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I have a Gateway Select 1000 (since 2000 I think?)

w/ AMD Thunderbird 1GHz  (replaced once while in warranty for dirty fan lol  :haha: that was nice of them ;))

512MD SDRAM PC133  (added some RAM was up to 768MB but one module died)

Had an ATI Radeon 32MB which I have replaced since with Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 (not much improvement but a little better  :mad2:)

Western Digital WD400BB - 40GB internal HD (the original)

added Maxtor 60GB internal HD

and Maxtor 5000LE - 80GB external to USB 1.1 (slow access...yuck need a USB 2.0 PCI card badly  :angry3:)

pulled the DVD 16X Drive (not burner)

and pulled old CD Burner (which died and was also replaced by Gateway glad some companies were good before the out-sourcing explosion to save a buck  ;)

I now have in their places TDK CD-RW Burner 16/10/40 X

and Sony DVD RW DRU-530A 8X Burner (I should have waited for Dual Layer Burners  :angry5:)

Also side note use 12" oscillating fan for cooling processor and HD's ect. (I don't trust my old AMD since heat was and can be an issue and their thermal overloads malfunction and burned out and processor subsequently melted down unlike Pentium III of that time period)

Here are my Temperatures with big ass fan and side cover off:

Motherboard:    23 degrees C (73F)

CPU:                26 degrees C (79F)      (CPU fan speed 4470 RPM)

Aux:                  22 degrees C (72F)

Conclusion time to buy a new rig soon...  ;):haha:



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Just built my latest system this year. Only thing I carried over from the old one is the 1gig of ram, IBM 40gig HD, and the ATI card.

My Rig:

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3700+ Clawhammer (Socket 754)

Mainboard: DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 250GB

GPU: ATI Radeon 9700 Pro 128MB

Disc Drives: LITE-ON COMBO SOHC-52x/32x/52x DVD-ROM/CD-RW | LITE-ON LTR-52x/32x/52x CD-RW

Memory: Kingston (PC3200) DDR400 2 x 512MB

HD: Seagate Barracuda 250GB S-ATA RAID0 | IBM Deskstar 40GB Ultra-ATA 100

Sound: Logitech Z-5500 Digital | nVIDIA MCP2-S 8CH Audio + S/PDIF (Coaxial)

Case: Logisys Arcrylic Clear (2xUSB, Mic + Input Out)

Cooling: Thermaltake Sonic Tower Heatpipe Cooling

PS: Logisys Glacier Aluminum & Arcrylic Moded Gaming 500 Watt

I want to get 2-3 gigs of really great low latency ram (OCZ, Corsair, Mushkin, Kingston HyperX) (2-2-2-5)

I also desperately need a better graphics card for this motherboard (ATI Radeon X850XTPE 256MB 256-bit GDDR3 VIVO AGP 4X/8X Video Card)

After getting those two things, I can easily ride the rest of this year out with it.

1st qt. of 2006, I can sell it and prepare to build a next generation system with all the fixins'.

Dual Channel AMD 64 chips should be really cheap by then. Not to mention ATI's new dual GPU technology will be polished.

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Gateway bought in 1998  :whaa:

Upgraded to P3 500Mhz (originally P2 450Mhz) FREE

384MBs of RAM (max)

Sound-Blaster Live sound card (originally onboard) FREE

NVIDIA 440MX 64MB (originally onboard)

10GB originally, added two 40GBs

DVD-/+R 8X (originally DVD-ROM)

Added 350 PS (original PS died)

Added 3 case fans (neon)

Hopefully I will replace this old machine this year.  :angry5:

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have had mine since dec. 04

Intel P4 2.8E OCED 3.4GHz

2GB DDR2 533 Crucal Ballistix memory

2x250GB Maxtor DMax 10 HD's

BFG 6800GT 256MB graphics Card

Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS


P4 1.7GHz

1GB DDR 400

2x80GB Maxtor DMax 8 HD's

BFG Nvidia FX5600Utlra

Planing to get a Duel core P4EE along with a nvidia Geforce 7800GTX later this year

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got it last year around this month

1st Computer

I have a Gateway 300xl.

Pentium 4  2.80GHz

512MB RAM (upgrade to 768MB RAM)

120GB HDD (added second 80GB)

DVD Player  (replace with sony dvd burner)

CD-R CD-RW Player/Recorder

Gateway 19 IN LCD Monitor

got it around november of last year

2nd Computer

I have a Dell Dimension 2400 (refurbished)

Pentium 4 2.40 GHz

256MB RAM (upgrade to 512MB RAM)


CD-R CD-RW Player/Recorder

DVD Player (added the one i took out from gateway)

Dell 17IN LCD Monitor

3rd Computer (well Laptop)

dont have it yet

waiting after my wedding (im already married through court. wife wants through church)  :D

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Purchase on Dec.24, 1998

Intel Pentium II MMX

40GB(upgrade Original 8.5GB )

128Mb Ram (Upgrade Original 96mb)

and a crappy 8mb video card still works

Still have original 56K modem, 48X Cd Rom

but I add a CD-RW like 2yrs ago. On Feb.a D-Link Wireless card.

Running WinXP Pro (its really Sloooooow) :haha:

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Built this box 3 years ago:

Case:      3dCool Tornado 3000 - 7 drive bays/ Two 6" side mount fans/ One rear exhaust fan

Mobo:    Gigabyte 7VKMP

CPU:      AthlonXP 1800+ / 3dCool heat sink & fan

RAM:      1 Gb DDR 333'z

Video:    Diamond Viper Pro7000 (old junk)

VidCap:  Broadway Pro 6.0/Ulead MediaStudio Pro

Audio:    Turtle Beach Catalina 7.1 Digital PCI/Harmon Kardon towers & sub

HD:          Western Digital 180Gb 7000rpm - Maxtor 120Gb 7000rpm

CDROM:  2 Sony DVD-RW/CD-RW decks

...besides reformatting at least 10 times, it has been a fine box...  :haha:


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My Oldest PC is an IBM ThinkPad 380XD bought in 1997 or 98 it has 128 megs of ram, 233 mhz intel mmx processor,  2 mb of memory for the graphics card, and a 10 GB HD. It is currently running SlackWare Linux 10.1. It's a bit sluggish, but works pretty good for what it is.  :haha:

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My oldest computer is a Commodore 64here are some specs & a link.I can't find a date on mine they were manufactured from 1982 to 1994.I found out they made a modem for the Commodore 64 I have never seen one but from some web surfing there are some people using them on the internet.


Microprocessor CPU:

MOS Technology 6510 or MOS Technology 8500 (the 6510/8500 being a modified 6502 with an integrated 6-bit I/O port)

Clock speed: 0.985 MHz (PAL) / 1.023 MHz (NTSC)

Video hardware: MOS Technology VIC-II MOS 6567/8567 (NTSC) MOS 6569/8569 (PAL)

16 colors

Text mode: 40

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VIC 20 - Commodore 64 - 286 w/ 2 5.25 floppy's (no HD) -- I still have the VIC 20 & Commodore 64 in my attic

My first REAL computer was a 386sx 33Mhz - with something like 500MB harddrive and 4MB ram (upgraded to 16MB before I got rid of it...) it wasn't even 256 color display only 16.. haha - no internet.. windows 3.11

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