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This is right on time. Seeing all the "one word" posts lately were getting out of hand. A section like this will keep users focused, and the general forum will stay tidy and informative. It took some time for me to reach the 200 post mark (let alone 220) with authentic replies/starts, only to see a bunch of silly threads smack the hell out of good readers, and knocking them off the main page.

This will do the forum a great justice! Big ups!


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good move cable

but in the end guys why do post count

you look at some one nick and i see ho yeah i have seen this guy here and there giving this and that opinion

sure you look at the number but when i see a big number and i go hummmm not seen this guy before

well tell me a lot about that user

what counts in the end is not the number no matter if its a lot or not

what count to me is if i seen quality posts from that guy or not

but i admit some people just relly on post numbers

well probably they dont have much to do in life

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one more suggestion that it there way to separate these topic from other so they don't mess with the "Recent Discussions" what happens now is that these topic are always on top and other useful topics are below. What i had in mind was under "Recent discussion" and above "other Resourse's there could be a section for there post. and no matter how recent they are they will only be top on there on list but not main "Recent discussion".

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I can't beleive this

Although I have been registered here for less than a week I now realize why in my 10 years using computers that I gave up this forum crap,

[ insrt long lones of whining and useless ranting here]

[  and a bit more here.. ]

Cry some?

I know what I am saying won't sink in to any of you that think like him, but I thought I would try before I leave this hell hole.

Yea.. Damn us rational thinkers to hell.

Till then.........SEEEEEEEEEYA wouldn't wanna BEEEEEEEEEYA

Ya.. dont think much has to be said 'bout that.

[edited for spelling error]

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Omg i double posted :o

Anywho to separate any confusion for you folks who didn't come in and needless flame, well.. me as usual ( <3 )

- This forum has nothing to do with the games... actually at all. I brought it up as an excuse to move "off topic" topics to somewhere they can be viewed at a personals will. The fact of " posts dont count"  was brought on by a member yesterday who felt it was necessary to make 90 posts in under an hour to get his status as " 100.00 posts a day" .

~  My point being, it wasn't my nor ca3les intention to "censor" games from the forums at all.. Their fun and pass time.. Just needed a forum that suites it ;)

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one more suggestion that it there way to separate these topic from other so they don't mess with the "Recent Discussions" what happens now is that these topic are always on top and other useful topics are below. What i had in mind was under "Recent discussion" and above "other Resourse's there could be a section for there post. and no matter how recent they are they will only be top on there on list but not main "Recent discussion".

I basically like this a short box that had the no count topics seperate .maybe 3 posts long if thats possible not mixed in with the other topics.It was getting to where all you would see was the word topic & couldn't even tell what else was being discussed.

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okay...i think we can all just relax and simmer down...i don't think anyone would do this (post just for the numbers)...the games were a bit of fun...it just got outta hand...i too was playing...and realized about my post count and stopped...turned notification off so i wouldn't be tempted...we all like fu, ya know...i meant to ask ca3le as well about a way to stop the count increase in non-computer related topics...  :( but i forgot...i don't think we need to slam anyone...every member is a valued member...and what they say has value...

cre8tor: everyone does hope you'll stay...and share your knowledge and computer wisdom...the moderators of this forum...of this site...are very protective and loyal to this site and its administrators, and have the best interest and integrity of this site at heart...this was not directed at you personally...i think it's great that now there is a specific place to go to goof around and a place to go to get down to business...whaddya think?

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I could easily say he started this post just so he could get more posts, but who am I to say that.

[ even more useless ranting here]

Damn, I'm good. I made this thread to get more posts in the "posts dont count" forum.. 

" ...Just call me ...  00s1 "

too be honest, I'm growing tired of your embedded stupidity :-

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Not appropriate for a family oriented forum.

But the flaming from some pre-teen juvenile is ?

"just flat out told your sorry ass off"

Please, if you feel bold enough to stand out, get your facts straight and not 1 sided.

as for "CRE8OR"  dont worry about it ;)

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