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I recently upgraded my storage:


Here is my machines and its all for *personal* usage. This rack is in my house:


And my connection at home is 150mbits down and 75mbits up =)

You're effen crazy... -- nearly a Petabyte there. You must have a pretty sweet porn collection. :laughing7:

Depends whats on the drives... *cough*

Sure , if the person owning the hardware knows absolutely nothing about what there doing , and allows just anyone to roam around in there property, and has illegal material /sharing involved , by all means .

Just the same for a house full up of weed.

Sure , if the person owning the hardware knows absolutely nothing about what there doing , and allows just anyone to roam around in there property, and has illegal material /sharing involved , by all means .

Just the same for a house full up of weed.

Even with 007 security, your ISP or someone who wants to know what your downloading, will.

I get that , but as you know what your doing , the percentage of people that can actually roam at free will through your files , drops dramatically. And who's to say simply because we might have half dozen TB worth of data , and even more equipment , that this somehow automatically equates to being watched, makes no sense.

I get that , but as you know what your doing , the percentage of people that can actually roam at free will through your files , drops dramatically. And who's to say simply because we might have half dozen TB worth of data , and even more equipment , that this somehow automatically equates to being watched, makes no sense.

I'm sorry precious did I hit a sweet spot of sorts? An avid share whore may hit the " half dozen " TB mark, hell maybe even a bit more. When we start talking about racks on racks in our home, reaching the PB range... regardless of the function it will raise some eye brows. Honestly I don't care what someone has in their arsenal of storage.... but racks in your house is a little ridiculous Lmao. Whatever, either way, I'm not paying that electric & maintenance bill LOL. :)

Wow , As I tell my son , when someone starts calling names , they usually have issues of there own there projecting on others. Get a grip chubby < see how thats done ? I'm feelin a bit blubbery recently :tongue2::laugh:

I can't follow your logic one iota. In case you have not noticed , this is the USA , and you can still own what you choose. Are you a bit jealous of this guy or something ? Hell , I have a rack , just got it actually , going to pick it up in the next week or so, want to report me for having something other then what you deem appropriate ? :sad2:

hahaha...now now...

i learned a new work petabyte and a new abbreviation PB...now what i wanna know is ther a petabit and a Pb

and ya'll can call me princess...cuz that's what i am...or highness whichever you prefer

Wow , As I tell my son , when someone starts calling names , they usually have issues of there own there projecting on others. Get a grip chubby < see how thats done ? I'm feelin a bit blubbery recently :tongue2::laugh:

I can't follow your logic one iota. In case you have not noticed , this is the USA , and you can still own what you choose. Are you a bit jealous of this guy or something ? Hell , I have a rack , just got it actually , going to pick it up in the next week or so, want to report me for having something other then what you deem appropriate ? :sad2:

jealous of what?... the most storage ive ever had (before numerous crashes and lost all) is 500gb.. and that took forever to aquire. hell even now i have 3 TB of usable space not including flash drives and im only using mabey 300GB lol.. Also, im not sure where in any of my posts ive ever called you names but..... OK! ... If you somehow took offense to anything id suggest re-reading my post.. =\ On a similar note i dont remember or recall "deeming" anything "inappropriate" for that matter. Just dont see the logic of having an entire rack of immense storage unless your going to host a business of some sorts.. hell, even most businesses dont require that kind of space... or equipment... Look at dlewis, he has some high named, very recognizable companies (that i wont name ) that uses his file hosting site and even he doesnt require that kind of space... yet... lol

again, whatever. if you want that much crap in your home for sheer internet kicks and awes , than more power to you.

Honestly, I only use a large amount of space because I keep backups of everything. I use my PC to host files for the entire house. And I only have a TB of storage, and with all my Visual Studio stuff (20-50GB), games (Several dozen GB's) and other miscellaneous crap, I use 200ish MB myself. I have a 2TB external Hard Drive that has only used 680ish GB, with 300GB of Music, and a backup of my old system. As well as several 20GB-50GB Virtual Hard Drives for various virtual OS'es. Now, I don't think it's a bad idea to have a large amount of space, in fact, the guy who posted that rack might only have a few TB of space, due to RAID for backups, etc.

Even on my laptop, which I have Visual Studio (Again, 20-50GB) and a few games on, I have only used 101GB.

And Honestly, we don't even know how many hard drive slots he has filled. (He may only have the 30 3TB hard drives he showed us installed, which would mean at most he has 90TB of storage. Hardly a Petabyte. (Sorry CA3LE) And I would hardly think he would use it for porn, mostly because that is a huge ($5K+) investment, and JUST for porn? Even Charlie Sheen isn't that dumb. (Alright, that might be a stretch.)



. Hardly a Petabyte. (Sorry CA3LE) And I would hardly think he would use it for porn, mostly because that is a huge ($5K+) investment, and JUST for porn? Even Charlie Sheen isn't that dumb. (Alright, that might be a stretch.)



depends on how devoted you are to something haha.

Xsi , let me help you out a little .

On forums ( which we are actually posting those things called words that make sentences and generally should have meaning ) , when you quote someone , and start your message out with " Sorry precious " , that is called " naming who you are speaking to. Now lesson one over , try and understand. I know it's difficult at times. It is a big world outside. I took no offense , i find your comments laughable as always.

The man is allowed to have whatever he wants. Good for him , I applaud his enthusiasm.

To anyone who was wondering the total storage in that rack (just HD's, not counting what is lost from raid) is 162TB. With colo'd and other machines my total storage is just under 200TB (quite a ways from 1PB).

Several of the machines in that rack keep backups of others and do not run 24/7. Only two of the machines run 24/7 (well five I guess if you count the two 30x3TB but those are JBOD chasis and aren't computers).

The power usage actually isn't very bad considering everything:


I am using the storage mainly for storing media. I just recently added the 90TB and until then my biggest system which contained almost all of my collection was 40TB but I was running out of disk space so I added 90TB. Since I did not just upgrade my current array (and move all my data to it) but instead added additional storage via JBOD chasis My biggest storage machine went from 40TB to 130TB. This storage should last me atleast 3 years. Also since the new 90TB array I added currently has almost nothing on it I have power-management enabled which spins down the drives after 30 minutes which saves a good 120-140 watts of power.

I store a lot of high definition TV shows/movies. I also have a ton of Anime and various asian drama's.

I don't like to delete anything I download as there are many times I feel like watching something again years later. Also I provide access to my friends/family. My internet connection is good enough (75mbit upload) that I can stream pretty much anything over the internet. It is nice because I can watch anything off my machine at my house when I am at my dad's house (We like to watch some TV shows and movies together).

I got a rack because it simply made sense. The high density/high number of hot-swap bay chassis (which I wanted) are rack-mount. I used to just have a rackmount chasis sitting on a dresser or desk like a regular computer for a while. When I bought my house I had several rackmount machines/chasis and I figured I might as well get a rack so I can have things a little better organized. I also spent a little money to convert a few systems into rack-mount. In the end I think it was the right decision.

To anyone who was wondering the total storage in that rack (just HD's, not counting what is lost from raid) is 162TB. With colo'd and other machines my total storage is just under 200TB (quite a ways from 1PB).

Several of the machines in that rack keep backups of others and do not run 24/7. Only two of the machines run 24/7 (well five I guess if you count the two 30x3TB but those are JBOD chasis and aren't computers).

The power usage actually isn't very bad considering everything:


I am using the storage mainly for storing media. I just recently added the 90TB and until then my biggest system which contained almost all of my collection was 40TB but I was running out of disk space so I added 90TB. Since I did not just upgrade my current array (and move all my data to it) but instead added additional storage via JBOD chasis My biggest storage machine went from 40TB to 130TB. This storage should last me atleast 3 years. Also since the new 90TB array I added currently has almost nothing on it I have power-management enabled which spins down the drives after 30 minutes which saves a good 120-140 watts of power.

I store a lot of high definition TV shows/movies. I also have a ton of Anime and various asian drama's.

I don't like to delete anything I download as there are many times I feel like watching something again years later. Also I provide access to my friends/family. My internet connection is good enough (75mbit upload) that I can stream pretty much anything over the internet. It is nice because I can watch anything off my machine at my house when I am at my dad's house (We like to watch some TV shows and movies together).

I got a rack because it simply made sense. The high density/high number of hot-swap bay chassis (which I wanted) are rack-mount. I used to just have a rackmount chasis sitting on a dresser or desk like a regular computer for a while. When I bought my house I had several rackmount machines/chasis and I figured I might as well get a rack so I can have things a little better organized. I also spent a little money to convert a few systems into rack-mount. In the end I think it was the right decision.

i'm not sure about everyone else but i was just joking about the storage, i think its great and i wish i had something like that in my closet, its just not feasable for me at the moment but who knows give me some time and i might have my own rack in my house once i own one lol

~ TriRan

Personally I love it ! I dunno why but racks filled with goodies wired up as pleased has always made my eye's pop out. Now i do not have all the new stuff some do , none the less , I can use everything i have properly ( minus this SGI JBOD I acquired a while ago ) just have not gotten the VHDCI m/m cable yet.

Just out of curiosity , what are you using for DNS ( obviously you might have some local dns server ) but for accessing remote. ( broad question I know lol )

FYI on my rack , got a message from the freight manager yesterday , which included something like the following ~ ( sorry to inform you the truck containing your merchandise has been involved in a traffic accident )

Yeah , great , now i get to find another good deal. Took me forever as I'm cheap as hell !

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