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SmartBro Canopy Software Update, How to? (w/ screenshots)

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Guest ExtremeFusion


I'm 120% sure i posted the link to CNUT

here it is, same with what is on page 1 of this thread..


ESN, you'll find about your Electronic Serial Number on your SM or the easy way would be is to access your Canopy Configuration Page and take note of your SM's ESN

and another way, which for me is the way to go.. is to use CNUT and when you refreshed your SM you should see what ESN your SM have..

ok.. i got it already and tried it.. bt when i register my account it says.. it goes this way "Our Records show that the CCN or ESN that you have entered has expired

To purchase a 12 month subscription to the Software Maintenance Program please contact your VAR, or Technical Support Centre. For Canopy products and Powerline MU, contact Technical Support at 1.888.605.2552 or 1.217.824.9742. For Point-to-Point products, call Technical Support at 877.515.0400"

Guest ExtremeFusion

then we have a problem... are you using SM-DES or SM-AES...?

if your AP is using the same type SM-AES or SM-DES, then you may at your own risk..

use the ESN of your AP as an access to download the update package.. i repeat at your own risk...

Guest ExtremeFusion

no need to ym..

it is just that.. it ie helpless for your case since your AP's and SM's ESN "has expired" to avail the update package..

not unless that you would find a link to that package aside from what is hosted in motorola.com.

I'm sorry I can't help you if that is the case..


cant w8 for the FDC,,im willing to buy a cd (^_^)..coooL


is there any1 here have a rapidshare premium account????

can u share it?? lol,,,im tired of download limits hihih

though I can't remember what I did before???  grin

But anyways, thank you...

>>> well i've read a lot of discussions here, ur opinions, advices n recommendations were all fruitful. thanx again dude!!! CB, FB n You were a great help to all of us here esp to me since I know little about PC's.  :cool2:

Keep it up!!!

I've Upgraded my Canopy thanks to this guide.. problem was i was using the wrong update mine was DES i downloaded AES silly me  :grin: anyway anyone know how to upgrade the 1mbps aggregate to the 7mb aggregate one(or something close to that i don't know hehe) mine is still showing 1mbps :D

this comes from the net on how they configure so they can log in to prizm evaluation.. but cnt understand..hahah...

1. Installed the mysql database , created the user bost_user with password bost_user & database as prizm .

2.Install the prizm with proper require JRE.

2. Copied the licene file given bu Motorola for prozm to c:canopylicenfiles folder

3. Updated C:CanopyPrizm3rdPartyJavajdbc_driversmysqlmysql.xml file to reflect correct mysql java connector.

After doing all of above I can now login to the prizm server with prizmadmin username & no password , But I still am not able to get any devices scanned.

try this link.. hope we could figure it out..  http://motorola.canopywireless.com/support/community/viewtopic.php?p=6184&sid=302f959dbcebffe35ad6523211198c8f

at least for 30 day period. :knuppel2:

Unfortunately, I need the Eval License from Motorola.  I already requested one but no reply yet maybe because it's a weekend.  Tha's all I need and everything's setup.  I got Prizm 3.0 and License Manager Installed. :)  Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to play with it ;)

On a negative side, PRIZM consumes a lot of processor time and memory.  I hate it when that happens.  I will install it on my desktop and see what happens :) I cannot have that memory hog application in my notebook.. it'll kill me LOL. :)

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