mbps and can configure your QoS w/o having to enter the canopy page.. but i cud be wrong.. here's the link www.motorola.com/canopy

hi.. just gonna ask to all smartbro user, if its ok if i put my canopy antenna on a higher place on our roof?

coz the guy from the smartbro tech dont want to climb on our roof "he said its too high" his fat u know!

maybe thats why he said that..

@ rich_aled

its ok to put your antenna somewhere which has better line of sight (LOS) to the smart tower/base station where you are homed. possible results are an increase in RSSI and a decrease both in jitter and power level. just make sure you do the following:

1. Ask the 10 mtrs FTP cable and junction box from the smartbro installer. the UTP cable is just 20 mtrs long.

2. Don't do it by yourself.


hello i would like to ask if  all this proxies are still working,,

ever since i format my hard disk those proxies are not working to my firefox and ie anymore and my speed connection slow down  :tickedoff: ASAR!


try this one.. http://ip-lookup.net

you can also check name server, dns, sub domain, mail server  state/status and etc...  :)

sample: http://ip-lookup.net/neighborhood.popup.php?ip=

After Using the 2 ways of optimizing the speed connection. This is what happened.

My speed at this time is:

1:58 AM


Its higher than my before but Im still have a problem the choppiness of my connection. I don't have an idea why its happening to me. Please help me......

try this one.. http://ip-lookup.net

you can also check name server, dns, sub domain, mail server  state/status and etc...  :)



hello joserizal how can i know in that site if the said ip is working as a proxy? can you try those ip as a proxy to your firefox i just want to know if is working in your pc ty :grin:

i really really need ur help tweakers.......................................... this is my connection im using smart bro

36 Kbps or 0 Mbps (4 kB/s)

  0              500                  1000            1500            2000            2500            3000            3500            4000  Kbps


avg smartbro.net (197 Kbps)

Typical Cable (128 - 1000)

Typical DSL (128 - 1500)

Satellite (50 - 128)

ISDN (64 - 128)

Dial Up (28.8 - 56)

  0              61.0                122.1            183.1            244.1            305.2            366.2            427.3            488.3  kB/s

Test Result Details

Your connection is: 36 Kbps or 0 Mbps

You uploaded at: 4 kB/s

You are running: 1 times faster than 56K and can upload 1 megabyte in 256 second(s)

Member Ident:Username:charlz_fk CompID:18626170929158

Test Time:: 2007/11/30 - 11:17pm

Test Browser and OS info: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/

Test ID: M8P7GU6CH (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: May need help : running at only 18.27 % of your hosts average (smartbro.net)

This was tested from a 97 kB file and took 21.843 seconds to complete

i tried to change my ip add and my subnet mask and go to html but i cant access my canopy.. please help....................

Reminder to everyone participating in smartbro enhancement forums/threads:

If your basestation is faulty as in super faulty. You can't do anything about it.

I've been monitoring my basestation for a while.

if you're suffering the problem I call "scanning,registering,syncing" s*** on your canopy, the POSSIBLE cause maybe your basestation having problems. I don't know what's really going on on their side but I'm pretty sure, intentionally or not, it's their fault.

Check the "SectorUserCount" if you're suffering from the stated problem. If you see a uncommon number of sectorUser, very small compared to usual sectorUser on your basestation, then it's your basestation.

Why did i conclude its the basestation that has problems and NOT the antenna?

Common sense tells us that its logical to assume that the basestation is the faulty one because its unlikely that the majority of sectorusers have broken canopies.

Sorry if you think this information is useless. I just want to share this.

It's up to you guys to verify this.

*A congested basestation is different from a broken basestation.^_^

There's still hope left on a congested basestation but a broken one has none, only despair.

Reminder to everyone participating in smartbro enhancement forums/threads:

If your basestation is faulty as in super faulty. You can't do anything about it.

I've been monitoring my basestation for a while.

if you're suffering the problem I call "scanning,registering,syncing" s*** on your canopy, the POSSIBLE cause maybe your basestation having problems. I don't know what's really going on on their side but I'm pretty sure, intentionally or not, it's their fault.

Check the "SectorUserCount" if you're suffering from the stated problem. If you see a uncommon number of sectorUser, very small compared to usual sectorUser on your basestation, then it's your basestation.

Why did i conclude its the basestation that has problems and NOT the antenna?

Common sense tells us that its logical to assume that the basestation is the faulty one because its unlikely that the majority of sectorusers have broken canopies.

Sorry if you think this information is useless. I just want to share this.

It's up to you guys to verify this.

*A congested basestation is different from a broken basestation.^_^

There's still hope left on a congested basestation but a broken one has none, only despair.

Amen to that!

Pre di yata totoo ang cablenut, wala kasi paGBabago sa speed ko

always keep in mind that these tweaks MAY or MAY NOT work for you. try experimenting on the cablenut values.PATIENCE is the key in tweaking. you won't see the effects in an instant, but eventually you'll see  :smiley:

Off Topic:  :police: please always be reminded of the forum rules (this is an international forum so always speak in english. momma t is right when she said that you'll miss tips from other members here who doesn't understand our native language)

Ah Ganon ba, Sorry my english language is very bad that's why I prefer to speak my local dialect, I wish they will consider even I can not say what I want to say straight in english, Sorry po

dude, it's OKAY even if your english is bad as long as everybody can at least understand what you're saying.  :smiley:

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