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I can't seem to figure out why but when I run the download test it starts out downloading fine and the the proggression bar pauses and then gets jumpy till the test finishes and then I get a slower than true speed result. I say it isnt right because several other test's show my speed at just what it should be running and what the hughes test says it is running. Anyhow it isn't a big deal, I just thought I would sink a post here in case some dont realise it isnt right and yell because their system is running slow which I am sure it is but not that slow, hehe.

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You also have to keep in mind that at some point in time, there will be issues w/ route that your signal takes .

Lets say theres a line down in the massive web of connections in your normal route. Therefore the signal takes another path that may be a bit more congested for the time being. Always test again to insure accuracy.


:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 4738 Kbps about 4.7 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 578 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/06/20 - 3:23am

Bottom Line:: 83X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.77 sec

Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 10.344 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: 90% + Okay : running at 99.35 % of your hosts average (rr.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-UY19V8AXQ

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/ [!]

This is absolutely what I should be getting for the bandwidth I pay for, and normal for my connection.

but always do make a post when u feel there an inaccuracy...cuz then others can test and sometimes there r issues that need addressed....but sometimes it's just an issue on ur end like mudmanc4 said...and sometimes resop is right...some other sites just tell u what they know u want to hear...we tell u the truth...if the lines r congested...it reflects in ur test score

:)  :smitten:

but like i said if ur concerned we want to know about it incase there's a problem on our servers end

I thought I posted this but I guess not, probably cause it was like 1am on that original post I think but anyhow my actual download speeds on files I download are still pointing to me getting 1.5meg's as well. I am always downloading in the 200 to 300 KBps range actual speed. That would be in line with my old speed tests actually, meaning I am still well above my plan speed of 1.5 MB/s during off peak times and running about on target or a little slow during peak times because it can get as low as 130 KB/s at those times.

I am not knocking this site just reporting what I am seeing as this is my favorite site and has been for years as well as PcPitstop which also doesn't care what you want to hear, lol. I have tested with Hughes, Speakeasy, Vonage and PcPitstop and all but this one are reflecting what I am seeing when I download a file. This has just happened in like the last 2 weeks and I am fully aware of the congestion and reroute problems of ISP's and especially satt. I have been a satt. customer for 4 years and a vigilante troubleshooter for 2 years hehe. But I do appreciate the quick responce in pointing these things out.

Just to make it more clear, when I tested before I used the largest test and when my speed was running overspeed in off peak hours the test would open on my screen at about 30% and run up smothly from there but now it still will open at around 30% but it downloads or at least shows to be downloading in chunks of 10 to 20% insted of increasing smoothly. I am going to clean everything out on my computer later today and try again but I doubt it aill make a difference as I don't get anything harmfull but maybe once a year if that. I will post my results from both this site and others after I have finished that.

To be honest, I havn't been able to exactly get an accurate testmy test using Hughesnet for a while.  THe best practice is to test at least twice using Hughesnet.  THe first test seems to always be high for me.  Another thing to consider, is that Hughesnet is a very "bursty" connection, so seeing the bar stop and jump is normal because thats pretty much how the data is coming down the pipe.

Java based tests are inaccurate on Hughes, especially the upload.  Testmy is still simply the best test site for Hughesnet, and for everyone else for that matter, period.

I realise Hughes is bursty but I have always gotten an accurate test from here aside form the last month,

Ok, everything cleaned out so here we go, I am going to run each test 3 times and post the average here for each site.

Speakeasy: 1494 down

Hughes: 1202 down

Pcpitstop: 1243 down

Vonage: 1490 down

Testmy: 643 down

Actual transfer rate on a 7MB files was 238 KB/s

I know that Java has nothing to do with the test results I am getting because almost if not all of these tests are Java based including hughes own test. At any rate there are the numbers, you can work on it from there if you want, maybe I am the only one and thas ok if I am, I only check my speed about once a week or so anyhow so no biggy.

To share the good news I just talked to a guy that has set up a fixed wireless web around the town just north of me and is moving to the town closest to me next and his first tower is going to be about 3 miles from me which puts me in range and his top service will be 1024 up and down for $59.99 a month and the tower should be comisioned before Jan.01 so Hughes days are limited from the looks of things.

just to let you guys know, I'm in the middle of ordering a new, more powerful server.  I'll be running everything off of one server instead of two (because the newer servers that my host has are powerful enough to do the job of my two servers.. and then some).

I should start tranfering data over to the new server over the weekend and it will be tested and configured through the end of the month.  Launching before the end of the month.  After the new server is online I'll start working on some scripting to get an all new version of the speedtest online.  Some exciting changes are around the bend.  :)

Very cool and congrats on the new server, hope it didnt break the bank, hehe.

Oh, the servers always break the bank... it takes allot to host a site that's this popular.  :-P

But I'll actually be saving a few bucks a month going to the one super server instead of the two less powerful servers (that are still really super servers, lol)

It looks like the new server is going to be a

Dual Intel Woodcrest 5130 Dual Core Processors

Hard Drive(s) HDD: Two 250GB SATA RAID Hard Drives

100 Mbps Uplink

2048 MB RAM (I may change this to 4GB, I'll try with 2GB to start though)

So it's basically a quad-core system with a shit load of resources.  I currently have two Dual XEON 2.8 GHz servers with 1GB ram each and two 80GB drives on each.  So this will be a nice upgrade for us and the single server setup will simplify the whole setup.  Single server setup was impossible when I ordered the current servers because my host didn't have packages with enough bandwidth to suit our needs.  But they now have packages with enough bandwidth and I'm sure in the near future they'll be upgrading the packages (they've been doing that every 6 months or so)... so as our traffic grows and our bandwidth needs go up I'll be okay and won't have to worry about bandwidth overages.

I just gave my host the go ahead to get the new server online so look for this nice upgrade in the near future.  I'm sure that the already fast page requests will be even faster and overall reliability will go up as well.


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