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Check out ' Big Daddy Ca3le' ;)

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bah ha ha ha ha ha ha... where did you find that... hehe

I think I was actually yawning in that picture

Speaking of PiMP... here is a picture when I was working for Cox.  I was their best sales person in turn making our team the best sales team, so to rub it in the other teams face I came to a meeting dressed like a pimp and everyone else wore a pimp hat.  I even had a gold tooth and a toothpick.  I even slapped a couple people (playing around of course) --- "Where's my glass of water bitches..."  :evil6:

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Rate his sister lol

damn she's gotta a high vote rank thingy too (7.6somethin)


I think people down vote her because they are jealous -- she has a 7.654 and I have a 7.672.  How the hell can I have a slighly higher rating than her?... injustice I tell you...  :lol:

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