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I hope you all like the new look. I've extensively debugged but it's impossible for me to catch everything. If you spot anything abnormal please let me know.

Also, if you'd like to use the Version 12.9 in its final state click here, click the link again or clear your cookies to switch back. That link can also be found at old.testmy.net, links to old TMN can be found in the footer of both themes.



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I like the new look. Putting the download and upload tests on separate tabs at the top actually helps on the iPad, and probably even more so on an iPhone, as with the old version, the test choices were on one pull down with multiple links to the tests. It was hard to hit the link you wanted with your finger without stretching the display.

The only down side to that change was that the Combined Test now appears only on the Home page as TestMy Bandwidth Now!. When you get to the post test results, you have to go back to the home page to rerun the Combined Test. Not really a big deal though. The benefit on a mobile device of having the separated test tabs at the top is an overriding benefit to that inconvenience, as now you don't actually hit the worng test link. Maybe in the future you could put a copy of the TestMy Bandwidth Now! button on the test results pages.

I haven't checked anything else out yet. So far it's looking good though.

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I like the new look. Putting the download and upload tests on separate tabs at the top actually helps on the iPad, and probably even more so on an iPhone, as with the old version, the test choices were on one pull down with multiple links to the tests. It was hard to hit the link you wanted with your finger without stretching the display.

The only down side to that change was that the Combined Test now appears only on the Home page as TestMy Bandwidth Now!. When you get to the post test results, you have to go back to the home page to rerun the Combined Test. Not really a big deal though. The benefit on a mobile device of having the separated test tabs at the top is an overriding benefit to that inconvenience, as now you don't actually hit the worng test link. Maybe in the future you could put a copy of the TestMy Bandwidth Now! button on the test results pages.

I haven't checked anything else out yet. So far it's looking good though.

I actually made that change specifically for the iPad and other touch devices... this version runs and navigates much smoother on those devices. I also purposely timed this release right before the new iPhone comes out. ;)

I may add retesting buttons on the results page later... but the reason I didn't put them in this design is because I want people to navigate more through the site. If people get up into the menus more they're more likely to see more of what the site has to offer that they may have missed otherwise. This was a decision I made based on analytics data.

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I'm glad you're liking it.

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Yeah. I understand not putting the button all over so people will navigate through the site more. Like I said it's not a big deal anyway. It's actually faster to do a retest now on the mobile device because you don't have to be so careful hitting the test link.

And good timing on the change-with the release of the new iPhone.

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Nice feel now, nothing like it. Call it..'web 2.0' < the word itself is ridiculous and has been overused to the point of mulch.........

non the less, the feel is smooth and the transition between pages has 'that feel' , I think were going to see more yummies like this too :)

thanks boss

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Nice feel now, nothing like it. Call it..'web 2.0' < the word itself is ridiculous and has been overused to the point of mulch.........

non the less, the feel is smooth and the transition between pages has 'that feel' , I think were going to see more yummies like this too :)

thanks boss

No, thank you!

It's all HTML5 compliant packed with lots of java goodies. :-D

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Unfortunately, I cannot say that I'm thrilled with this new version (13.0). Here's why:

1. I no longer see the "Daily Index" that was available at the top of the page with the earlier (12.9) version.

2. We no longer have the "Results" button available to allow quick copy & paste text from the clipboard into our running daily log files (in my case I use my email). I do see the note that "Results" button will be available soon. Why was it dropped?

3. Detailed results are available by clicking on "Share this result" but ONLY on download tests so rather than the prior one click to copy/paste I now have to make 2 clicks. In addition, detailed results are NOT available for the upload test function....at least not that I can find.

General comment....I'm happy that the mobile users and in particular the "i-phone" folks love it. However, I'm not a mobile user. And it would seem reasonable to have left the features that were working fine for others of us alone. This said, I'm going to do everything I can to return to the 12.9 version per the instructions stated. Finally, as a retired long time (30+ years) IT professional, it would seem to me that rather than just springing this new version on us all as the DEFAULT, the new version be made available as a "Beta" to allow folks who wanted to test/evaluate to do so without impinging on the stable baseline version immediately? I appreciate very much your efforts to make this fine (best on the net) better, but respectfully disagree with the way that these updates are being done. Thank you, jerry in tx. :embarassed:

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Unfortunately, I cannot say that I'm thrilled with this new version (13.0). Here's why:

1. I no longer see the "Daily Index" that was available at the top of the page with the earlier (12.9) version.

It's actually not a daily index, the index is constantly being updated based on the most recent results. It was only on the homepage, instead I've added this to the top of the page for you.

Unfortunately, I cannot say that I'm thrilled with this new version (13.0). Here's why:

2. We no longer have the "Results" button available to allow quick copy & paste text from the clipboard into our running daily log files (in my case I use my email). I do see the note that "Results" button will be available soon. Why was it dropped?

3. Detailed results are available by clicking on "Share this result" but ONLY on download tests so rather than the prior one click to copy/paste I now have to make 2 clicks. In addition, detailed results are NOT available for the upload test function....at least not that I can find.

It's not being removed, there is a bug and I need to rewrite the function. All you really have to do is click the share results tab, select the text and copy it. Sorry for the inconvenience but copy to clipboard will return soon... but it's going to be on a separate tab. In my opinion clicking the tab then clicking the button takes the same amount of time as scrolling to the bottom and clicking a button, right?

Detailed results are available on all results under the share results tab.

Unfortunately, I cannot say that I'm thrilled with this new version (13.0). Here's why:

General comment....I'm happy that the mobile users and in particular the "i-phone" folks love it. However, I'm not a mobile user. And it would seem reasonable to have left the features that were working fine for others of us alone. This said, I'm going to do everything I can to return to the 12.9 version per the instructions stated. Finally, as a retired long time (30+ years) IT professional, it would seem to me that rather than just springing this new version on us all as the DEFAULT, the new version be made available as a "Beta" to allow folks who wanted to test/evaluate to do so without impinging on the stable baseline version immediately? I appreciate very much your efforts to make this fine (best on the net) better, but respectfully disagree with the way that these updates are being done. Thank you, jerry in tx. :embarassed:

You may have misunderstood my iphone comment... I took mobile users into consideration with the design but I'm always first and foremost focused on the desktop/laptop user.

I actually did roll this out with a soft launch but it wasn't public, it was only available to my moderators and select few. It was extensively tested before launch but when I release things... I just do it. I've always worked this way.

Sorry you don't agree with the changes or the way I roll them out. But I do give you the option to easily switch back, click 'previous versions' at the bottom of the page... most websites don't give users that option. Try as I might I can't please everyone... but I have to progress the website. If I never made changes then the version that you like wouldn't exist. If you really don't like it that much the old version is one click away.

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It's actually not a daily index, the index is constantly being updated based on the most recent results. It was only on the homepage, instead I've added this to the top of the page for you.

It's not being removed, there is a bug and I need to rewrite the function. All you really have to do is click the share results tab, select the text and copy it. Sorry for the inconvenience but copy to clipboard will return soon... but it's going to be on a separate tab. In my opinion clicking the tab then clicking the button takes the same amount of time as scrolling to the bottom and clicking a button, right?

Detailed results are available on all results under the share results tab.

You may have misunderstood my iphone comment... I took mobile users into consideration with the design but I'm always first and foremost focused on the desktop/laptop user.

I actually did roll this out with a soft launch but it wasn't public, it was only available to my moderators and select few. It was extensively tested before launch but when I release things... I just do it. I've always worked this way.

Sorry you don't agree with the changes or the way I roll them out. But I do give you the option to easily switch back, click 'previous versions' at the bottom of the page... most websites don't give users that option. Try as I might I can't please everyone... but I have to progress the website. If I never made changes then the version that you like wouldn't exist. If you really don't like it that much the old version is one click away.

*****************************My humble reply follows***********************************

Hello CA3LE, thank you for your response(s) to my post. I apologize if my post appears to be "cranky". But in fact I was cranky to be surprised by a totally new version this morning. Please bear with me as I explain as briefly & accurately as I can. I only do ONE speed test per day, when I first wake up in the morning. I do this because this is the time that Internet traffic is still fairly light. And over time, I keep my own log(s) by simply copying the results into an email that I then simply send to myself containing each days results. I do this on a weekly basis, and then file the weeks worth of information into a seperate folder in Outlook for reference/research purposes in case I need to deal with issues regarding my ISP or WildBlue/Exede/Viasat. Therefore, the "Results" button which provided me a convenient way to quickly copy to the clipboard and then paste into my email log was/is very handy for me. I was (and continue) a manual copy/paste into said email the "Broadband Speed Index" stats shown at the very top of the page in version 12.9. Perhaps this information isn't relevant, but it's what I did & continue to do.

In my experiences this AM with version 13, I was unable to find anything from my UPLOAD test to copy & paste. This wasn't the case with the download test. The results there showed me the complete text results which I then copied/pasted into my email. I then came to the forum and found the link to take me back to version 12.9. So I logged out, cleared cookies, and restarted my test process on version 12.9 which worked as it always had. I'm thankful that version 12.9 is still there! I will continue using it rather than version 13 until later when I'm convinced that 13 will do what I need. :cheesy: If you wish to email me privately on this, you have my email address & I'll be more than happy to share with you exactly how I use this fine website and provide you a copy of my daily (rolled up weekly) log. I certainly invite you to do so if you're so inclined.

Further, I apologize if my comment(s) regarding the roll-out of version 13 were offensive, that wasn't my intent at all. I certainly respect you and the fine work that you & your staff do on this VERY BEST Internet speed testing website. I was simply suggesting that rather than just surprising all of us daily users that you include a line in the currently running version (in this case it WAS 12.9) stating that a Beta version is available to the public and then allowing all to take a look, use, and comment prior to the actual rollout. This is what we always did when I was gainfully employed in the IT field all those years. Further, it's what Microsoft and other large software engineering outfits routinely do. In saying this, I'm NOT arguing with the way you manage your website. Rather, I'm humbly and respectfully stating my difference of opinion on this matter.

Finally, I appreciate the fact that your website is FREE to all to use. And the fine work that you & your staff do with this OUTSTANDING website. That said, speaking only for myself, I'd be happy to PAY a reasonable monthly fee to support & use the website if I could be assured that the website would remain stable and that I'd not be unpleasantly surprised as I was this morning. Food for thought? And perhaps the community would (or would NOT) agree with me on this.

Again, I apologize for any offense that I've caused, such was certainly not my intent. And I THANK YOU & your fine staff for the EXCELLENT WORK that you do for we, your client base.

Sincerely & respectfully, jerry in tx :cheesy:

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*****************************My humble reply follows***********************************

Hello CA3LE, thank you for your response(s) to my post. I apologize if my post appears to be "cranky". But in fact I was cranky to be surprised by a totally new version this morning. Please bear with me as I explain as briefly & accurately as I can. I only do ONE speed test per day, when I first wake up in the morning. I do this because this is the time that Internet traffic is still fairly light. And over time, I keep my own log(s) by simply copying the results into an email that I then simply send to myself containing each days results. I do this on a weekly basis, and then file the weeks worth of information into a seperate folder in Outlook for reference/research purposes in case I need to deal with issues regarding my ISP or WildBlue/Exede/Viasat. Therefore, the "Results" button which provided me a convenient way to quickly copy to the clipboard and then paste into my email log was/is very handy for me. I was (and continue) a manual copy/paste into said email the "Broadband Speed Index" stats shown at the very top of the page in version 12.9. Perhaps this information isn't relevant, but it's what I did & continue to do.

In my experiences this AM with version 13, I was unable to find anything from my UPLOAD test to copy & paste. This wasn't the case with the download test. The results there showed me the complete text results which I then copied/pasted into my email. I then came to the forum and found the link to take me back to version 12.9. So I logged out, cleared cookies, and restarted my test process on version 12.9 which worked as it always had. I'm thankful that version 12.9 is still there! I will continue using it rather than version 13 until later when I'm convinced that 13 will do what I need. :cheesy: If you wish to email me privately on this, you have my email address & I'll be more than happy to share with you exactly how I use this fine website and provide you a copy of my daily (rolled up weekly) log. I certainly invite you to do so if you're so inclined.

Further, I apologize if my comment(s) regarding the roll-out of version 13 were offensive, that wasn't my intent at all. I certainly respect you and the fine work that you & your staff do on this VERY BEST Internet speed testing website. I was simply suggesting that rather than just surprising all of us daily users that you include a line in the currently running version (in this case it WAS 12.9) stating that a Beta version is available to the public and then allowing all to take a look, use, and comment prior to the actual rollout. This is what we always did when I was gainfully employed in the IT field all those years. Further, it's what Microsoft and other large software engineering outfits routinely do. In saying this, I'm NOT arguing with the way you manage your website. Rather, I'm humbly and respectfully stating my difference of opinion on this matter.

Finally, I appreciate the fact that your website is FREE to all to use. And the fine work that you & your staff do with this OUTSTANDING website. That said, speaking only for myself, I'd be happy to PAY a reasonable monthly fee to support & use the website if I could be assured that the website would remain stable and that I'd not be unpleasantly surprised as I was this morning. Food for thought? And perhaps the community would (or would NOT) agree with me on this.


Again, I apologize for any offense that I've caused, such was certainly not my intent. And I THANK YOU & your fine staff for the EXCELLENT WORK that you do for we, your client base.

Sincerely & respectfully, jerry in tx :cheesy:

Hey Jerry,

It's alright, I didn't take it the wrong way. I take all comments negative and positive. I appreciate your honesty.

Finally, I appreciate the fact that your website is FREE to all to use. And the fine work that you & your staff do with this OUTSTANDING website. That said, speaking only for myself, I'd be happy to PAY a reasonable monthly fee to support & use the website if I could be assured that the website would remain stable and that I'd not be unpleasantly surprised as I was this morning. Food for thought? And perhaps the community would (or would NOT) agree with me on this.

I'm flattered. I've had many people tell me this over the years but to tell you the truth... as long as people support my advertisers I really don't want to ever have to charge anything. I have very strong convictions when it comes to what the Internet should be. It, in my opinion, is a place that should be free... it's OUR Internet. There are features and services that I could hold back for a 'premium' version but I want everyone to be able to use everything I create. What I want from you, more than your money, is for you to spread the word... that really is the best thing you can do for TestMy.net. TMN has completely grown by word-of-mouth. Keeping with this model and morals forces me to make the site better... to built the best possible service I can. If I don't, people aren't going to tell anyone. :wink: --- so far that mindset has been doing the trick.

6.12 and now 12.9 will remain in their current states. They have both been placed in archive status and only receive absolutely necessary tweaks to keep them running correctly. Sometimes server technologies and programming standards change and it requires minor tweaks to those versions... but the core programming for the versions I place in archive will remain functioning the the same as it did when it was finalized. So you can be assured that the stability will remain.

TestMy.net itself will always move forward. I understand that people become used to certain aspects of the site. Again, that's why I offer my older versions... to try to keep my die hard fans comfortable when I make huge changes. If I didn't progress the site the features that you've come to love would have never been created... this happens every time I make major changes. People hit me up with concerns but then... they end up converting their mindset over to the new design and liking it more in the end. I know this from my analytics. Trust me Jerry, once you get used to the changes you'll realize that it's totally for the better. Pages transition better, content is easier to read and understand and the client-side programming behind everything is compliant with the most up-to-date HTML5 standards. I truly couldn't be happier with the way it's turning out, I hope in the end you'll agree. Until that time, you're free to switch it up to the version you're most comfortable with.

Thank you for all the kind words. After your first post I wasn't really expecting that. :evil6: I appreciate your support and I'm sure my moderators appreciate the praise as well... they are totally awesome and have really been a huge help to me over the years. I truly appreciate all the time and effort that my past and present moderators, admins, secretary, news anchors and sophist users have put into this community... I'm glad that others see this too. I build the speed tests but everyone who has ever posted here has built the community... that includes YOU! :icon_thumright:

Cheers! :occasion14:

- Damon

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Again, Damon I sincerely thank you for the fine job that you & your great staff do with this very BEST ON THE NET speed testing website. And appreciate your kind & totally professional reply. Please know that I do my part as well as I can in widely circulating through my email/internet community "the word" about this site. Keep up the great work. Very best regards and cheers as well to YOU! (Emoticons not working properly, disabled/grayed out; problem likely on my end, sorry!) :)

Jerry in TX

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Do you have a summary list of the user interface changes you made? I'm interested in what changed and what's new. Some of the changes are very obvious, but there's likely many that changed that I haven't noticed because I either haven't stumbled onto them, or I didn't use them in the prior version and don't know they're different. Just a high level summary.

Things like: - Member Results: -It plots and displays data for >60 days now and I don't remember that being true before. And I don't remember the links being there before where you can filter the results to upload or download only in the results table.

Also. "It's all HTML5 compliant packed with lots of java goodies." - thanks for the HTML5 compliance. I jump back and forth between my iMac and my iPad, so HTML5 compliance is important to me. Since the iPad doesn't use Java, what java goodies are there, so I'll know to use the iMac for those functions? So far, the new implementation works great on the iPad. I haven't spent much time on your site using the iMac, so I don't know what the java goodies would do for me. And jeez, I wouldn't want to miss anything really cool. Haha

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Do you have a summary list of the user interface changes you made? I'm interested in what changed and what's new. Some of the changes are very obvious, but there's likely many that changed that I haven't noticed because I either haven't stumbled onto them, or I didn't use them in the prior version and don't know they're different. Just a high level summary.

Things like: - Member Results: -It plots and displays data for >60 days now and I don't remember that being true before. And I don't remember the links being there before where you can filter the results to upload or download only in the results table.

Also. "It's all HTML5 compliant packed with lots of java goodies." - thanks for the HTML5 compliance. I jump back and forth between my iMac and my iPad, so HTML5 compliance is important to me. Since the iPad doesn't use Java, what java goodies are there, so I'll know to use the iMac for those functions? So far, the new implementation works great on the iPad. I haven't spent much time on your site using the iMac, so I don't know what the java goodies would do for me. And jeez, I wouldn't want to miss anything really cool. Haha

Hi Pgoodwin1,

I haven't really written a change log... I try to leave it to my users to find what's changed. To tell you the truth, it would take me a lot of time to sit and think of everything that I've changed. I have been trying to think of all the changes for an up coming community mailer and I'm having a hard time thinking of everything. I could either write about it... or build it. You have to realize that besides the help in the forums that my Mods provide... I have have to do every aspect of TMN myself. From server administration and dealing with advertisers to programming, design and lots of writing. I'm a one man operation. I type pretty fast but there is never enough hours so I have to balance my time efficiently. Now you might think, "Uh, you could have told me the changes in the time it took you to type that paragraph..." -- but not really, I would really have to sit back and really think about all the changes. When I get into the zone programming I kinda don't remember what I've done by the time it's all finished. It just kinda comes off my fingertips without my real knowledge of what I've done... kinda weird to tell you the truth. I still have a lot of changes coming down the pipe too, so anything I write about that's changed could be different tomorrow. Once I've written prerequisites for certain aspects, I could flip the whole script the next day. Just keep visiting and browse around, things are always changing, you just have to pay attention. Sometimes it backend programming, sometimes it's client-side and much more noticeable. But I'm ALWAYS building for TMN.

You've been able to change the query by days for a while... and also have been able to filter by upload and download results. Before the up/down filter was controlled only by the small up and down arrow in the header of the results table...


I didn't think that this was being noticed by people so I added the extra links for it.


... note that you can always sort your results by the links in the header of the results table.


... When I say Java goodies, I mean javascript not Sun Java. All of the additions are completely compatible with all modern browsers and devices. I really stress on compatibility and stay away from requiring users to have anything special installed. Vanilla browsers is what I build for. When people visit the site, ideally they all get the same experience... this new layout definitely fits that bill. I design on an iMac by the way... but I also run various versions of Windows and Linux and have emulation for various versions of iPhone, iPad and Android all on the same computer so I'm able to see things on a variety of environments. The only feature that isn't compatible with iPad and iPhone is the copy to clipboard function... because it uses flash and iPad/iPhone have no support for flash. But if the client doesn't have flash installed that feature doesn't show.

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Just to let you guys know... although, I guess it will be obvious when you test...

I've reinstated the re-test button. I've got a few messages from people asking me to return it... I listen to my users.


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Why does the movie 'dumb and dumber' come to mind ?

Just wait for it don't react lol ....

When the 'badguy' eats hot peppers , as he is sweating and ready to pass on, jim carrey and jeff daniels are pouring what seems to be the guy's tummy pills down his neck, they say ''' pills gooooood yum , yea pils goooood ''' :tongue8:

Yup retest button goooood :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

CA3LE-I like being able to go back to results farther than 60 days to look at trends. Thanks

I've logged results for about 270 days. My download trend is slightly up (about 10% better than 9 months ago) which is quite astounding given that Cincinnati RoadRunner must be one of the slowest RoadRunners in the country, and very up and down during any given day. My upload trend is flat at a whopping 0.8 Mbps.

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2. We no longer have the "Results" button available to allow quick copy & paste text from the clipboard into our running daily log files (in my case I use my email). I do see the note that "Results" button will be available soon. Why was it dropped?

Heads up... I rewrote the copy to clipboard function on the results page in v13 this morning. nJoy!

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