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So I made the jump to windows 10. I did a fresh install, had a time getting it to activate,but with google research, Finally found the right number, called microsoft, talked to some guy in india, but the guy was really nice, and he got the issues fixed. Kept saying my key was bad. 

I had done some research on windows 10 before I installed it, Did the custom install, shut everything off, Put in "startisback" Have two keys for that,one desktop, one tablet. It just turns your start menu into a windows 7 clone. Super happy, best 5 bucks I ever spent. Went with "ultimate windows 10 tweaker," Shut off more of the spy stuff, and put a few shell tweaks in there that I wanted. 

Really think Microsoft got this one right. Really impressed with it. So I got it all set up, backed it up with free version of reflect, and I am gonna keep a fresh install of windows backed up to. While yea, windows 10 will restore your computer, seems to take to much time imho. So if I need that fresh install, I will just use my backed up version. Over all. Pretty impressed. How goes your luck with windows 10???



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I went straight from 7 to 10 because I've seen Windows 8 and wanted no part of it. I like 10 except for one Windows Store "feature". First, I haven't used a Windows login on my computers in 13 years or so. Waste of time, IMHO. But if you purchase or download free apps from the Windows Store, you have to sign in to your Microsoft account. I've had a Hotmail account for a very long time, so that's not an issue. What IS an issue is after signing in to download my purchase, I restarted my computer later only to find that it suddenly linked that account to my Windows account and wants me to login in now. In Windows 8 and later, they seem to have also taken away the ability to delete the login password option. I don't want to have to login to my own computer simply because I downloaded a free CD from Microsoft. Anyone know how to stop this?

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To have Windows 10 automatically log-in:

  1. Press the Windows Key + R, then in Run box type in "netplwiz" and click 'OK'.
  2. Clear the tick box for "Users must enter a username and password to use this computer." and click 'OK'.
  3. Enter your Microsoft account e-mail address as the username and type your password twice to confirm and click 'OK'.

Reboot your computer to check if it now automatically logs in.

If you later change your Microsoft password, you'll need to go through the above steps again, otherwise it will bring up the log in screen again.  In this case, tick the box before step 2, click 'Apply' and then perform steps 2 & 3.

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From a quick test with my laptop, you can remove the Windows Account from your PC account as follows.  My files and settings (wallpaper, etc.) remained as they were before switching back to a local account:

  1. Go into Start menu -> Settings, then click "Sign in with a local account instead"
  2. Type your password and click 'Next'.
  3. Leave the username field as is and the password fields blank and click 'Next'.
  4. It will apply the change and sign out.  Click the avatar to log back in. 

I then tested the Windows Store by picking a free App and installing it.  It asked me for my Windows account password and then installed the app.  When I rebooted afterwards, it was still set up as a local account, i.e. automatically logged me in and no e-mail address shown while logging in.

Edit: I found something rather interesting - My OneDrive folder still works after switching my laptop back to a local account.  The main reason I originally had my laptop configured with a Microsoft account was that OneDrive said I must use a Microsoft account to log in to be able to use OneDrive, yet I now have OneDrive still syncing fine after switching back to a local account. Whoops... ;)

Edited by Sean
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From a quick test with my laptop, you can remove the Windows Account from your PC account as follows.  My files and settings (wallpaper, etc.) remained as they were before switching back to a local account:

  1. Go into Start menu -> Settings, then click "Sign in with a local account instead"
  2. Type your password and click 'Next'.

That could be a problem since I haven't used a Windows account password in the last decade on any of my computers. :huh:

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I'm a bit confused - From what I understood in your first post, your Windows account got linked with your Microsoft account.

If your Windows user account shows an e-mail address in the area pointed out below, then your Windows account is configured as a Microsoft account and the above steps should remove this Microsoft account linkage.


Otherwise I'm out of suggestions at this point.

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No, mine looks just like yours because I ran system restore. It's happened twice where Microsoft Store just altered my account, changed the user name and required me to use my Hotmail account to login to my computer. I want to prevent that instead of reacting to it.





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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/3/2015, 12:07:40, nanobot said:

My Windows 10 install has been really buggy lately. It needs a reboot almost every other day.



Nice pussy. 


Windows 10 is on one machine here, where the primary user does no 'wandering about' in 'places' on the net in which todays underbelly of social diseases require electrons to propagate. 


So far no complaints from said user. 

Myself however log an enormous amount of LAN traffic to and fro said machine. At some point I might sift through and see what exactly this thing is collecting, not really a concern at this point. 

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On 11/9/2015, 8:16:25, mudmanc4 said:

Nice pussy. 


Windows 10 is on one machine here, where the primary user does no 'wandering about' in 'places' on the net in which todays underbelly of social diseases require electrons to propagate. 


So far no complaints from said user. 

Myself however log an enormous amount of LAN traffic to and fro said machine. At some point I might sift through and see what exactly this thing is collecting, not really a concern at this point. 

it could be the p2p stuff set up by default??

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9 hours ago, starship_troopers said:

it could be the p2p stuff set up by default??

Could be. I am aware of how many hidden directories there are, and how wifi tries to bridge with everything around it, I've just not dug in too deep yet. I should get to it.

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If you're using a portable hotspot (e.g. mobile tethering or MiFi device), be sure to set Windows 10 to treat it as a metered connection.  Otherwise a 4G LTE connection will look like a high speed broadband connection to WIndows, which it will potentially use to distribute Windows updates.  This may also explain some threads I'm seeing in mobile operator forums about unexpected excessive usage charges when the user claims to only use the connection for e-mail and limited Internet access.


To configure your portable hotspot as a metered connection, first connect to it and perform the following steps:

1. Go into the Start menu and into Settings.

2. Go into "Network & Internet"

3. Ensure your hotspot shows "Connected" (if not, connect it)

4. Click 'Advanced Options'

5. Turn on "Set as metered connection".


In Windows 8.1, this was quite an easy task - Just click the Wi-Fi icon in the task tray and click "Set as metered connection" in the menu that appeared.  This should also stop Windows using it for Windows updates, which have been getting rather large recently.  I remember when Windows 7 Service Pack 1 seemed massive update at over 900MB and now it seems normal to get over 1GB worth of regular Windows updates on patch Tuesday.  Not something you want eating into the tiny monthly data allowances most mobile providers offer, let alone Windows then distributing these updates over it! :o

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On Monday, 26 October, 2015 9:25:10, philp said:

No, mine looks just like yours because I ran system restore. It's happened twice where Microsoft Store just altered my account, changed the user name and required me to use my Hotmail account to login to my computer. I want to prevent that instead of reacting to it.





Let me get this straight.... IF someone buys anything from Windows Shop, he/she bascially installed online-DRM for Windows 10 , like Diablo 3's server crashing DRM?!?

How is this ever a good idea? Someone should come up for hack for this, or something to completely remove Windows Shop files on a harddrive. From my point of view, it's Malware now.

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W 10 just did a major update that took almost as long as the first install. Wish M$ would get their shit together and put out an OS that was finished. I know my next laptop will be a Mac. Tired of having my time wasted fixing M$ fuck ups!! Instead of attracting people they are driving them away!! Rant over!!

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After upgrading to W10 I lost permissions to over half my movies. Figured out how the get the permissions back,m but it was a pain and took a long time. Looking around I found this program and it make permissions a snap. Its called "Take Ownership" If you have this problem I highly recommend it! It works with all OS's since Vista!

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web... damn the javascript in tbhis new board code is madly slow in opera. and the reply box doesn't work with javascript turned off. wtf


^ i know it's bothersome but isn't that the point of permissions, to avoid misuse of files by hackers or other people who may be using your computer? although it is weird that an OS upgrade would make you lose your permissions if you usually login with admin/root privileges

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37 minutes ago, StandsWithStik said:

web... damn the javascript in tbhis new board code is madly slow in opera. and the reply box doesn't work with javascript turned off. wtf


^ i know it's bothersome but isn't that the point of permissions, to avoid misuse of files by hackers or other people who may be using your computer? although it is weird that an OS upgrade would make you lose your permissions if you usually login with admin/root privileges

Keep in mind that java, and javascript are two different animals.

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3 hours ago, StandsWithStik said:

web... damn the javascript in tbhis new board code is madly slow in opera. and the reply box doesn't work with javascript turned off. wtf


Loads up fine in opera 33 on my computers.  


TestMy.net requires javascript for most things.  Add [*.]testmy.net and tmnstatic.com (which is a domain used to serve much of the static js content) to your JavaScript exceptions.  You should trust TMN by now.



Under Opera Preferences > Websites > Javascript Exceptions


Personally... I'd never disable javascript.  You're seriously crippling your internet experience if you do.  Nearly every site uses javascript these days to some degree... you may be missing out on much more than you realize if you turn js off for all sites.

Edited by CA3LE
changed to [*.]testmy.net to accommodate all test servers
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3 hours ago, StandsWithStik said:

I know it's bothersome but isn't that the point of permissions, to avoid misuse of files by hackers or other people who may be using your computer? although it is weird that an OS upgrade would make you lose your permissions if you usually login with admin/root privileges

I use admin/root privileges. Never had a problem upgrading through the different OS's, just W10. They were movies I put on a external hard drive from disk and converted to .mp4. Don't know why but it did. 

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