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goodbye terri.....rip

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Guest helloimtim

Haveing worked in the health care field for sometime the whole story just makes me sad. Let her go. Dont pull the feeding tube and let her go that way, Let the docs giver her something so she can go without pain and quickly. I have always believed that we should have the right to end our lives in cases like this. How sad is it that even bush and congress tried to stop it. They just dont get it. Sure we can increase the quanity of life but the quality of life is horrible. Just my 2 cents.

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The family on both sides has my sympathy.I personally think a year would have been long enough for this decision why wait 15.This should have been her husbands decision which by law it was(of course he should have taken her families opinions into consideration).I speak from some experience having 2 close family members die of acute Leukemia.

Without going into details this can be pretty bad toward the end.With the person with Leukemia being in a coma.

It is a tough decision to make to stop treatment but sometimes the right thing to to.

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David : I agree with you in there should be a more merciful way But this is the only legal way currently available.

.s1: Does that

oh christ...

mean oh no I have to hear this again or did I misunder stand.

[me=.s1]reaches for remote [/me]

I think I understand this it means time to change the channel so I don't have to hear it.

Pretty cold-blooded. Cholla

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Guest DruNk

she was braindamaged for 15 years and allowed to be starved to death for 15 days.  can you imagine not eating for 15 days?  yet Dr. K helped people that told him in sound mind and body to help them and he was put in prison.  i don't get the reasoning behind it.  how many more vegatables are out there that aren't included on fox n friends?

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Now their fighting over her burial. WTF! The husband won't tell the parents where he's burying her ashes??  Enough already. She's at peace now. Allow her parents to at least visit her final resting place. I know theres bad blood but does anyone think this is what Terri would want to see happening?? Respect her spirit and memory and end the friggin fued!!!

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Haveing worked in the health care field for sometime the whole story just makes me sad. Let her go. Dont pull the feeding tube and let her go that way, Let the docs giver her something so she can go without pain and quickly. I have always believed that we should have the right to end our lives in cases like this. How sad is it that even bush and congress tried to stop it. They just dont get it. Sure we can increase the quanity of life but the quality of life is horrible. Just my 2 cents.

yep...you started it off (this thread) and hit the nail on the head...give me something to take me out pain free...and...as someone else said (david, I believe) don't starve me to death and dehydrate me to death. They say (who ever "they" are) that starvation and dehydration isn't a painful way to go...I just wanna know how "they" know that...nobody has lived to tell about it. I just feel so bad for her Mama...to have brought her into this world and not be allowed to be at her side as she left...makes me cry for her...I'll remember her in my prayers tonite.

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. I think I understand this it means time to change the channel so I don't have to hear it.

Pretty cold-blooded. Cholla

not as it sounds...  just after what 13 ? 15? years of "shes alive! shes dieing.. shes alive! "  it get to the point when you DO just have to change the channel.

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Things like this happen everyday, just like the Laci Peterson story, slow news day and something gets blown out of proportion. Bottom line the womans spouse has power of attorney unless other wise stated and has the right to make the decision. If this ever happened to me my wife knows to pull the plug even though my mother would fight her tooth and nail.

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meh, i dont think this was a government thing in the first place. even tho the news portrayed the husband as the 'bad guy', i believe that the family shouldnt have been so keen on getting her to live. even if she snapped out of the state she was in, she wouldnt live a normal life. the brain damage isnt just going to go away if she wakes up; itll just make every moment of her conscious life miserable, if she can even feel that. the husband moved on long ago, and so should the family. this shouldntve been on the news; it is not a matter for america to decide- it is a personal thing between the family and the husband, and it is also no business of the government...

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not as it sounds... just after what 13 ? 15? years of "shes alive! shes dieing.. shes alive! " it get to the point when you DO just have to change the channel.

i agree with u about changing the channel, but more of because the reasons i gave in my post above. that and because im tired of rolling my eyes every time the story comes on.

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.s1 : I do understand about changing the channel  the media has really gotten all they could out of this .

I have only been hearing about this case for a couple of years mostly in the last 6 months I guess if I had been hearing it for the last 13 or 15 years like .s1 I would be ready to change the channel too.

I like Cobra's  point it should have been a family matter.I'm glad my situation was a private family matter.


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The Gov. needs to stay out of these matters.  85% in a poll said so.  :angry5:

I can speak from experience on this.  I had to pull the plug on a wife 14yrs ago.

She suffered a brain aneurysm and was brain dead.  I was fortunate that she had

a living will and her family and I all agreed on this.  She had discussed this

with all of us years earlier.

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Bottom line is regardless of what choice the husband made, there would have been protesters and the same finger pointing going on.

Lets change a few things: say for example the media discovered she was getting large payments from a lottery winning (as long as she was alive). The husband wanted to keep her alive.the parents didn't... now what do we have? Oh my...the husband want to keep her alive just for her money!

Abortion: what about pregnant women who kill a perfectly healthy innocent kid.....top secret never hear a word about it. What do we call that? ...I call that murder, why aren't they listed in the newspapers and on national TV ...how many healthy kids get killed this way everyday?

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fikester :First you have the right to put your opinion in this topic.On the lottery it would be paid to the heirs until it was paid in full.This would be the husband if there was no will that stated otherwise.But I see your point greed is a motivation for many things.

I think this is the wrong topic for the abortion issue  whichever side you are on.If you think this forum is the place for a discussion on this you are free to start another topic on it.Since this topic is about the death of Terri . As far as I know abortion has nothing to do with her. Cholla

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So yes I agree the government and media need to keep out of situations as such.

I'm not sure of the legal hoops about the lottery winnings, but sure there would be a scenario to where somehow or another the husband would not get paid if the paper work was not so so. Maybe if she won before the marriage or a group winnings etc...?

My point is people would be protesting and pointing fingers no matter what choice he made.

The abortion is relevant in my mind because in many cases its a perfectly healthy pregnancy killing or let to die an unborn child. Relevant to the topic with  a scenario of death where people do not get media coverage, penalized, or investigated. This happens everyday...never posted in USA  today or TV?

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